emerald sports 900 salute K-Kids at 5th hoop banquet By BOB WELCH Of the Emerald The four original Kamikaze Kids bid farewell to an adoring com munity Monday night at the fifth annual Oregon basketball ban quet at the Valiev River Inn Some 900 people — 200 watch ing on closed circuit television up stairs — paid $12.50 each to watch the proceedings and in doing so set a record for the largest banquet turnout in Lane County history. In an evening that saw every body from Ron Lee to the mop-up squad get recognition, the awards came out like this: • Lee won his fourth straight Bill Baker Most Valuable Player Award. • Geoff Nelson won the Carl Greve Scholar-Athlete Award. • Mark barwig won me jonn Warren Most Inspirational Award • Sid Voorhees won the Oregon Basketball Club Man of the Year Award. • Former athletic director Norv Ritchey was given special recog nition for his contributions in aid ing Oregon basketball. For ihose lucky enough to get a ticket, it was an evening of both laughter and tears An evening of looking behind and ahead. Dick Harter summarized Oregon's down-up season by giv ing credit to the character of the Duck players. I've mentioned a lot of reasons why we made the comeback said Harter But the biggest reason is the mamas and the papas. They’ve turned out sons with character and class. We ve got people who, when challenged, reach down deep and do the job Harter divided the Oregon sea son into two distinct parts: the 8-9 half and the 11-1 half. And he said there was one more pari of come: The NIT NIT games on tube Teleprompter of Oregon will apparently telecast all 12 National Invitation Tournament basketball games on its special Home Box Office Channel. Officials were awaiting confirmation from the NIT Monday afternoon. "We re not going to let down,” he said There s three more wins we want which would make best season of all." Pres. Boyd thanked the Kamikaze Kids for "improving the quality and prestige of the Uni versity' and a telegram from Oregon governor Bob Straub thanked the Ducks for an exciting season and said "forget the NCAA, you re going to storm New York. John Caine, who will officially begin as Oregon s new athletic di rector April 1, expressed his amazement with the phenomena of Kamikaze basketball If Sports Illustrated doesn't have a writer or photographer here tonight, they should, he said. Caine, who has seen the Ducks play three basketball games, also gave indication that he's already 100 per cent yellow and green. "I’m proud to say I'm 1-0 against the Beavers,' he said. While four Oregon seniors — Lee. Bruce Coldren, Mark Barwig and Geoff Nelson — got most of the recognition, it didn t end there. Gladys Dolbin. for example, got a standing ovation from the crowd. And why not? She s 90-years-old and has yet to miss a Kamikaze game on the radio. The rest of the Oregon team was recognized — and roasted — by the four seniors. If the seniors rocked the other players with jovial slams and wacky presents, the coaches re ceived no less. Assistant Coach Dick Stewart got a plaque with his favorite sayings on it and Harter received an autographed picture of Marv Gabby Harshman. The laughter died down at the end as each senior left with a short speech. Most just said thanks. Oregon's NIT opponent 1t's SF or NC-Charlotte Saturday Mar 13 Monday Mar 15 Thursday Mar 18 Sunday. Mar 21 San Francisco (23-7) N. Carolina-Charlotte (21-5) St. Peters (19-10) Holy Cross (21-9) Winner Oregon (19-10) SEMIFINALS Winner North Carolina St. (19-8) Kentucky (15-10) Niagara (17-11) Providence (19-9) North Carolina A & T (20-5) Tuesday. Mar 16 Winner Kansas State (20-7) SEMIFINALS Winner Louisville (20-6) CHAMPIONSHIP THIRO PLACE - UO gymnastics team offering fan bus The Oregon women's gymnas tics team has chartered a spec tators bus for the day of team competition in the Northwest Col legiate Women's Sports Associa tion (NCWSA) Championships in Forest Grove Friday and Satur day. The bus will go to Forest Grove on Friday, the 12th. leaving from McArthur Court at 10 a m. and leaving from Forest Grove shortly after 10 p.m. Team competition is scheduled from 1 to 4 o.m. and 7 to 10 p.m. Cost of the roundtrip ticket is $6 while tickets for the meet itself are $2 for adults and S1 for students with student I D fjunTallci] } \ b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b SKI SUN VALLEY THIS MARCH The snow is good and a six day lift pass is only $48 for college students. There will be free parties, the festivities of Lange Week and the Lange Cup races, March 26-28. For reservations call toll free: 800 635-8261 or write Sun Valley Reservations Sun Valley, Idaho 83353 Oregon s gymnasts hope to score the 98.00 points which will qualify the whole team for the na tional AIAW meet in North Carolina in April The Ducks have already scored 98 20 in a dual meet but must repeat the perfor mance at the regional meet. Top all-around performers for Oregon include Sheldon High School graduates Ann Olson and Wendy Halberg. Oregon has lost only the University of Washington this season and will be looking for an upset win in Forest Grove to claim the northwest title. For more information about the fan bus. call Henriette Heiny at 686-3389 or Mary Nosack at 345-6692. GOD BLESS OUR PAD TONIGHT Hot Dog Night 15c each 8 p.ni. to closing The Paddock 3355 E. Amazon . r\ a si