CLASSIFIEDS 686-4343 CLASSIFIEDS PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD AT EMERALD OFFICE 301 EMU EMU MAIN DESK UD BOOKSTORE STAMP COUNTS! The rates are 10 per word the first day copy is admitted and 8 per word each consecutive day the ad is run without change There is a ten word minimum All ads must be paid for m advance The Emerald cannot be responsible for more than one day s incorrect advertising insertion If your ad appears in correctly cal 1606-4343 before 1 p m ,'or correction in the next day s issue Errors not the fault of the advertiser which lessen the value of the advertisement wifi be adjusted There is no refund for ad cancellations The Emerald will not knowingly accept advertise ments that descriminate on the basis of race color religion, sex or age. CALL 686-4343 FOR ASSISTANCE THE DEADLINE IS 1P.M. THE DAY BEFORE PUBLICATION j FOR SALE ) LANGE BOOTS WOMEN, size 6-7 Used three months. Excellent condition, $40 344-5094 0101:10 LET BEST REST solve your mattress problems Buy factory direct poly-foam cuT to any size or shape BEST REST MATTRESS COMPANY 632 Blair 343-0222 12057:tfn WEDDING DRESS, never worn. $75 Size 9 10 Call 746-2470. evenings. 0166:10 URGENT NEED TO SELL DORM CONTRACT 686-6417. I'll pay $10. 0137:15 FULL SIZE NORGE REFRIGERATOR, good con diton. brown $75 342-3128 0153:10 ( ntsTBucnoM ) LEARN TO FLY. Aqune a skill that will broaden your horizons Days, evenings. 484-1993 0055 10 GUITAR LESSONS Instruction m all styles by playing professional musicians -Don Ross and Bob Staunton SUN SHOP 484-1488 12131 tfn Guitar/Plano Any style all ages, 10 years experience Theory, finger picking John Shah ey 747-5926 _10678:11 1 INSTRUMENTS ) LEDOUX FLUTE FOR SALE, closed holes, excel lent condition. $100 687-9047 0169 12 ( RECORDS & TAPES ) LARGEST LOCAL SELECTION OF Christian Music and messaqes on records eight-track and cassettes Berean Church Supply. 1675 West 11th. 344-2229 10012:sb l SOWD SYSTEMS ) ONE GARRARD 40B TURNTABLE with cartridge S25 One rear bike wheel with Alpine Sprodr et lube & tire, $10 See at 1261 Alder #8 0142 10 ULTRA LINEAR 150 speakers Excellent condi tion $85 or best offer Phone 345-5182 0118:11 ( CRAFTS & HOBBIES j oERENITY WEAVERS 111 West Seventh Leclerc looms in slock Yarns, books on crafts __12239 tfn FRAME SHOP AND GALLERY Custom Readymade Framee and Prints Do * yourself and save 40% For the p nee of the molding we ciA and provide everything At Mtdgleyl Mill. 687-2531 4th and High Now open Saturday 10 to 4. 12927: tin f~PH0T0BRAPHY ) NEW! BLACK OLYMPUS OM-1MO. 50mm f/1.8 Accessories $300 687-1978 5:30 0128:12 DARKROOM AND STUDIO RENTAL 410 Pearl 343-2423 12011 tfn 1 BOOKS & SUPPLIES ) 20,000 USEDB OOKS all selling V? or less of pub lished price Textbooks, Cliff Notes. Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 1233 ALDER 12036 tfn ( TYPING ; typing EDITING papers, letters 50< per pace TYPING TERM PAPERS, theses, dissertations IBM Selectric 344-1691 12915 MUW IBM CORRECTING SELECTRIC II. ENle and Pea Graduate school approved 343-5124 _ 12997 MUW RUSH TYPING? Term papers theses Graduate School Certified IBM Selectric Reasonable Call Flo 687-1867 107149 EXPERIENCED SECRETARY for typing needs IBM Correcting Selectric Graduate approved Carolyn Sherrell 344-7231 12849 tfr TYPING-FAST-ACCURATE. 