Nonsense reigns one day Around campus and throughout the state prank sters were in their glory Thursday celebrating April Fool's Day. Roy Williams, payroll super visor at the University, arrived for his busiest day of the month and was handed requests for immediate maternity leave by six female clerical workers dressed in maternity garb, in cluding smocks padded wtih pillows V. Witty offering abounded throughout the rest of Oregon. Paige Powell of the Portland Zoo said, “the switchboard was lit up like a Christmas tree" by 8 a m. Thursday with calls for the likes of Harry Lion, Red E. Fox, Don Key and Mrs. L. E. Phant. The zoo put on an answering tape that said, "This is the zoo. It’s April Fool's Day. Because we don’t have sufficient staff to handle the flood of prank calls, we have had to resort to this tape recording." By 10.30 a.m. the zoo had 370 calls. By 11 a m. the tape wore out. The University of Portland student newspaper, The Beacon, rolled off the presses as “The Bacon." It reported the signing of a 17-foot-9 inch basketball prospect—who turned out to be Bonro, the giraffe at the Portland Zoo. J Voorhees — (Continued from Page 13) Wilkins have been inspirational in the California junior s success "He really didn t have a techni que when he came here, said Moms, "just a good, long, fast arm " f LOST t FOWtD _OST SHOUT HAIR MALE CAT: Grey sloped «h>ie belly and l««l — Laurel Hill Hendncks Part Please leave message 688 4508 0448 8 FOUND BLACK FEMALE PUPPY neat Oregon Hall Monday While spot on cheat 344-0058 _ 0395? LOST SKMNY TAN AFGHAN DOG H lound please ca» 486 9080 0451 6 ( CWU1 CAME j DO YOU UKE sorting «xi*i *na« chSdren’ toe* day cate uarHei v naad your harp rmmnrtaiely Earn credit Conted E S C A P E 686 4351 EMU 327 EMU 133532 UNIVERSITY DROP-IN CHK.0 CAKE. EMU « inlormaaon and lesarvaiot* 688-4345 infant loddiar and pie school vtAngs days 3 month# thru elem gradM -anntngi and Pn vale Pay 13324 tin fCHURCH DIRECTORY j HEVGOO^MUsSnSw^WA^SCU^ION Sunday mornings at 10 tor the rrvsrc and morshp 11 15 lor the discussion tanl Sanaa unit Easier includes drama 'fnpro V salon A B-We study Fast Congregalonai Church 23rd and Hams 17133F ST MARY S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 13th and Peart Sunday Sam BCP Holy Euchansi 9am I amly Euchansi 11 am Hdy Euchansi 1N, 3rd and 5ih Sundays Momog Player 2nd and 4»i Sundays 7pm Solemn High Euchansi 5 pm Tuesday Campus Euchansi at Wesley Center 12101 In | FOOD & DRINK j MICK IE S DELICATESSEN <609 East tom Eugenes own New York Dak Salads meals cheeses sandwiches soups dunks pastries groceries pcrvcs twodmner spe cials rarity Monday Saiurday 17814 MWf GOURMET COFFEE ROASTED DAILY The Coffee Been Coffee Company 7465 Hilyard 110 West Broadway 17059 Ifn BIG SCREEN SPORTS AT THE LOCKER ROOM See an TV spoiling events al Eugenes Spoils Tavem Bud-Schkt; and Schktr Man on tap ak still ai pte inflalonpnces-35* Friday rvgbi happy hour 7-8 30 Sunday pool tourney 7 30-$1 50 entry $60 purse if lull-happy hours 9-10 X Sunday The Locket Room 711 Washington 0485 7 GOOTZ GARDEN of EDEN and Delicatessen Beautiful Food served n a tropical single Lunch and gourmet darners everyday Saturday A Sunday Breakfast rime 14 noon 343-0011.40lh A Donald m South Eugene 17757 HF FRIDAY: BREAKFAST KATE SULLIVAN LUNCH WENOY A ONE DINNER JOHN JARVIE The special is Calabaoles iMexican stuned rucchvu SATURDAY: BREAKFAST DAY ROE LUNCH JM MOORE DINNER KEVIN JOHNS and CARLA ROSE The special is Italian