mmnsmmm Student exhibits art Steve Sandstrom, Emerald cartoonist, will display this drawing and other paintings, drawings and lithographs April 5 thru April 30 at Clack amas Community College in Oregon City The one-person exhibition is open to the public at no charge and will be housed in the Community Center Mall on the Clackamas campus The center is open 8 a m to 9 p.m , Monday thru Friday, and 8 a m. to 6 p m. Saturday The 20-year-old Sandstrom has been drawing for the Emerald since fall term UNBELIEVABLE SAVINGS CALCULATORS, CB RADIOS, STEREOS & COMPONENTS E»do»« payment ,n Ml with ardor, or . ,» 20% with order, bolanco C O D PLEASE CHECK BOX FOR ITEM ORDERED CAI.CI LATOBS 4NB CB RATIOS ABB I1H FOB BANBI.ING AND SHIPPING CB radio Texas □ JOHNSON 123A |» I UST: $160 SALE $115.95 IS Instruments D SALE □ SR-52.$299.95 □ St 56.$135.95 □ «-51A.$ 19.95 □ St-SOA.$ 59.95 □ T.l. 5050 .$113.95 □ T.l. 2550 .$ 37.95 STEBEO BECEIVEBS QDpioimeer UST SALE □ SX-1250 .$900 $SR4 □ SX-1050 .$700 $469 □ 5X-950 .$600 $402 □ SX-737 .$400 $26* □ SX-636 .$350 $235 □ SX-535 .$300 $195 □ SX-434 .$250 $161 CRAIG 4101: UST: $156 SALE: $109.95 FAST * DELIVERY GUARANTEED Pa ratrtfcnti odd tatot to« t Add 3% lor Crtdit Cord Ordtni RECEIVERS Add 3% for Handling and Shipping (in s ui SEND FOR FREE CATALOGUE UST SALE □ 9090 .$750 $476 □ t0«0.$650 $422 □ ttl.$530 $344 □ 771.$430 $279 □ 661.$350 $227 □ 551.$260 $169 □ 331.$200 $134 STEREO WAREHOUSE 307 W. BEAVER AVE , STATE COLLEGE, PA. 16801 PHONE ORDERS ACCEPTED: _ 814-237-5990 IW»»8»f8 (Add 3% lor Crodll Cord Odnl Users seek advocate By JACKMAN WILSON Of the Emerald Relations between utilities and consumers usually go no further than monthly bills and last-minute payments. James Carney, assistant dean of the law school, said Thursday that creation of a utility consumers advocacy organization would im prove that relation. Carney spoke to announce the beginning of a signature gathering campaign to create a November ballot measure that would estab lish a statewide, public non-profit organization to represent the in terests of residential utility con sumers before the legislature and the utilities “At the present time the only voice the consumers have is the Public Utilities Commissioner," Carney said. The idea, Carney said, is to create a "voluntary organization, voluntarily funded whose "sole function is to represent consum ers ' in utility and energy deci sions. Supporters of the initiative hope to gather, within two months, the 46,235 signatures needed to place the measure on November s ballot. If voters approve the measure in November, they would be able to join the utility consumers or ganization for $3 a year. The or ganization would be managed by a board of governors comprised of one person elected from each state senatorial district. "One cf the beauties of this is that it wiH be outside the govern ment," Carney said. ‘ One of the problems with the existing system is that it's all in the government.” For their $3 yearly contribution, Carney said consumers would re ceive a voice in utility rate deci sions, a consumer-oriented lob byist in utility rate decisions, a consumer-oriented lobbyist in utility-related matters before the legislature and a “vehicle for communication on what’s going on in the utility and energy area. “If my instincts are rignt, Car ney said, “I think there is a great deal of frustration about utilities.” The way to relieve this frustration, Carney thinks, is to give utility consumers an organized voice. ^ffclill Tlic EateHsunment Itcvolllt MMlff Home Boa: Office and TELEPROMPTER CABLE TV introduce the Revolutionary Entertainment Package “Home Box Office is first Ron, M^jor Movies’1 “Home Box Office is Aon>stop Sports Action and Special Programming” “Home Box Office is a Fantastic Entertainment Value” “Home Box Office is Brought to Ton Exclusively by Teleprompter Cable TV” Ear dust 99^ We will install both the Cable and HBO Tonsave^9*96 Offer Ends April 9. Call 484-3006 Teleprompter Cable TV More than ever, your biggest csteitslsucat bargain! Offer good in Cabled areas only. Trenching costs & 2nd outlets not included. 990 Garfield, Eugene, Oregon