50« per page Rush sTSTksI Alsomesescho’ceo''ypewme's _ 13041 f3tfn TYPING IN MY home Mrs Armstrong 342-4684 PROFESSIONALTYPIST near campus Selectric Graduate school approved 344-5346 5322 11 t SKI STUFF ) NEVADA LOOK BINDINGS: $35 Kniesel White stars. $90. 344-9542. Mark 0141 10 I OUTDOOR GEAR GERRY EXPEDITION COAT with hood $60 Mod ified Pacific Tent Sleepng Bag S80 Both XL and Have V-Tube construction white goose down Ex tremely warm. 686-3876 (Rick) 0060 9 | BICYCLES ) WINDSOR 10-SPEED (men s). 25 Excellent condition $90 (Lie #505084) Tom Tayloi 686-5,79 0173 10 MOSSBERG 10-SPEED—20 mctT frame—white—like new—$80 689-4164 Lie. #700423 10925 9 NATIONAL CYCLE SERVICE Jeunet 25 pound French Premier 10-speed $99.88 Parts and service foi all bikes one hour never more than 24! Compare our prices, save your money. Sale Ends March 20th 9-9 daily 9-6Sunday 13th and Charnefton 686-8500 13264 15 COLLIN S CYCLE SHOP 342-4878 60 East 11th Dealers for Raleicfi Peugeot, and Centurian _ _ 120491' | CABS & CYCLES ) MECHANICS! 65 MUSTANG V-8 289 needs en gine repair but runs $300 or best offer 343-3662 0129 10 MUST SELL OR SCRAP BY 15th 73 super beetle Excellent condition $2000orbesl offer 687-1058. anytime 0098:11 CAMPER BUS VW 62 Factory equipped tint open-lop roof rack 68-1500 ec engine one family owner 13th & Olive $1375 evenings 344-1329 10715:9 1971 KAWASAKI 175 good condition $250 or best offer. 343-4836 0115:11 | AUTO REPAIR CHUCK S AUTO SERVICE FOREIGN CAR SPECIALIST Complete maintenance and repair service 1938 West 8th 345-7785 PRECISION FOREIGN AUTO SWEDISH CAR SPECIALIST: Saab Volvo ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL-Mapr Tune-up any 4-cylinder. $37.50 including parts and labor 1985 West 7th 344-2277 or DIG CARS 13165 tfn Xb. engine service 1975 West 7th Custom enqirte and transmission rebuilding and parts for Volkswagens 342-3952 12070 tfn ( BIDES & RIDERS ) RIDE GIVEN OVER spring break 1o L A and back Can take one more Inquire or leave message at 'XA c coon 3 t WANTED j CAMERAS AND PHOTOGRAPHY EQUIPMENT WANTED BUY AND SELL CENTER 678 Olive 12691 :UH THE OREGON DAILY EMERALD is acceptng open bids today through Wednesday for the con struction ol six wooden boxes to contain newspap ers. The OOE wi II furnish part only Examine ex ample at 300 EMU Finished product due by begin ning ct Spring term For mote information, call 686-3712. 0080:9 ( heir Wanted ) SPRING WORK STUDY JOBS Subscnpon and Classified sales up to $3Tiour Call Ken Doctoi, Willametle Valley Observer 687-0376 13268:9 WORK STUDY POSITION open lot bright, im aginative person interested in office management 15-20 hours per week at $2 80 an hour Must be work study certified Come in and apply, you II be glad you did Applications accepted until March 12. at the P A C E Office. Suite 1, EMU II. ext 3802 PACE is an equal opportunity employer Women & Minorities are encouraged lo apply 13270 12 PET SITTER WANTED. March 16th to March 30 18th and Bailey Hill toad area $50 342-2544 0130 12 U OP O YMCA IS lookng lor volunteers lo work at Day Camp over Spring Break C W S preferred Contact U of O Y office. 