OSPIRG campaigns for consumer center By MICHAEL KESTEN Of the Emerald The Oregon Student Public In terest Research Group (OSPIRG) today began a campaign to recruit student volunteers to participate in a community-oriented con sumer help center. The center, called the Con sumer Education and Advocacy Center (CEAC), will start operat ing as soon as its volunteers are trained, probably around the mid dle of next month. The center was established be cause of a recognized need in the Eugene-Springfield area for a citi zens’ organization designed to present local consumer problems to business persons and the Oregon Legislature. “State consumer help agencies and the local Better Business Bureau are flooded with com plaints which they can’t deal with adequately because of inade quate staff and funding, and politi cal red tape,’’ said Craig Quinn, one of three student coordinators for the project. Quinn continued, “There is a need for a grass roots organiza tion aware of consumer problems to mediate between consumers and business, and between the consuming public and the Legisla ture." The center will operate five days a week through the OSPIRG office in the EMU. There will be a consumer phone line for direct complaints. A consumer educa tion outreach program will be es tablished for teaching consumers their rights. With the phone line as their main link, combined with their fil « 2370 W.11th 30th & Hilyard Eugene • Cottage Grove i Oakridge u.s.d.a. choice Bone-in ROUND (in u STEAK Totinos Party PIZZA 88° 14 oz. SAUSAGE OR HAMBURGER 13 az. CREESE OR PEPPERURI Chicken of the SEA chunk light meat 6Vt oz. tin Grocery Coffee Mate Non-Dairy CREAMER 16 oz. *2” Purina Beef-Bacon & Cheese DOG FOOD 10 >b bag $259 Meat: PORK STEAK Oregon Grown Stewing CHICKENS lb. 127 Whole lb. 33 cut ups lb. 37c Produce: Spinach 5 bunches 990 Frozen Foods: Flav-R-Pac GRAPE JUICE *« 44c Variety: Gillette Trac II BLADES 9 cartridge *1" Kraft Macaroni & Cheese DINNER 7v4 oz 4/97* Viva Luncheon NAPKINS 140 ct. pkg. Chiffon TOWELS jumbo rolls Chiffon Facial TISSUE pkg of 200 Blue Mountain Jr. Mix PET FOOD Hydrox vanilla or chocolate COOKIES Cream Flake SHORTENING 45‘ 49e 49° $119 79' S-J09 Kraft Mild CHEDDAR jo 49 CHEESE loaf SPECIAL LILT HOME PERMANENT COMPLETE STYLE A^c KIT APPLICATION O I red radishes green onions 3 bunches ing system, operating procedure, and reference libraries, the center hopes to keep up on recurring consumer problems and existing legislation. Dave Tobin, another student coordinator who began research for the center five months ago, has found several reasons for the fail ure of similar organizations. "Consumer services fail most often in the areas of follow-up, consistent procedures, and per sonal contact between the trou bled complainant and the staff person assigned to his case," he said. “State and federal consumer agencies are too far removed from the problems of the individual consumer, and because of pres sures from business and political priorities, have a limited effective ness,” Tobin said. He added. "There is significant consumer legislation on the books. The main problem is that the average per son doesn't know about it, or how to use it." The center is seeking dedicated volunteers willing to work for credit and experience. Becky Kuiken, also a coordinator for the center, emphasizes that "previous ex perience in consumer protection is helpful but not necessary We are seeking students able to in vest about six hours a week in the center to monitor the phones, write letters to businesses and state agencies, participate in con sumer education programs, and present testimony at legislative hearings." All interested students are urged to contact OSPIRG in Suite 3 of the EMU or call 686-4073 or 484-9405. ^0^0/