mushroom casserole vegetables and camp fish slew SUNDAY: BREAKFAST CAM NEWTON LUNCH DAVID RUPEE DINNER DAVID WINTERS. The special is Roach sole veloule and quiche HOMEFRIED TRUCKSTOP on 14th between Hilyard A Alder 13406 7 But with a technician such as Wilkins around, Moms felt Voo rhees would benefit immensely "Both have relatively the same stature,' said Morris, "I thought Dave could learn the Wilkins style of throwing, and it worked out well for him BAGELS aaget* and Cream Cheese 501 New York Cheese Cake 85* Grant Soil Pretiefs 251 Jumbo Dek Sandwiches from SI 00 Danish Krwgle 25 Buk Halvah lb S1 66 Gourmet Coflees-Cottee Fders. au types MCKENZIE DELICATESSEN incut to Mayflower Theatrei 782 E 11th Avenue Open 10-7 pm Phone 342-2071 CAFE GLENWOOO 7S< Breakfast 37 4* I w rkxifevard •t; 10 5306 4 20 ARROYO COUNTRY BOCK March 31-Apnl 3 at Miaphy and Me Tavern 13374 2 ( EVENTS 1 TUCK WILSON Cervfrdale lor Attorney General Monday 12 30-Law School 04272 ACTUAL PROOF Friday Sunday Apnl 2 4 Live Jma at the Eugene Hotel 04632 IRANIAN NEW YEAR CELEBRATION Come and erpenence Ancwni Persia y erven Dinner muse foe da nee chorus etc Data April 3rd 1976 Saturday 6 30 p m Place EMU Baltoom University ol Oregon Sponsored by tie Iranian Stidents Associated and tie Forewjn Stidents Organoaton 13409 2 ( EWTERTAINMENT ) TONIGHT THRU APRIL 8 Eqht nternalonal (Hectors capture the human drama ol tie 1972 Summer Olympus VISIONS OF EIGHT Showtmes 7 30 and 9 30 Fteduced admission matnees Saturday and Sun day al 2 FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 11 30 p m show only The husband the wile me erotic obsession WET RAINBOWS Rated X No one under 18 admitted 13404 2 MY MAN GODFREY A mov. 1 class*: starring CAROL F: LOMBARD AND WILLIAM POWELL Saturday April 3. 7 & 9 p m 177 Lawrence $1 Sponsored by U ol O YWCA 13370 2 The Anande Merge Society Preeanta START THE REVOLUTION WITHOUT ME Gene Wilder (Young Frankenstein! and Donald Sutherland (M A S H) team up lor a w4d spool of the French Re volution A dazdmg and sustained farce, which is a mad affectionate tribute to every historical melodrama anybody ever saw Wilder and Sutherland perform magi caty. -L A TIMES Saturday. Apr! 3 150 Science 7 4 9 p.m SI 133662 HORSEBACK RIDES Miles ol wooded trail Wmdgale Farms 998-6689 "Mac has given me positive support,' said Voorhees. “He s a source of reassurance. He s been there already and can tell me what’s going on.’’ Saturday, of course, it'll be just Voorhees. And some stiff compet ition EMU CULTURAL FORUM Presents Real Live Traditional American Music! See Catun Music Irom Louisiana with The Ba*a Brothers Ok! Time Mouniam Music with Lily Mae Ledford and Mike Seeget File and Drum featuring Lum GufSn John and James Mitchell Country Blues with John Jackson Alt tor $2 50 (U ol O students and children under 12) and S3 25 for the genera) pubkc Saturday. Apr* 10 EMU Ballroom 8 p m Don't Miss It! 13352:9 GARDEN TODAY! EMU COURTVARO AND OWING ROOM 4-6 p m No admission charged SCOTT BROWN will perform I D REQUIRED Sponsored by *>e EMU Food Servee and Program Office 13396 2 I-1 EMU Cultural Forum presents Friday. Apr* 2 A Sergio Leone film ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE WEST -in cinemascope A European s fantasy of America s fantasy about a mythological time when the tegen dary noble and pure-of-heart frontiersmen, cowboys and national builders inhabited the New World s Garden ol Eden Starring CHARLES BRONSON. HENRY FONDA. JASON ROBAROS. CLAUDIA CAR DfNALE and KEENAN WYNN 180 PLC $1 8 p.m. only Saturday, April 3 Burt Lancaster IN ULZANA’S RAID One man alone understood the savagery ot the early American West from both sides 180 PLC S1 730&9:30p m Sunday, April 4 MEL BROOKS’ Hilarious BLAZING SADDLES Starnng those aN lime favonfes. GENE WILDER. SLIM PICKENS. HARVEY KORk'AN AND MADEUNE KAHN. ISO Science 3. S. 7.9. 