IFC allocates funds to campus groups By STEVE FREDERICK Of the Emerald The Incidental Fee Committee (IFC) allocated $15,277.65 to five programs Monday in the first meeting of their annual deliberations. The committee approved 1976-77 budgets for the Asian-American Student Union (AASU), Action Now, MEChA, Peer Academic Counciling and Evaluation (PACE) and Beta Alpha Psi. Criteria for evaluation of the 65 programs funded by the IFC will be based on ‘‘number of students served, priority of service in student's experience, uniqueness of service (and) potential for effectiveness, compared with past performance," according to a “Framework for Program Analysis" drafted by the committee Sunday. The committee set down guidelines in the document for salaries, office expenses, events, SEARCH and University classes and special projects. Salaries will be allocated quarterly in lump sums and will be set according to “size of the program and responsibilities of the position." Salaried positions will follow a pay scale of $35, $54, $75, $95, or $105 per month. Work-study positions will be limited to $2.54 per hour for clerical positions and $3 for research assistants. Telephone expenses will be limited to $190.60 per year and the number of lines granted will be based on “how a program is staffed, hours of operation and past levels of use. Office supplies will be based on a scale of $30-$45-$65 and will be determined by "past use of supplies and the size of the program." Printing and duplication costs will be deter mined by “the effectiveness of the printed material in achiev ing program goals." The committee limited newsletters to two editions per term and letterhead and stationery to one color. Postage costs will be based on the "goals of the program and the priorities of the IFC.” Clutter from posters and flyers drew a committee broad side. "We recognize the need for effective publicity in the provision of quality student services," the committee said. "However, large quantity does not always equate with effec tiveness. This campus is absolutely inundated with flyers and posters. If all programs across the board produce fewer flyers, those flyers will be more effective." The committee limited flyers to 100 per event and limited posters to major events. Display advertising was limited to one display ad for a weekend event and two for a week-long activity. New programs, the committee said, will require more publicity than established programs. A minimal charge should be levied for dinners, cultural events and the committee will "expect programs to repay the ASUO 75 per cent of their revenues up to the point where 75 per cent of revenues is equal to the ASUO contribution," in cases where the event is fully funded by incidental fees. ( Continued on Page 11) Gaaun/, opMPJH own pd&td&! The area's largest selection of fine quality, healthy plants with beautiful foliage, plus... soils & soil additives fertilizers & insecticides pots: day, plastic. & decorative baskets & books grow-lights and much more INDOOR fiORDEN 1412 Pearl Open 10:30-6:00. Sun. 12-5 7 blocks West of Campus In ths big gold house s_/ D grade still evokes act'on By WALLY BENSON Of the Emerald The General Faculty will ham mer out the particulars of the D grade return today at their 3:30 p.m. meeting in 150 Science. At last month’s meeting, the faculty voted to return the D grade, but deferred action on how exactly to implement the change. Among items needing faculty action is whether course work completed with a D should be in cluded in the accumulation of credits required for a University degree and whether the F should be added to the grading system. The change likely to bring the most discussion is whether the 85 percentile rule should be aban doned in favor of a GPA system. The original motion, sponsored by William Lamon, teaching educa tion associate professor, included the clause which would switch to a GPA standard. George Struble, computer sci ence associate professor, spon sored a successful motion near the end of the March 10 faculty meeting which deleted Lamon’s clause and substituted the follow ing: "That credit for which the D grade is earned be excluded from the computation required by the 85 percentile rule." The 85-percentile rule requires that 85 per cent of all work graded A, B, C, D, P, F and N completed at the University must be passed satisfactorily. At last week's University Sen ate meeting, however, the body voted to rescind Struble’s motion and recommended to the faculty to consider Lamon’s proposal in its original form. Following the D grade discus sion, the faculty will act on a mo tion by biology professor Bayard McConnaughey relating to “a cross the board” salary adjust ments for any or all groups em ployed by the University. The pro posal calls for increases in salary or wages to be an equal amount for all affected personnel — not calculated as a percentage of the current salary of each individual. Decreases in salary, however, would be based on a percentage of the salary or wage of each indi vidual affected. McConnaughey says salary in creases currently are figured on a percentage basis, when the money is available, to meet infla tion and cost of living increases. He says those at the lower brack ets, who need the increases the most, get only a “pittance” under the present system. McConnaughey’s motion was defeated soundly in the senate, but he says he will present it to the faculty regardless. 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