686-4431 13279 10 PARTTIME FULLTIME SALESPEOPLE experience not necessary- we will tram Car essential Kirty Company 484 9555 12035 tin 2 parent families with rtonproblem children ages 4-12 Earn up to $40 in research involving child observation Call Child Study Center 686-4960 weekdays 8-12, 1-5 1 3263 10 OREGON STATE'BOARD of Higher Education is seeking students interested in serving on the Board Interested students should contact Mark Cogan in Suite 4 EMU 686-3724, for information kj applications 13277 12 SPRING WORK STUDY JOBS Subscrpton and Classified sales up lo S30Tiour Call Ken Docloi Willamette Valley Obseivei 687-0376 13268 9 HANDICAPPED STUDENT REQUIRES live-in housekeeper Room and board plus salary S200 Call John 687-2751 0005 12 PLEASE VOLUNTEER TO HELP A blind 5-yeai-old who is begmnng a kndeigarlen class m the River Road area Empathelic and patient help e needed lo supervise and orient this youngster For details call 687-3472 13276:9 APPLICATIONS NOW BEING accepted foi ES CAPE Division Head of Secondaries Experience in volunteer programs necessary background know ledge of secondary education helpful ESCAPE is an equal oppoitunity affirmative acton employer Women and minontes are encouraged to apply Contact ESCAPE 327 EMU oi call 686-4351 _ 13253 10 PSYCHOLOGY CLINIC NEEDS mature versatile accurate typist Now thru Spring term possibly summer Work Study oertified student secretary make nlerview appointment with Janie at Ext 4954 ' 132588 (ROOMMATE WANTED) AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. Own room in 2-bedroom house Call 344-5530 0170 12 FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED, nice tug fui nished apartment Two blocks from campus Avail able March 15th 687-0996 0175 10 ROOM IN PRIMO house begnning Spring Term Call 484-0026 0160 12 ROOMMATE TO SHARE three bedroom apart ment 6 blocks from campus $75 per month Call John 687 2969 0162 12 ONE MALE ROOMMATE NEEDED Good loca non $62 monthly 343-7375 0138 10 NON-SMOKING FEMALE to share house Own room unfurnished $55 plus utilities Call Peggy 343-2180 or Gil 686-4956 0145 15 FEMALE ROOMMATE TO SHARE great two bed room house wrth fireplace big backyard Grad or senior preferred Call Amy 343-3818 0146 11 WORKING MALE WANTS TO share two bedroom duplex with female Call 747-5712 after 4 pm 0148 10 ONE OR TWO ROOMMATES NEEDED Available Spring lerm Beautiful house with natural wood n tenor Close to campus Rem $68 75 1528 Ferry 345-3069 157 10 MALE ROOMMATE NEEDED to share house with three other guys 485-8249 0125 10 SHARE COMFORT ABLE city-view home with two non-smoking males Own room. 18 blocks from campus No pets 345-1442 0102 9 1 FOR RENT j ROOM IN LARGE HOUSE. Large kitchen All utdities paid Weekly maid service $110 month 343-5795 017 M0 NEAT ONE BEDRROM FURNISHED APART MENT ad|acent campus March 20 Occupancy 344-8916:345-2510 0172 10 DORM CONTRACT—$10 bonus lor Spring Term Dave, Room 213 485-9046 or 4989 0178 10 UNIVERSITY INN CONTRACT lor sale Available now lor Spring term Call Pam, 686-6068 0161 12 QUADS— $85 No lease, quel, furnished, utilities paid, air con ditioned, refrigerators parkrtg 430 East 15th 345-1691 _017430 OFFICE SPACE WITH Kitchenette. 