I CLASSIFIEDS 686-4343 ) CLASSIFIEDS PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD AT EMERALD OFFICE 301 EMU EMU MAIN DESK UD BOOKSTORE STAMP C0UN1BI The rates are 10 per word the first day copy is admitted and 8 per word each consecutive day the ad is run without change There is a ten word minimum All ads must be paid for in advance The Emerald cannot be responsible for more than one day s incorrect advertising insertion If your ad appears m correctly call 686-4343 before 1 p m ior correction in the next day s issue Errors not the fault of the advertiser which lessen the value of the advertisement will be adjusted There is no refund for ad cancellations The Emerald will not knowingly accept advertise ments that descnminate on the basis of race color, religion sex or age CALL 686-4343 FOR ASSISTANCE THE DEADLINE IS 1P.M. THE DAY BEFORE PUBLICATION C FOR SALE ) THE BUY AND SELL CENTER 678 Olive Mi steal instruments, stereos, photo equipment etc , etc , etc 12692:mwf WHY DON'T YOU take some fabric home to sew over spring break? Andrea's 2441 Hiyard. 13309:15 USED: SMALL REFRIGERATOR, about 18 square: best offer; after 5 p m 344-5966 0317:12 THE WHO TICKETS: Best offer, call 345-4891 0319:12 SONY TC-350 REEL TO REEL-accessoues Also skis. boots-Must Sell for Quick cash/offer. 344-0640 Eves. 0298:15 TWO TICKETS-Who concert, March 24 Make offer. 344-0840, 342-3229 0276:12 '67 FIREBIRD, S350. EPI. Pioneer. Marantz sys tem $400 or trade tor good truck or van Call Nancy 687-4970 between 2 4 4 p m. 0280:12 PANASONIC PORTABLE CASSETTE recorder with AM-FM radio, auto-stop, sleeper switch, con den sor microphone AC or battery $50 Call Bob at 344-5496 "*223:12 LET BEST REST solve your mattress terns Buy factory direct poiy-toam cuf to arr size or shape BEST REST MATTRESS COMPAt Y 632 Blau : 3-0222 12057:tfn URGENT NEED TO SELL DORM CONTRACT. 686-6417. I'll pay $10 0137:15 '59 PEUGEOT 403. Best offer Call 942-5798 Runnng condition. Needs head gasket 0262:12 OLYMPIA PORTABLE TYPEWRITER. Mint con dition. Pica Type, $60. Remington Portable. $20 345-9946. 0217:12 COUCH-$30 AND SMALL DESK-SIS Both in ex cellent condition Must sen 485-8459 0238:15 MOVING SALE: Bed, $10: bookshelves, desk, $5: 66 VW Bug, recent overhaul, very good condition, $900/offer 484-0263, Debbie 0240:15 DOUBLE BED, $30. Wicker couch. $30 Leslie 343-1026. If no answer. 345-2436. 0269:12 COROOROY SALE 25% off on all Cor dor cry at ANDREA’S 2441 HILYARD 13306:12 1 GARAGE SALES ) GARAGE SALE ALL DAY SATUROAY. 762 East 20th Furniture and everything goes!! Starts 9 a m. 0285:12 1 MSTBUCTION ) SPANISH TUTORING-Native speaker for basic levels, reasonable rates 485-9459 (or Ext. 4979) Nidya, 216 Debusk. 0203 15 TAI CHI CLASSES WITH ROSAMOND (Pat) BLOK Meditative movement... a kinetic unfolding New 6 week introductory course near campus with workshop in country Begins March 17 686-1066 942-8044 0198 15 BODY WORKSHOP INTRODUCTION TO HEALING THROUGH ENERGY AND MANIPULATIVE BODY WORK SATURDAY, MARCH 13 344-4110 0212:12 GUITAR LESSONS Instruction in all styles by playing professional musicians Don Ross and Bob Staunton SUN SHOP 484-1486 12131 tfn Pane 14 ( INSTRUMENTS ) OVATION LEGEND ACOUSTIC GUITAR, with case, used 3 months. $450 or best offer 485-0931 018512 LEDOUX FLUTE FOR SALE, closed holes, excel lenl condition $100 687-9047 0169 1 2 FENDER SUPER-REVERB AMP. Perfect condi tion $345 ot offer Need, i-h 3-14-6559 02721? ( CBAFTSi HOBBIES') ofcRENITY WEAVERS 111 West Seventh Leclerc looms in stcxk Yarns books on crafts _12239 tfp ' FRAME SHOP ANO GALLERY Custom Readymade Frames and Prints Do 4 yoursell and save 40% For the p nee of the moldcng we ciA and provide everything At Mldgley s Mill. 687 2531 4th and High Now open Saturday 10 to 4. 