et al Marine Corps to give trial The U.S. Marine Corps Officer Selection Team will present a mock court martial Tuesday from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Law School court room. The purpose of the presentation will be to allow students the oppor tunity to witness a representative trial that a Marine Staff Judge Ad vocate would be involved in. IFC considers budget requests The annual Incidental Fee Committee (IFC) budget delibera tions will get underway at 5:30 p.m. today with five programs slated on the agenda. Docketed for tonight’s meeting are (in order of scheduled appearance: the Asian American Student Union, MEChA, Action Now, PACE and Beta Alpha Psi. Location will be posted in the EMU. Under the scheduled delibera tion process, each program will be allowed 15 minutes to present its request and rationale, according to Jamie Burns, IFC chairer. The committee will then deliberate and deliver its decision on the budget allocation for the program for 1976-77. The IFC will hear requests from approximately 60 programs and contractors during the budgeting process scheduled to run nightly for the next three weeks. School offers Israel program The State University College at Oneonta, (SUCO), New York, is offering its tenth academic prog ram in Israel in July and August of this year. The six-week overseas prog HAIRCUTim to satisfy yei $4.50 on Mondays guys or gals HAIR FAIRE 1410 Orchard St. Above Local Loan 686-2544 ram is limited to teachers, under graduate and graduate students who can meet the entrance re quirements of the State University of New York. “Modern Israel" is for students who desire an intensive study of Israel's economic, social, political, religious, educational and scien tific institutions, according to SUCO officials. Six semester hours of credit can be earned by students completing the academic work satisfactorily. Dr. Yonah Alexander, professor of International and Foreign Area Studies at SUCO, will be the direc tor of the program for the tenth consecutive summer. Persons wishing further infor mation may write Alexander at State University College, Oneonta, N.Y., 13820, or the De partment of Education and Cul ture of the Jewish Agency, 515 Park Ave., New York, N.Y., 10022. County officials hold workshop More than one hundred Lane County elected and appointed of ficials are expected to participate in a one-day workshop on federal legislation for community service programs today at the University. The workshop is co-sponsored by the School of Community Ser vice and Public Affairs and the Seattle Federal Regional Council. Scheduled to begin at 9 a m. in 167 EMU, the all-day workshop will feature presentations by fed S.B.A. Campaign ’76—Brown Bag Special: ** TUCK UJILSOn ** Mr. Wilson is a Republican running in the May Primary for Attorney General. He is a lawyer and has served as Assistant Secretary of State. Come hear Mr. Wilson and feel free to bring your lunch. TODAY 12:30 LAW SCHOOL RM. 121 acssssxxsaaKSxxaotxsssxsaooraoaotssssaaottexaaaasssssssxs^^ & Maybe you don’t like to spend your XZnoontimes indoors? If not, the EMU Food Service Trailer would like to eat lunch with you. Jm Gregory Den ms Pfaft Greg Wasson Greg Clark Paul Waldschmidt Chris Story Bob Welch Bob Webb and Glen Gibbons ' Jerri) Nilson JoAnn Fahlgren Jefl Nielson Rick Bella Patty Farrell Lois Lindsay Brad Lemley Wally Benson Jackman Wilson Kale Seiga! Carl Bryant Susan Harper Ted Johnston Edtor Managing Editor News Editor Graphics Editor Editorial Page Editor Asst. News Edtor Sports Editor Entertainment Ednors Wire Editor Asst. Graphics Editor Asst. Sports Editor Associate Editors: Politics Admin & Student Services ASUO Gov't. & Agencies Features. In-Oepth Departments a Schools Community Production Manager Advertising Manager Classified Advertising Accountant Oregon Daily Emerald The Oregon Daily Emerald is published Monday through Friday during fall, winter and spring terms, except during exam weeks and vacation periods During summer session the Emerald is pubished Tuesday and Thursday during the ei^it-week term and on Thursday the last three weeks of the eleven-week term. The Oregon Daily Emerald a pubkahed by the Oregon Daily Emerald Publishing Co Inc., at the University of Oregon, Eugene. Oregon 94703. Subscription rates (1) University of Oregon student and faculty-staff subscription rates are based on annual contracts the Emerald makes with the Associated Students of the University of Oregon and with the Univer sity adminstraton The subscription rate is $3.44 a person (2) Special subscriptions for persons not m category (1) are available for $20 a year (12 months) or $7 a term The Oregon Daily Emerald offices are in Pie north wing ol the Erb Memonal Union. News/Editorial 686-5511 Display Advertising 686-3712 Classified Advertising 686-4343 The Oregon Daily Emerald is a member of Associated Press and College Press Service eral officials on legislation dealing with the Comprehensive Emp loyment Training Act, Title XX of the Social Security Act, Housing and Community Development Act, Health Planning and Re sources Development Act and the Administration on Aging. The program also will include discussions by local officials on human delivery service systems. Artists display work on mall A showcase of Oregon art and artists will be presented in Eugene April 9 through 12 during "Festival on the Mall." Co-sponsored by the University Festival of Arts Committee and the Eugene Downtown Associa tion, visitors will have a chance to see dancers, musicians, painters, crafts, and many more activities from all over the state of Oregon. All events are free and will take place on the Eugene Downtown Mall and in surrounding buildings. Some of the participants scheduled so far include poets, dancers, an opera workshop, a children's choir, jugglers, a bag pipe band, high school bands, a woodwind quintet, a string quar tet, the Earley Musick Pleyers, painters, mime and puppeteers. Center teaches speed reading Area residents are invited to en roll in a spring term speed reading class at the University. Open