11 p.m. 13378:2 CLAFux GABLE & CAROLE LOMBARD in NO MAN OF HER OWN 1932 Friday. April 2, 7 8 8:30 p.m 177 Lawrence $1 sponsored by U ol O YWCA 13369 2 Saturday Market returns like spring The largest ongoing craft fair in the Northwest, the Saturday and Sunday Market, will reopen this weekend. The same types of handcrafted, homegrown and locally made merchandise familiar to Saturday Market patrons last year will be offered again, according to Kathy McKeever, secretary of the mar ket. The only real change from last year, McKeever says, will be ‘a major effort to give the Sunday Market more energy." McKeever says the new 5th Street Public Market is not likely to cut into the Saturday Market s share of the crafts trade. "I per sonally feel that it’s going to be a complementary type of thing," she THE GREAT DICTATOR In t>s Srsi dialogue Sim (1940) CHARLIE CHAPUH plays both a meek Jeweh barber and delator Adenoid Hynkie Bekevmg lautyiter to be a potent weapon. he successfully combined slapstick with slash ing satire Also THE HISTORY BOOK, part one of nne Our guide is re Rat m this cartoon look at history Ire— fo renr le s point of view FRIDAY. April 2 150 Geology SATURDAY, A^ l 3. 138 Gifeert 7 A 9 JO p.m. *1 Labor Action Commrtlee 133652 BLACK FOREST TAVERN 2657 Wtlamette 344-0816 Live entertanmenl five nvjhts a week MICHELOe ON TAP 11749dfn KZEL PRESENTS HOYT AXTON with special guest JONATHAN EDWARDS and introducing Katy Mohan Lane County Fairgrounds Audtonum Thursday April 8 8pm Tickets $5 advance S6 at the door Ticket cv "ri- c - 'nop Crystafship EMU Mam Desk Ever.tudys Corvallis Euger«. 13334 S0 EMU CULTURAL FORUM PRESENTS THE METERS and THE PERSUASIONS Thursday. April 15 EMU Balkoom 8 p.m Tickets are available at the EMU Mam Desk S3 75-U of O students $5-General Admission If you like soul and New Orleans funk, you won t want to miss this1 13397 15 ( PERSONAL 0y^r c r> c » r* *r dem CaMorna 94705 or Pres< . Berkeley 0373 6 GET INVOLVED IN STUOENT GOVERNMENT. Jon the Ert) Memo-^i Ur«m Board Investigate EMU pekoes The ASUO is an equal opportunity employer Womer ana m«nof-l»s are urged to apply Fill out appfccaton m Suite 4, EMU Deadline is April 9. 13375:6 OREGON FEELING ~FN~rP an ailt the Pnmal Institute F.n »nfom a* on write 438 West 8th Eugene Oreg 13159 .f. UO STUDENT INSURANCE is available spring term from Oregon Nall cashiers through April 9 WEIGHT PROBLEM? Learn to control compulsive eat*ng without feeling deprived Private classes *n behavioral method of weight control Phyllis Kan tor 344-5509 0358 2 REGISTER TO BE AN ESCAPE TUTOR at TOWNE CAROUSEL DAY SCHOOL. You II enjoy •land the k-ds would love to have you there 0359 2 APPLICATIONS now being accepted for 1976-77 Cultural Forum Pos»*ons Suite 2. EMU Deadline 5 p m . Thursday Apnl 22 13388:22 BOOGIE BLUES Rare Clothing Recycled and Custom Demm Lots of winter coats 342 West 8th Monday-Saturdav 12-6 p m DEPRESSED? U OF O Neuropsychology Lab is offering a 4-6 week treatment program for de pressed persons Fee writ be waived if required assessments are completed A screening test will be given Come to the