€t al • • • Class explores ‘natural’ health A class in women’s healing tools, dealing with various methods of natural health mainte nance, will be offered through the adult education program at Lane Community College spring term. Aimed at women, the class will include such topics as body rhythms and natural balance through an understanding of anatomy, diet, herbs, massage DANSKIN OPAQUE PANTYHOSE SPECIAL April 3 to SAVE REG. 2.50 pr. 2.15 3 pr. for 6.30 NAVY, BLACK, BROWN, RED, WHITE, BUFF 840 E. 13th FREE PARKING AT REAR OF STORE and yoga. Women's ailments, natural childbirth and birth control will also be discussed in the course. Barbara Ride will teach the 10-week course held from 7 to 10 p.m. on Monday nights. Cost is $15. People needed for safety group Lane County Commissioners are looking for three individuals to serve on the Safety and Accident Prevention Advisory Committee. The committee advises on in jury and accident causes, iden tifies potential areas of human hazards, recommends programs, solutions and actions regarding accident hazards, and advises on the Accident Prevention Educa tion Program. Deadline for applying is April 7. Persons interested in applying should contact Robin Paolillo in the commissioners' office, Court house, telephone 687-4203. Women poets plan reading The Women Poets of Eugene, a newly organized collective of local women poets, will give a poetry reading at Lane Community Col lege on Wednesday. Sponsored by the Women's Awareness Center, five of the group will recite original poetry, which is feminist in scope, during the reading at noon in the Women's Center in Room 221 of the Center building. Following the poetry reading by the group, there will be an open reading for anyone wishing to share their poetry. The Women Poets of Eugene was organized this year. Some of the participants have published their poetry and the group is at tempting to compile an anthology of local women poetry. Entitled “The Feminary," the anthology is expected to be published in May. The poetry reading is open to the public without charge. Child care will be provided. Health lectures begin tonight A symposium entitled "The Healing Arts" begins tonight with a lecture entitled ‘Health and Body Language'' at 7 p.m. in 221 Allen. The symposium runs through June 5, with lectures each Thurs day and workshops relating to the lectures on six Fridays Cost is $3 for individual lectures, $10-30 for individual workshops, $25 for the entire lecture series and $75 for the lectures and workshops. Aimed at “examining the non traditional approaches to health and healing generally considered outside the normal practice of western medicine" symposium topics will include Chinese acu puncture, psychotherapy and Healing, Meditation and Health, New Life through Nutrition and Herbology and the Human Body. The symposium is sponsored by the Division of Continuing Edu cation. Iranians to host New Year test The beginning of spring marks the Iranian New Year, Norooz, which is one of the oldest national holidays of Iran. The University's Iranian Student Association is planning to commemorate this holiday Friday by holding a Norooz celebration at 6:30 p.m. in the EMU. The celebration will feature Ira nian folk dances and songs, food, plays and other cultural activities aimed at giving Americans and other non-Iranians in the commun ity an acquaintance with Iranian culture. Admission is $3. The Norooz holiday in Iran be gins on March 21 and continues through April 3. It is celebrated in the villages and cities by exchang ing gifts, wearing new clothes and paying visits to fnends and rela tives briefs MEETINGS There wXI be a meeting of the ASUO Executive Program Board at 430 p m today in the EMU room to be posted MISCELLANEOUS Interested >n the selection of the business school dean? The ASUO is setting up a commission to provide additional student nput to the selection process Interested students see Peter Spratt and get an appXcation m Suite 4 EMU This commis sion win be tune consuming, appbcants should be aware of this A democratic non-rhetoncai sooaSst group. New American Movement, is havng an orientation today at330pm.. l414KmcaidSt People who are aitoresled in socialism or who have questions about NAM may attend Nominating appkcations lor Em sled Awards tor Distinguished Teaching are due Aprs 7 Id ler esled students who have not picked up applica tions can do so d toe ASUO Office. Suae < EMU All singers between 18 and 28 in Nevada Oregon Idaho Utah and Arizona are etgtole to compete in the Gregory Slone Bcenlennial Singing Contest Contestants must sog operatic or oratono solos, or Seder or other classical concert songs First pn/e is $400 AppScatons may be obtained bv writing to Gregory Stone, 2750 Sherwood Place Reno Nevada 8950y Appkcatons must be post marked by April 17 InstrumentaSsts and composers under 30 are ekgaae to compete tor a Gregory Stone Award wrto a first pnze of $600 and adrttional pnzes Partop ants must subnet (hex names by April IS Students considering summer study n Hama me able to earn secern units o< undergraduate ered« mlMMdu The program * ottered m cooperalon wrth H**a» P antic College Unwarsrty of Hawa» and East Wasl Comer Al course* are conducted in small samnar* tmaed to argN students and stress active-outdoor leammg Course otter mgs at elude oceanography stand geology cross-ctAMal psychology, scuba dvmg saeng sky dvmg. and expandng conaoousneas Enrolment is tunned Sas your campus travel bureau, or arte us an medatsty Resourt* Canter 364 Seaside Room 2012 Honolulu Hawaii 96815 Ecxarkar - A Way <9 Ida will be shown the afternoon at 230 pm a t» EMU room to be posted The Mm «nU feature the history ot tie Eck masters end Sn Oarssn Gross The Skylight 9 a.m. — 2:30 p.m. Mon.-Fri. emu new in the ramp up the Vegetarian sandwiches Salad bar Soups Jim Gregory Dennis Pfaff Greg Wasson Greg Clark Paul Waldschmidt Chris Story Bob Welch Bob Webb and Glen Gibbons Jerril Nilson JoArm Fahlgren Jeff Nielson Rick Bella Patty Farrell Lois Lindsay Brad Lemley Wally Benson Jackman Wilson Kate Seigal Cad Bryant Susan Harper Ted Johnston Editor Managing Editor News Editor Graphics Editor Etilorial Page Edrtor Asst News Editor Sports Editor Entertainment Editors Wire Editor Asst. Graphics Editor Asst Sports Editor Associate Editors: Politics Admin & Student Services ASUO Gov t & Agencies Features. In-Oepth Departments & Schools Community Production Manager Advertising Manager Classified Advertising Accountant Oregon Daily Emerald The Oregon Daily Emerald is pubished Monday through Friday during (all. winter and spring terms, except during exam weeks and vacation periods Dunng summer session the Emerald is pubished Tuesday and Thursday during the ei^it-week term and on Thursday the last three weeks of the eleven-week term The Oregon Daily Emerald is pub tired by the Oregon Daily Emerald Pubishmg Co , Inc . at the University o( Oregon, Eugene. Oregon 94703. Subscription rates (1) University of Oregon student and faculty-staff subscription rates are based on annual contracts the Emerald makes with the Associated Students of the University of Oregon and with the Univer sity administration The subscnption rate is $3 44 a person (2) Special subscriptions for persons not in category (1) are available for $20 a year (12 months) or $7 a term The Oregon Daily Emerald offices are in the north wing of the Erb Memonal Union. NewiEdrtorial 686-3511 Display Advertising 686-3712 Classified Advertising 686-4343 The Oregon Daily Emerald is a member of Associated Press and College Press Service &t «en/, g Owl fjQ/Xtds! The area’s largest selection of fine quality, healthy plants with beautiful foliage, plus... soils & soil additives fertilizers & insecticides pots: clay, plastic, & decorative baskets & books grow-lights and much more 1412 Pearl Open 10:30-6:00, Sun. 7 block* West of Campus In th* big gold houa* 12-5 _f