13lh and Pat terson area $110 Maybe small shop 343-0846 13286 11 $15 IF YOU BUY my dorm conlract. Call Bob, Room 208 Cloran or 485-9483 0134 12 DESPERATE. AVAILABLE SPRING BREAK. One bedroom furnished apartment Water/garbage paid, swimming pool, dean Check it out $145 plus deposit 1515 Hilyard, #25 0139:15 QUADS Paid Utilities Laundry Facilities $90 & $110 1810 Harris 686-2470 12984 tin ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT. Spring Term Pool, sauna. two blocks from campus 344-7713 alter 6 p m 0042 9 AVAILABLE NOW—$190/monlh Furnished Iwo bedroom apartment Call 345-7538 0089 12 DORM CONTRACT FOR SALE Rm 306 Caswell 0059:9 SPENCER VIEW APARTMENTS Very large living room, two bedroom unit Carpeted throughout, furnished, dishwasher patio Corner 19th and Patterson 484-1793 0082 10 3 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE. HENDRICK S P„.k 3 month lease Rent S230 (evenmgsl 343-7033 10669 10 BEAUTIFUL APARTMENT. Furnished - pool - St90/month 15th and Alder — 343-209 t 0163 12 TWO BEDROOM FURNISHED APARTMENT Available April 1st Close 342 4264 $195monlh 0152 15 HOUSE HUNTIN? Let us do the legwork We have houses duplexes apartments and mobile homes Call Rental Housing. 484 1885 RENTAL HOUSING 1653 WILLAMETTE 13283 2 LMnuc tAHrt I ED ONE BEDROOM furnished apartment near 17th & Hilyard $145 343-49*? 13271:9 PWBLgBOOMUOBMCOWTBACT m Ext 4325 or 485 9696 Debbie 404C 0106 11 ONE BEDROOM FURNISHED a[ Feiry Street #10 Lyle 687 1940 0108 10 ONE BEDROOM FURNISHED apartment lor rent spring term Sl30/monlh 735 East 17th Street, #31 01099 ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT, $130 month See at 957Hilyard #12. call 686-8006 0114 30 REWARD: $10 IF you buy my contract, m ale or temale Call Terri ext 5355 0116 12 FOR RENT. ROOM with private bath one Clock trorn library 484 1868 123 10 AVAILABLE SPRING TERM Two bedroom apartment $149 per month 343 2355 0124 9 $20 AND A CASE OF BEER are yours it you it take my dorm contract lor spring term 344-8680 levm tugs) 0126 11 MOBILE HOME DWELLERS . space available for all we homes at Meadow Lane Mobile Estates Short drive from campus From $65 5335 Main Springfield 747-4919 13266 12 TWO $62 50 SEMI-FURNISHED ROOMS available now above the Truckstop A $50 room and a $62 50 room available taler this month Rooms comewr th desk space closet and bed You share lounge kitchen and bath facilities Parkng available Ulili'es paid See Amanda at the Truck stop or the apartment entrance at 1414 Alder 13269 9 CALL 343-9917 Two bedroom furnished apartment near U of O Water and garbage service furnished Available ST”11 13274 tfr QUAD—$86 utilities paid 1827Harns 345-1163 __11937 tin QUADS - $85 month No lease required, lurmsned utilities included 'aundry parking available Close to campus 1360 Alder St 485-0291 484 0804 _ 12812 rfn QUADS PRIVATE BATH W block off campus All utilities paid Laundry and parkng available 738 East 16th, Manager #1 687 1190 13160 Ifn DORM CONTRACT — Spring Term Sheree 485-9190 room 305 or leave message 0034 12 $85 MONTH Private, furnished quad room Utilities included ro lease required 687-0505 6878328 126438n TRIAD—$95 Unique design with large living pus 687-9265 or 343 1477 room close to cam 11934 tfn I GRATIS ) FREE: COMFY COUCH, big enough lor three U-haul 687-2084 0158 10 FREE GOLDEN RETRIEVER, Seller and Blade Lab puppies NeuterSd To good homes Thiee females lefl Call Sieve or Kathy at 345-3726 0149 11 ONE COCKAPOO 1Vz years old, apricot. house broken All shots, size of a miniature poodle Female black lab spayed All shots 1 Vi years 344-9871, evenings 0085 9 FREE TO GOOD HOME—gentle trained neutered male golden retreiver/shepherd mi* 345-1008 . 