12927:tfn STAIN GLASS-STAIN GLASS YOU DESIGN IT-I MAKE IT Guy 687-1587 0256:2 A FREE AND informal demonstration of LEATHER-CRAFT will be given ty Bill Gabriel of the CRAFT CENTER slaff. this Thursday (March 12th) from 2:00-3:30 Come down and see us'nlhe lower level of the new EMU 13288 12 ( PHOTOGRAPHY ) DARKROOM AND STUDIO RENTAL 410 Pearl 343-2423 12011 l,n ZOOM LENS YASHICA with a Pentax-thread mount, f/4.5.75-230 mm lens in excellent, unused condition Can Charlie at 344-3675 or 686-3730 and leave a message 0245 :i 5 MINOLTA 35mm, manually adjustable & automa tic. light meter $45 343-2897 0290:12 C BOOKS & SUPPLIES j 20.000 USEDB OOKS all selling ' i or less of pub lished puce Textbooks Cliff Notes. Magaznes USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 1233 ALDER 12036ttr —— — 1 TYPING j EXPERIENCED TYPIST. THREE blodis from campus. Correcting Selectric 344-0759 13290:!fn TYPING-FAST-ACCURATE. 50c per page Rush service available. Also theses, choice of typewriters. Sandy 343-5251. 13041 I3tfn TYPING IN MY home Mrs Armstrong 342-4684 fedPfeftteNfcEO SEfcrtEtAftV to, 'typing needs IBM Correcting Selectric Graduate approved Carolyn Sherrell 344-7231 -12843 ifr ( SKI STUFf j X-COUNTRY SKIIS Bronna. 190cm. Lignoslone edges, cable bndings. poles Used once! Excellent condition $40 or besi otter 345-6533 0271 15 NEW X-COUNTRY SKI BOOTS (Jette TUV Langreen) Used twice. $20 Bob. 686-0781 0216:12 FOR SALE: Lange boots, size 7 and Head sks. Karyn 344-4867 0292:12 ( BICYCLES ) NATIONAL CYCLE SERVICE Jeunet 25 pound French Premier 10-tpeed $99.88 Paris and service lor all bikes one hour. never more than 24! Compare our prices save your money Sale Ends Match 20th 9-9 daily 9-6Sunday 13th and Charnelton 686-8500 13264 15 COLLIN S CYCLE SHOP 342-4878 60 East 11th Dealers for Raleir^v Peugeot and Centunan 12049'* MITZUTANI SPORT, $75 687 9735 lie. #504040 0323 15 f CARS & CYCLES 1974 VO LKSWAGEN BEETLE, ski rack, excellent condition. Best otter, 688-4018 after 5 p.m 0232 12 ’72 MAZDA RX-2 with AM/FM 8-track cassette Call 345-3746 0257:31 1970 KARMAN GHIA. good condition 688-2993 after 5 p.m. 0310 15 '66 CHEVY IMPALA. Good condition 283 luloma tic, $425 344-6537 evenings and weekends 0311 15 63 PLYMOUTH Valiant $350. 3-speed. 6 cylin ders Phone 687-2106 after 6 p m 0283:15 ( AUTO REPAIR ) CHUCK’S AUTO SERVICE FOREIGN CAR SPECIALIST Complete maintenance and repair service 1938 West 8lh 345-7785 PRECISION FOREIGN AUTO SWEDISH CAR SPECIALIST Saab Volvo ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL—Major Tune-up any l •» $ j7 50 including parts and laboi 1985 West 7th 344-2277 or DIG CARS 13165 ‘ J.B. ENGINE SERVICE 1975 West 7th Custom engine and transmission rebuilding < parts for Volkswagens 342-3952 12070 *ti ( RIDES & RIDERS ) HELP!!! Ride needed to BAY AREA March 18lh or 19th Share gas. driving and conversation Call Tina. 