to University faculty, students and the general public, the class wiH begin today. The six-week course will focus on improving reading rate, com prehension, retention and recall. No machines are used in class in struction, but reading machines will be available for individual use. Offered by the Learning Re sources Center, the class for area residents will meet from 7 to 9:30 p.m. Mondays in 265 Condon Hall. A faculty class will be held Wednesday evenings from 7 to 9:30 p.m. in the same location. Class sections for University students are being scheduled on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fri days at 9:30, 10:30 and 11:30 a.m., on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9 and 10:20 a m. and Thursday evenings from 7 to 9:30 p.m. Registration fee for non University persons is $25. Univer sity faculty, staff and students may enroll for $10. For registration, in terested persons may contact the Learning Resource Center, 686-3226, weekdays between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Art museum exhibits photos Portland attorney Gerald Robinson's black and white photographs will be featured in an exhibit opening Tuesday at the Photography at Oregon Gallery in the art museum. • Robinson’s photographs have been displayed throughout Oregon. His articles on photo graphy have appeared in Aper ture, Popular Photography, Cam era and the Time-Life book senes on photography. He taught evening photography classes at the Museum Art School in Portland from 1962 to 1965 and was a lecturer at the University summer photography workshops in 1967 and 1968. Robinson, a practicing attorney since 1952, holds degrees from Reed College and Columbia Uni versity. He was a member of the Fine Arts Advisory Board for the Oregon Centennial and co chairman of the photography sub-committee. The Robinson exhibit closes May 2. The Museum of Art is free and open to the public from noon to 5 p.m., Tuesdays through Sun days. briefs INTERVIEWS The following recruiters will be visiting campus Sign-up sheets are posted at 8 15 a m Tuesday for business rilerviews and 8 15 Wednesday for edu cation at 2-46 Susan Campbell Students must tom m a resume a day be lore the interview Apnl 5-9—U S ACTION Peace Corps-Vista June grads, any motor Apnl 7. 12. 13—Prudential Insurance Co Oregon area Any degree candelafe interested in a career m personal sales or sales management April 12—Ockert. Incorporated A one-store retar operation m Roseburg handling housewares, gourmet kitchen suppkes appliances and pits Merchandising, advertising, retail Management trainee April 12. 13—Jefferson County School Distnct. Elementary and secondary April 13—University ol San Diego. Development Specialist program Bachelor s degree Anymaior Apnl 13—Metropolitan Die Insurance MBA s only April 14 Lincoln National Lite Insurance Business, marketing majors MBA. BA. BS April 14,15 — Electronic Systems Corp March. June. August grads MBA MS BS m math, compu ter science, or economics April 15—Reynolds School District. Troutdale Elementary and secondary MEETINGS Amnesty International will meet tonight at 730 at 1961 Onyx Si All interested persons are invited 1o attend For further information, please cat David al 343-2622 The Women s Studies Student Union will meet to night at 6 in the EMU. room lobe posted We will be making our official pokey decisions and planning future meetings and protects Everyone may at tend. even if you haven't attended before An introductory meeting of the University Karate Club will be held today at 4 30 p m at 1917 Franklin Blvd (across trom the surplus store) New mem bers. advanced or beginning, are invited to attend Bring loose fitting clothes or a gi if you have one to work out in Kankeiko (spring training) will begin today end con tnue through this week until April 11 Club mem bers meet at 5 a m each morning for two hours of conditioning, meditation and runnng so bnng ten nis shoes Anyone wishing to watch or participate «t both our regular practice and Kankeiko is welcome to at tend Regular dub hours are Mondays and Wed nesdays from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Campus Crusade for Chnst meets today at 7pm in 145 Straub to begin dasses on how to live and share trie ChrmtoomroHsd at* Woman • Referral end Reeource Serve* wVI hold men hrst organutikonaf meelmg ot tie term longht m tie YWCA Lounge in Gertnger Ha* at 7 p m All women are mmsd'o attend and gat involved CMd car* anil be provided MISCELLANEOUS Events planned by tie Fnendeolihe Eugene Pub ac Library in commemoration at Naronal Library Weak w*i comrme tonrght with a lecture by Unrvet sity Prof Wilfcam Handy, entitled Xeeeys Otier Cuckoo s Nett Htmtfy S lecture • scheduled lor 7 30 n tie Social Ha* Ol St Mary s EpocopN Church 166 E 13«i Ave Adrmsaion w tee JewiWi Student Union—HNel presents a lecture on Zionism and Hie Current Maleast Crisis by John Medved. Western Regional Director ot tie Amen can Zionist Youth Fedsraton Today at 12 30 si the EMU. room to be posted A 10-week educational treatment program lor families ol duldren (aged 4-10) witi behavior prob lems is bang ottered without cost by the Child Skidy Center at tie Unveraity For ntormaton cell Suzanne Gaughen. 666-4960 Make Inends witi an ctdar parson through Com panions in Acton, a program of recreatonal ac tivities n tie community Partiapams lor CSPA credit or as a volunteer Contact Chits or Duane at Campus YWCA. ast. 4439. tor more vitormauoc AV FILMS The following instructional rental Mma have arrived early Faculty may schedule them lor classes with the Audioveual Merka Canter betore230 p m the day before they are needed Students or faculty may request showings on a first served basis Mon day tirough Friday between 6 and 10 p m Films are not available alter the showdate listed below DATE TITLE DEPT 4-6 Development Ed Psych 4-16 The Humanistic Revolution Pioneers in Perspective Psych 4-8 Carbon 14 Biology 4-6 You Dig II Ettimc SI 4-7 Oio Awards (1974) Mkt 4-6 Nervous Control ol Behavior Biology 4-6 4 Butte Anlhro 4-6 Learning Speech 4-7 Laser Match Racine PE