( Continued fr om Page 11) Textbook hype It went on like that through all 80 pages, liberally sprinkled with no tations for footnotes that screamed ‘‘Ibid. pg. 1, 284’’ and "Finkelstein et al.” at the bottom of each page, sometimes in such profusion that the footnotes shoved the text off the page al together. But no matter how much I read, it all said the same thing...people think. I suddenly realized that I was on to something — something big. That switch was no architectural afterthought — it was built right into the room’s circuitry, and I was willing to bet it wasn't the only one in the building. I smelled a conspir acy, a gigantic one, and as I raced down the hallway, I was de termined to find out how many pro fessors were involved in this hein ous crime that condemned stu dents to pay exorbitant book prices, study long hours, and pull shoulders out of sockets as they struggled with huge, useless vol umes of prattle. I skidded to a halt in front of my sociology professor's office, jammed the pass key into the lock, rushed inside, found the hidden toggle switch, flipped it, and pulled another tiny volume from behind the hinged diploma. The title of this one was “Translation: Pseudo-lnteractionality for Dis corporated Gestaltism" and I pul led the appropriate text — dead lifting this time — out of my pack and opened it at random: to Chap ter 17, as it turned out. SflLf thru Saturday Custom framesets cut 10% —Eisentrout “A”, “Limited” —Jack Taylor —Colnago, Galmozzi Cycling Clothing cut 10% to 20% —Emily “K”—Cool Gear —Detto Pietro—Burley TH£ TOURinG SHOP Mon.-Sat. 9 a.m.-6 p.m. 753-0312 129 NW 2nd Corvallis "German reliable service for your foreign car auto SEffwce VOLKSWAGEN MERCEDES • DATSUN • TOYOTA GUENTER SCHOENER Bus. Ph. 342-2912 2025 Franklin Blvd. Eugene, Ore. 97403 Home Ph. 746-1207 MEN /WOMEN - TECH/NON-TECH GRADUATING NOJOB? 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"Various socializing exigen cies," the text read, “can level demoralizing remonstrances at non-ego-insulated personalities, exacerbating existing guilt-self recriminations, and fostering a normless climate that gives rise to anomie, alienation, non realization of idealized communal id-satiators, and dissipation of image-construction mechanisms on a dramatically descending con tinuum. Under the vicissitudes of modified pre-Veblenism...'' and on and on, I remembered it faintly from a bleary-eyed all-nighter I had pulled at midterm time. I flip ped through the little pamphlet to the "Chapter 17” page and read: "Society can screw you over. I spent the rest of that night clomping around all nine floors of the building, flipping switches and reading pamphlets, and by the time a rosy glow began to spread behind the art museum I was thoroughly disgusted. We had all been duped, I realized, all 16,500 of us, by this cruel plot. Some of the "translations' — ironically, the ones for the largest texts — scarcely filled two tiny pages, and in one political science professor s office I discovered a pamphlet for the text "Bourgeois Ipso-Factoism and God" that sim ply stated "This book doesn't say anything." As I sat in the last office of the building, thumbing through a matchbook-sized "translation of a graduate philosophy text titled "Metaphorically Masochistic Metaphysics," I tried to decide what my next move should be I would release the information, of course, but the question was — to whom? The Emerald? Too small. The Register-Guard7 Still too small, this was big news. Finally, I decided to give Daniel Schorr a call — the nation had to know about it. I had just finished the transla tion of Chapter 33, which read "people exist, when I heard a key rattle in the office door. The pro fessor! Panicked, I flew across the room and threw the tiny leaflet back into the vault, but it was too late. As the door opened the with ered old man, with a battered pipe clutched in his false teeth, saw me shoving the diploma back into place. “Oh my God!" he cried, clutch ing his heart. "You there! What are you doing! Stop, I say, stop! But I didn't stop, I leaped over him as he collapsed in the door way, gasping, and I charged top speed down the hall. “Stop him!" croaked the old pro fessor. "He knows! Lord help us, he knows!" Cries of alarm began ringing through the hall along with the desperate, clumping sound of shuffling sexagenarians in vain pursuit, but I didn't look back Charging full-tilt up to the glass doors I nearly ripped them from their hinges as I raced out into the crisp morning