686-5511 days. 345-2281. evenings 0314 15 ONE GEMINI WOMAN desires ride lo Bay Area. March 15th. p m or 16th. a m Share gas. conver salon Call 344-4867 0249 12 NEED RIDE FOR TWO to L A March 17th Share gas and driving Call 687-9674 around dimer 0258 12 RIDE NEEDED TO SAN FRANCISCO. Leave Wednesday. March 17 alter 5 p m Will share driv ing and gas costs Call 485-9591 tor Shelley Keep trying 0266 12 RIDE NEEDED TO NEW MEXICO. March 18 Sharegas and driving 343-360/ 0270 15 RIOE NEEDED: To Minneapolis or near city CaH Colled alter 5 p m 271-2827 0233 15 ( TRAVEL ) PLANNING A TRIP this Spring Break? Or going home? Go GREYHOUND. Ask lor tickets and n formation at the Main Desk Ext 4362 13287 15 ( WANTED ) WANT TO BUY only male sngte dorm con tract lor Spring Term Contact Ray 1436 Alder Street. #42 0244 12 (HELP WANTED j FOR THAT WARM COMPLETELY satisfying feel ing. become a volunteer in the Red Cross School Health Aide Program For more information, call 687 3472. 13297 15 OREGON STATE BOARD of Higher Education is seeking students interested in serving on the Board Interested s tudents should contact Mark Cogan in Suite 4. EMU. 686-3724 for information and applications Deadkne March 15 13277 12 WORK STUDY POSITION open lor bright im aginative person interested in office management 15-20 hours per week at $2 80 an hour Must be work study certified Come m and apply you • be glad you M Applications accepted until March 12 at the P A C E Office Suite 1 EMU It ext 3802 PACE is an equal opportunity employer Women 8 Minorities are encouiaged to apply 13270 12 HANDICAPPED STUDENT REQUIRES live in housekeeper Room and board plus salary $200 Call John 687-275 ' 0005 12 PARTTIME FULLTIME SALESPEOPLE experience not necessary—we will train Cai essential Kirty Company 484 9555 12035 tin 2 PARENT FAMILIES with nonprohlem children ages 4-12 Earn up to $40 n research involving child observation Call Child Study Center 686-4960. weekdays 8-12. 1-5 13263 12 WANTED: ENERGETIC, ACTIVE student to Ml EMUB vacancy Volunteer position Applications may be picked up in Suite 4 The ASUO is an affirmative Action employer Mnonties and Women are urged to apply Deadline is March 15 at 5 p m 13300 12 CHILD CARE-work study positions aval Spring Term Prior exp with infants/toddlers preferred Day-evenina-weekend opqpings University Drop In Child Care. EMU 11. Rm #71 Come in now lo discuss scheduling or work time and submit re sume with name, address, phone no . related work exn. 13303 15 (roommate wanted) FEMALE TO SHARE QUAINT TWO bedroom house with open-minded male $70 and utilities Richard. 344-1192 0315:12 NEED ROOMMATE. GOOO location Mill Race Apartment, #20 $62 343-7375 0316:12 NEEDED-Male non-smoking quiet roommate Pre ferable grad student Large two-bedroom apart ment in South Eugene $85/month Call 345-0863 0320:15 ROOM IN PRIMO house beginning Spring Term Call 484-0026 0160 12 ROOMMATE TO SHAPE thiee bedroom apart ment ij blocks from campus $75 per month Call John 687-2969 0162:12 NON-SMOKING FEMALE lo share house Own room unfurnished $55 plus ulilnies Call Peggy 343-2180 or Gil. 686-4956 0145 15 SHARE HOUSE AND COST, two bedroom pels allowed, large yard Contact Bill 485-0609 5047 12 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. Own room in 2-bedroom house Call 344 5530 0170 12 COMFORTABLE