Bicycles — the lock at the owner s expense Bikes will also be impounded if not licensed Don McCarty, chairer of the transportation committee and di rector of Career Planning and Placement at the University, said the proposal is a result of the tremendous increase in bicycles on all campuses People have been tying bikes to everything and the problem has been growing "The primary thing m my view is that all bicycles would be licensed, said McCarty One of the major concerns is the theft problem, and that could be con siderably curbed if bicycles were licensed McCarty also said that prob lems of bicycles blocking hand icapped persons is another con sideration in the proposal McCarty says the proposal Cnt out fora sliceof life. I Nomads watering their camels | • at a Saharan oasis. Gauchos I whooping it up on the • Argentine Pampas. Carpet I weavers working in the Grand | • Bazaar of Isfahan. Discover l lifestyles, traditions and beauty i J unchanged by time and l unknown to the average tourist, i • Cut yourself in on a rewarding j I and challenging slice of life i • with Trek Adventures j Cut me in. Send me the follow- ! I ing Overland Camping Tours I J and Expeditions brochures ! J □ Europe. Asia. Africa and the ! I Americas J □ Russia, Eastern Europe and j I Scandinavia • □ South America j ■ Nam*_ J J Addr*t>_ j • City- J J Slat*_Zip_ ' J My Travel Agent is_ J f-1-i m m Phdo by Jerrrt N«teon ( Continued from Page 1) could go into effect by next fall. However, it must first be approved by the State Board of Hgher Edu cation. The proposal will go to the Board following public hearings on April 13 from 12 to 1 p.m. and on April 14 from 3to4:30 p.m. The hearings will be held in the EMU. and the room number will be posted Wntten comments on the bicy cle regulation proposal may be sent to Don McCarty, P.O. Box 3257. Eugene, Ore., 97403 EMU Cultural Forum in conjunction with Mike Seeger & the Seattle Folklore Society present He LILY MAY LEDFORD 1976 AMERICAN OLD TIME MUSIC FESTIVAL LUM GUFF IN Tickets available at EMU Main Desk $2.50-U of O students & children under 12 $3.25-General Admission BALFA BROTHERS with MARC SAVOY & ALLIE YOUNG appearing with MIKE SEEGER Saturday, April 10 EMU Ballroom 8 p.m. Flu vaccine may be hard to get WASHINGTON (AP) — The drug industry said Wednesday it probably cannot make enough vaccine by next fall to protect every American against the swine flu virus that killed 20 million per sons worldwide in the 1918-19 epidemic. But C. Joseph Stetler, president of the Pharmaceutical Manufac turers Association, also told con gress there is no reason to believe everyone will want to be vacci nated or that the vaccine will be available everywhere. The four U.S. drug companies licensed to make vaccine can produce enough to satisfy needs, however, Stetler said, if remain ing scientific issues are resolved and if Congress grants the com panies limited immunity from anti trust laws and indemnifies them for liability law suits arising from the vaccine. Government witnesses have testified that persons who are al lergic to eggs should not take the vaccine, but that most other per sons should experience no more discomfort than a sore arm for a few days. r ti German reliable service for your foreign car. VOLKSWAGEN MERCEDES • DATSUN • TOYOTA GUENTER SCHOENER Bus. Ph. 342-2912 2025 Franklin Bivd Eugene, Ore. 97403 Home Ph. 746-1207 Sfwtiekb on campus DON’T WAIT! THIS WEEK ONLY! PANTS SPECIAL $5 OFF on any pair of regular price spring or summer pants. We are including the entire new stock. Fredrick’s Ph. 342-2320 880 E. 13th *Willamette Galley CyclecWork§ 663 East 13th 343-7086 Quality bicycle service at affordable prices. FREE BICYCLE CUNICS STARTING Monday, April 5th. 7-9 P.M. Simple Repairs Taught BRING YOUR BIKES Loaner bicycles available while yours is being repaired. 24 hour service.