air. But a chillingly calm voice followed me through those doors, and I glanced around to see my psychology professor pointing menacingly through the glass. "Don t worry about it. he was saying to his colleagues. "I know who he is. Impossibly, I increased my speed after that, zooming through campus and down two blocks to my little studio apartment. I tore open the door and dived for the phone, but it rang before I could reach it. "Uh. hello?" I panted Well, well, well, and how s our little janitor today? said an icy. ominous voice Been doing a lit tle extra-duty cleaning. I hear “Who is this! “Never mind about that." said the voice. The important ques tion is, what do you plan to do now? Believe me, it would be best for you, me, and this little piece of paper I have here in front of me if you d just keep it as our little secret "Like hell I will!" I bellowed "Lis ten, what I saw tonight was the lowest, most despicable, depraved...uh. what piece of paper?" ' Oh, it’s a cute little thing," said the voice "It’s a beautiful blonde color with bright, perky blue writ ing at the top that says "Financial Aid Grant." "No!" I cried "You fiend, you sick, twisted fiend! If you've done anything to hurt that.. Now, now, your little grant is just fine." "I don t believe you! Let me hear it!" There was a sound of rustling paper in the earpiece 1 Okay, okay," I said, trying to steady myself. I took a deep, shuddering breath and let it out slowly. What do you want me to do?" Nothing much, really, the voice said casually. Then, intently, "Just forget what you saw last night." But I can t ... you shouldn t ... they wouldn t ..." Or maybe you d like us to mail your grant back to you the voice whispered venemously, one piece at a time! This was followed by an ominous, mirthless laugh that rose to a piercing cackle I slammed the receiver into the cradle and sat down heavily, in a quandary. And I still don t know what to do. Like an American Solzhenitzen. Ive teetered on the brink of pub lishing what I know dozens of times, only to find my conviction weakening, as a vision of myself being forced to drop out and plant trees in Veneta wells up into my conscious mind. So for the time being, I ve decided to sit tight, and follow the advice of a translation of an ROTC textbook entitled Prerequisites for Advancement in the Military Milieu This pam phlet wasn t divided into chaplers. since apparently one short phrase served to sum up the entire vol ume Don't make waves Bioloqv prof receives qrant renewal Ira Herskowitz, assistant professor of biology and research of the University Institute of Molecular Biology has received a $51,979 grant to continue his research on how genes control an organism's growth. The U.S. Public Health Service grant is a three year renewal of his former grant. Herskowitz, a molecular geneticist, feels tax payers should understand what is being done with their money and why. He says different cells in the body do different things, even though they have the same genetic information. If the key to cell function and growth could be understood, he says it could ultimately be applied to abnormal growth, as is found in tumors and cancer. The bacterial virus Lambda is used in their studies. "The thing we re interested in is how the bacteria will affect viral growth, explains Hers kowitz When the virus infects the bacteria, it injects its genes (DNA) into the cell. Then, says Herskowitz, separate events may occur. Either the virus repli cates itself until the cell bursts, thus liberating the virus, or the viral genes lie in a silent form as part of the bacterial chromosome. "In particular we are studying how functions specified by the virus interact with bacterial functions in deciding the growth choice, says Herskowitz. For example, they are studying and seeking to isolate mutant bacteria in which the decision between the two different growth programs is affected. * BERG'S DOWNHILL SKI SALE * * * * * * * * # * * # * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * # at the 13th & Lawrence Shop SKIS Rossignol, Kneissl, K-2, Head, Durafiber 20% to 40% OFF All Skis Reduced 20%-40% ALL SKI PANTS HALF PRICE BOOTS Nordica, Kastinger 20% To 30% OFF Select Group of Parkas as Much as 40% Off Select Group of Sweaters and Gloves Drastically Reduced BERG'S NORDIC SPORT SHOP 13th & LAWRENCE Open 10-5:30 Mon-Thurs. Fri. & Sat. till 9:00 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rn. Ol Oal. Illl c7.\J\J *ir **********************sm<*********************