Neuropsychology Lab. Straub Hall. 15th and Onyx Hours 8 30 lo 3 30 p m Mon Wed . Fn 8 30a m lo6pm Toes and Thurs 11 a m to 3 p m Sat 13387:9 1218 h & f 13218 4-8 The Checkered Players, a comedy group, will perform at the Market at 1 p.m. on Saturday. On Sunday, a squaredancing group and Friends of the Family are scheduled for 2 p.m. The market is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday and from 10a m. to 4 p.m. Sunday. It is located at 8th and Oak Streets in downtown Eugene. Most of the booths for this Saturday are already full, but McKeever says there have been some cancellations. Booth space is allocated by a lottery system on Saturday and on a first-come first-serve basis on Sunday. McKeever expects the market to be in full swing this weekend. “The booths will be full,” she says, “unless it snows. CHESTER TRABUCCO: Here s Hobdays sauce on your head 0482:2 ANYONE INTERESTED IN DOING extra work in TV commercials and movies should apply lor the Oregon Film Factory Stage III productions casting Me at 1712 Willamette Street 10 am to 2 p m Saturday Apnl 3 Application fee $1 0486:2 THETA CHI’S—Thanks for makng a special even ing so very special' LeArm 0489:2 LAND MEMORIAL BLOOO BANK DONORS NEEDED A Positive 7 Units A Negative 3 Units O Positive 10 Units: O Negative 1 Unit B Positive 1 Unit; A8 Positive 1 Unit Call us for an appontment at 484-9111 DEAR BASQUE: TWO years is a long t«ne Happy Anniversary Love ya. Pudge 0460 2 DtLDOYLE: EAT ON us this Thursday and every Thursday to come XX THE CRISCO KIDS 0464 5 C J.: TWO YEARS ago we met at Hendricks Park. (Two years of love & friendship with the cutest gal m the world . I Thanks for making me so happy honey My love always. F) G 0474:2 DEEP THROAT STARRING LINDA LOVELACE is comng soon Apnl 10th & 11#i Watch for it 04772 JO. MY LOVE FOR YOU is too strong to die Please dont close your heart for me Love. Mr Optimistic 04232 YOGI: WHEN YOU stand up you really stand high Thanks for the romp' HER 0456 2 ROBIN: You have been so kind and thoughtful lately You ve taken me out on dark nights (sigh) even when it was sleeting and haring You ve spent your few precious moments of free time dnvmg me to beaches and parks You never ta4 to prepare my evening meai and those treats you get me from Safeway They are DIVINE The Boundless Joy I feel when you come home for lunch & surprise me 't goes beyond my limited powers of expres sed Love xxxooo ZUBIN 0494 2 JAPANESE BONSAI 8 week course $18 MAUDE KERNS ART CENTER 345-1126 13382sb CHRISTIANS-Campus Crusade for Chnst meet Monday. Apnl 5to, 7 p m Straub 145 to begin clas ses on how to live and share the Chnst-controtted life 04295 DYNAMICS OF RELIGION, an inter-disciplinary approach to the study of religion, still has places available Participating faculty from seven depart ments m Liberal Arts Religions Dept Office. Chapman 211 13389:2 GET YOUR HANDS DIRTY AT the EMU Craft Center Spring workshop bulletins now available Registration Apnl 5. noon 13391:5 IF YOU START HELPING a child this tall, by next spring you could have realty made a difference in his life Want more information? Contact E S C A P «= 686-4351 32? EMU 13355:2 THE DOVE’S EYE IS OPEN . eicome Spring with a card from the Dove s Eye Mondav through Friday 10-4 1414 Kincaid 13368 2 nAiR Get to the root of it! Sain . ei nanent removal of unwanted hair Ptone hi-" an- lot free consultation Electrology by Mar an 1333o ia f'"'l* 11 Hlkir. '.VI-1-air > -V l- o .. E ' r '‘e- u'mi — jy --o 1J331 -