HOME 1 z-block (torn campus needs Iwo roommates $72 50 per month plus utilities Call 342-2555 0260 12 CALL 345-9858 WANTED: TWO ROOMMATES near U ol O TWo bedrooms lurmshed including heal, $62 50 each Available soon 13299 15 URGENT: DORM CONTRACT lor sale $30 toward deposit Phone 686-6409 or 484-1451 0227 15 r FOB BENT ) ONE BEDROOM FURNISHED, pool Three blocks from campus $130 344-7713 073 12 FURNISHED APARTMENT. SUB-LEASE APRIL 1st to August 31 Dishwasher Fireplace One block from library Other economic benefits Call 344-0722 alter 6 p m 0279 15 COOPERATIVE HOUSING AVAILABLE.' ? block from campus $95 per monlh including room board ijtties. telephone extras Campbell Club (co-ed) '^arr Tower and Unrversity House (women) Contact Sharon, ext 4125 0333 15 TWO BEDROOM FURNISHED APARTMENT Nice, clean One block from campus $159 344-1275 0308 15 $20 A NO A CASE OF BEER are yours il you H lake my dorm contract lor spring term 344-8680 (even mgs) 0126 15 CALL 343-9917 Near U of O One bedroom lurmshed apartment Heal water and garbage furnished Available soon 13312 15 FURNISHED APARTMENTS, one and two bed rooms, excellent condition Redecorated new up holstry new mattresses some extra long 1815 Kincaid 13313 12 I WILL PAY YOU $20 io buy my Spring dorm con trad Call 686-6366 0190 12 DORM CONTRACT FOR SALE. Male oi female Call Jim Exl 4258 Leave message 0191 15 $25 IS YOURS! Just lake my doim contrad I m desperate Call Mike. 485-9051 oi Ext 5375 Room 103 (or leave message) 0192 15 QUAD AVAILABLE (male untl) nice Quad good people. $85 1728 Ferry Street #10. 345-1213 0193 12 LARGE FURNISHED ONE bedroom apartment lor rent, o Mocks Itom campus $140 month Ava4 able April 1st. call alter 5 p m 343-6392 0180 15 DORM CONTRACT: Spring term Please take it over Call Stan extenton 5369 0210 12 WONDERFUL, LARGE CARPETED ONE BED ROOM furnished apartment near 17th & Hilyard $145 343-4992 13271 12 ONE BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE—lur mshed dishwasher one block from campus-$167 50- 343-4186 020931 TWO BEDROOM FURNISHED apartment lor rent Black stone Manor #7 344-0471 0205 12 UNIVERSITY INN CONTRACT lor sale Available now lor Spring term Call Pam 686-6068 0161 12 QUADS— $85 No lease quiet furnished utilities paid an con drtioned refrigerators parting 430 East 15th 345-1691 0174 30 $15 IF YOU BUY my dorm contract Call Bob Room 208 Cloran or 485-9483 0134 12 DESPERATE AVAILABLE SPUING BREAK. One bedroom furnished apartment Water garbage paid swimmmg pool clean Check it out $145 plus deposit 1515 Hilyard #25 0139 15 AVAILABLE NOW—S190 month Furnished two bedroom apartment Call 34 6 7538 0089 12 QUADS Paid Utilities Laundry Facilities $90 & $110 1810 Harris 686-2470 12984 tin TWO BEDROOM FURNISHE0 APARTMENT Available April 1st Close 342-4264 S195 monlh 0152 15 HOUSE HUNTIN? Lei u6 do the leg work ~We have houses duplexes, apartments and mobile homes Call Rental Housing 484-1885 RENTAL HOUSING 1653 WILLAMETTE __ 13283 2 DORM CONTRACT FOR SALE. Cal Lisa Adkns 686-6565 0219 10. 12. 15 $85 MONTH Pnvate. furnished quad room Utilities included, no lease required 687-0505. 