0010:9 f LOST & F00HD ; PORTFOLIO WITH pictures and dtafling Call 686-6129 U1689 FOUNO: DOG. Male, about 40 lbs , black with while and tan markings Saturday on campus 343-4804 evenings 0159 11 FOUND: BLUE SCHWINN Suburban Ladies Al Dairy Queen, bring your key and ride it home 0067 9 FOUND—WRIST WATCH Sunday nqhl in Ger linger Mens lock room Call Joe. Tuesday Wed nesday. or Friday afler 5 pm at 686 4361 0151 12 LOST A PORTABLE TAPE DECK Today Vital informalion Bill 343-9169 01109 LOST: ROLL OF 5 sheets of while tracing paper wilh perspective drawings on them Lost between Great Northwest and Lawrence Hall Iasi Friday around 12 Reward Call Chmda Chinothai 343 7280 or 686 3636 0117 9 ( CNHLB CUBE ) UNIVERSITY DROP-IN CHILD CARE, EMU II For imformation and reservation 686 4345 3 months thru elemenlary CSD and private pay Open Days-Evenrngs Weekdays 12998 Hr ( FOOD & DRINK ) CAFE GLENWOOD 75< Breakfast 7 a m -3 p m • 3758 Franklin Boulevard 74 7-9610 5308 4 20 GOURMET COFFEE ROASTED DAILY The Coffee Bean Coffee Company 2465 H ilyard 110 West Broadway 12059 fin THE BAVARIAN 444 E 3rd 345 9615 German food luncheons and dinners reasonable prices Banquet room up lo 50 people for dmners and or music Roaming violin players Friday a nd Saturday nights during dinner hours 12924 Ifn THE GREAT LATE SPAGETTI FEED-Tuesdays and Thursdays 8 30 to 10 pm Complete spagetti dinner of your choice free refills on spagetti (meat balls and sausage excluded on refiHj pitcher of beer soft drinks or ’•* hter of wme. all lor $2 75 at the Spagetti Warehouse 725 West 1st Eugene 13227 sfc GOLDEN TEMPLE NATURAL FOOD STORE 1211 Alder (Nexl to Johnny Prim) Whole gram breads pastries made with honey granola yogurt kefir chink cold fu»ces honey *ce cream and natural candy bars Treat yourself to a natural treat' 12069 UW TONITE — GREEK NITE Tw o Souvtaki Sandvnches for the price of one SOUVIAKI STOP (Next to the Mayflower Theatre on East * 11th) 01549 GIANT GRINDER DELICATESSEN Genu»>e Easl Coasl GiiryJer Sandwiches MEATS CHEESES BR EA0 HOMEMADE SALADS CATERING ALL OCCASIONS HOME OF THE FIVE FOOTER 1159 EAST 19th AVENUE 1677 COBURG ROAD 12382*1 EVENTS J ANGOLA TEACH IN today 7 30 pm EMU (Posted) Speaker Tony Thomas co author if new book on Angola 0105 9 JIM DURHAM Assistant Attorney General, cfescusses Re publican candidacy tor Attorney General tomorrow 12 30 pm, 121 Law School 13282 9 (^ENTERTAINMENT^ MAX S TAVERN Tuesday CAM NEWTON; Jazz Classical guitar Thursday PETER TATUM; Blues Piano 550 East 13th 13278 sb Bgou Dream presents Alfred Hitchcock s STRANGERS ON A TRAIN (1951 101 mm ) Robert Walker is cast against type as the murderer of Farley Granger s wife Tuesday March 9 180 PLC, 8 p m $1 or by series ticket 13285 9 EFS CINEMA 7 Eu9ene Mini Mall. Second Floor 10th & Olive, 687 0733 Tonight through Thursday Liv Ullman. Max von Sydow in Bergman s the passion of ANNA plus Fellini s Masterpiece NIGHT OF CABIRIA with Guiletta Masma Showtime 7 30p m 13273.11