Phoio by John Johns Mac Court ‘doll-drums’ In addition to the usual registration-day armload of backpacks, time schedules, fee cards and number two pencils, this woman carried a less common piece of Mac Court equipment Pausing momentar ily to attend to more domestic concerns, she held her young charges doll and then turned back to scan the closed-sections board and the lengthening lines. Credits available for community work ESCAPE volunteers can now earn credit for working at the Community Center for the Per forming Arts, formerly known as the WOW Hall Sarah Stone, head of the com munications committee for the center, says from three to seven volunteers will be accepted de pending on how able they are Volunteers will either work in publicity and community relations, funding and grant writing or volun teer coordination. Stone says that all of the jobs require an ability to work with people, independence and some writing skills. Stone says the work could be valuable experience for people in terested m learning how common Convention seeks students At least a thousand students are needed as delegates for the mock Democratic Convention The delegates in the conven tion, scheduled for May 13-14 at McArthur Court, will participate in a spring term class. The class PS 199, will offer one hour of pass/no pass credit For more information, contact the PSSU at 819 PLC or call 686-4899. ity centers are established, funded and operated It’s only been going since January, so everything is at a fun damental level of development, she says Interested people can register at the ESCAPE table today or at the ESCAPE office in the EMU DUFFY’S WINE SALE '7:00-11:00 Red ★Whited Pink Featuring MARK CREIGHTON nth Aider emerald The coach is waiting (or his next beer. The pitcher is waiting (or her (irst bra. The team is waiting (or a miracle. CONSIDER THE POSSIBILITIES Call 342-5351 YOUR HORIZONS days & eve. 484-1993 Did you bother your bike this wait be there when REE LOCK isthe first bicycle tockmj s ystern to offer convenience and absolute safety The system attaches to the home crossmember and cannot be removed m loca position Cham retracts into tamper proo* case «nen not m use locks and unlocks m seconds' REBOCK N to lock morning? you return? • compact steel case bolts to frame • lochs and unlocks m seconds cut shatter and tamper proof %stems ORDER NOW' or* *14* post-pad Available only by mad from The Wilkams Company 370 East 11th Avenue Denver Colorado 80203 Mm *6 mms Vr fcwr? We're looking for one political activist on this campus. That’s right—just one individual committed to liberty should be reading this ad. Could it be you? We’re the Young Libertarian Alliance —the college af filiates of the rapidly-grouing national Libertarian Party. We're organizing YU\ chapters on every major campus, and we need a coordinator right here. Are you qualified for the job? The YLA coordinator must be someone who's dedicated to achieving a free society through political action. He—or she —will be re sponsible for establishing a YLA chapter, organizing meetings, rallies and demonstrations, and publicizing lib ertarianism. The Libertarian Party, though less than five years old. is now organized in all 50 states. Our platform calls for a strict respect for civil liberties, a non-interventionist for eign policy, and a free-market economy. Roger MacBride. our presidential candidate, is a non politician who recognizes that the Republican and Demo cratic Parties are entrenched, establishment institutions whose only goal is the perpetuation of their own power. The Libertarian Party is a new alternative-a young and dynamic political force that’s committed to indi vidual freedom and opposed to government oppression in every form. If you think you’ve got what it takes to be a \ LA co ordinator. write or call us collect. We’ve got a campus in formation kit that will get you started. And we II give you all the help and advice we can. One final word: As a YLA campus coordinator, you II do a lot of hard work. And the salary is zilch. But there is one small compensation: You’ll be helping to achieve Freedom in Our Time. YOUNG LIBERTARIAN ALLIANCE 1516 “P" Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20005 (202) 232-2089