687-8328 12643 tin TRIAD—$95 Unique design with large living room close la ca'1 pus 687-9265 or 343-1477 11934 Mr, ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT, S130 month Tree at 957 H ilyard #12. call 686-8006 0114 30 REWARD: $10 IF you buy my con if act. m ale, or temale Call Tern ext 5355 0116 12 MOBILE HOME DWELLERS ^pace available for all size homes at Meadow Lane Mobile Estates Shod drive from campus From $65 5335 Mam, Springfield 747-4919 13266 12 QUADS - $85/month Vi t ,isi' remi''**"■ tuinisnrro utilities included ,t, r , ry pdikino available Close to campus 1360 Alder SI 466-0791 464-0804 12812 Ifn OUAOS PRIVATE BATH Vj block oil campus All utilities paid laundry and paring available 738 East 161b Manager tt I 687 1190 13160 tin DORM CONTRACT —Spnnq Term Shnree 485 9190 room 305 or leave message 0034 12 S25 IF YOU BUY my dorm contract Call Bob at Room 208 Ctoran or 485-9483 0134 12 2-3 BEDROOM PARTLY FURNISHED HOUSE, loft, sauna, lamtly/sludio room, deck fireplace view, woodsy, garden area, possible darkroom 3 miles to campus One year lease $285/mo nth 686-8075 0243 15 SHARE MOOERN CLEAN HOME. CARPETED CLOSE-lown. UO Kitchen privileges utilities $85 month 345-7851 13294 15 BEAUTIFUL 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT curnished pool $190 month 15th and Alder-343-2091 0163 12 GRATIS FREE TO GOOD HOME, neutered black lab shepherd mu Loveable needs affection and alien ion 688 4018 after 5 pm 0143 12 SPAYED FEMALE 1-year old Tabby Good naiured Needs good home Can 686-3151 ash for Barbara, days 0195 12 FREE: PARAKEET-Ughi blue with yellow head very friendly-young 342 8697 after 6pm 0335 15 TWO GOLDEN MANTELLED GROUNO SQUIR RELS Free to good home Leslie 343 1026 o» 345-2436 0268 12 ( j GOLDEN RETREIVER. male gtve away to good home Preferable m the country CaH 942 5798 0263 12 free TO GOOO HO ME-lovable Weymarmer ,r~ 9 pup 688-4018 after 5 p m 0144 12 f LOST & F0UMD LOST F RIO A ¥ Bn OWN suede wallet conianng gold welch Please return' Chris 485-8421 0220 12 REWARD t$ lor green yellow kml hat Lost west sOe ot campus Ale* 342-2989 0313 15 FOUNO: TURQUOISE AND SILVER NECKLACE on Tuesday March 2nd Describe to claim Contact Juanita. 485-9652 0300 15 LOST: FOLDING BUCK HUNTING KNIFE Ai Basketball count across I mm Bean Sunday Feb 29th Reward1 Contact Juanita rm 212 Henderson 485-9652 0299 15 FOUNO: CASSETTE RECORDER Allen Hall las) week Cal 686-3738 0239 12 ( CHILD CAM- ) MORNING SUN CHH.DCARE Daycare Coop Nursery Convenient n Glenwood CSD approved Openng March 29 Call 747 0950 0248 15 (CHURCH DIRECTORY) HEY! GOOO MUSIC ANO GREAT DISCUSSION Sunday mornings al 10 lor the nsjsrc and wotshp 11 15 lor the discussion Firs! Congregational Church 23rd and Harris Lent Series until Easier Includes drama improvi sation 8 Bible study 17133 F ST MARY S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 13th and Pearl Sunday 8 a m -BCP Holy Eucharist 9 a m -Family Eucharist 11am -Holy Eucharist 1st. 3rd and 5!h Sundays Morning Prayer, 2nd and 4th Sundays 7pm -Solemn High Eucharist Campus Euchanst at Wesley Center 5pm Tuesday 12101 In ( FOOD & DRINK ) CAFE GLENWOOD 75c Breakfast 7am 3pm 3758 Franklin Boulevard 74 7-9610 5308 4 20 GOURMET COFFEE ROASTED DAILY The Coffee Bean Coffee Company 2465 H ilyard 110 West Broadway 12059 ifn THE BAVARIAN 444 E 3rd 345-9815 German food luncheons and dinners reasonable prices. Banquet room up »o 50 people for dinners and 'or music Roaming violin players Fndaya nd Saturday nights during dinner hours 12924 rfn