Union seeks 'sisterhood concepts' practice Curriculum input key to new women's group Women interested in forming an organi zation to act as a support group for Univer sity women and to influence the University's Women's Sludies program met Tuesday to organize a Women s Studies student union. We learn the concepts of sisterhood and sharing, but the hierarchical structure of an academic environment make them hard to practice, says Denise Manion, one of the women who is helping organize the group. She says she feels a student union would give women a chance to come together and share common problems and concerns. Shauna Heckert, another supporter of the Women's Studies union, says she sees the union s function as being more than a curriculum evaluation body. "Since Women s Studies is an interdisci plinary study, it’s hard to keep informed about the program, she says. "Unless you re enrolled in a class, you really don t know what s going on." She says she hopes the union will help improve com munication among women in the Univer sity. Manion says the organization would be open to women from all areas of the Univer ine union is still oeing planned and its directions will depend on what de velops in our next few meet ings,' says Manion. A sec ond organizational meeting is planned for today at 6 p.m. in the EMU. room to be posted. By LORA CUYKENDALL Of the Emerald w> I l Ml IU V/WimriMMiij . > would like to see it acting as a link between the commun ity and the University,” she says. Since the Women's Studies program began in spring 1974, some 1,000 students have been enrol Drawing by Jo Ann Fahkjren Manion says she sees the union as pro viding students with a way to channel cur riculum suggestions to the Women's Studies council, the body charged with ad ministering the Women's Studies program. “It s another way for students to have more of a voice in course offerings and the direction the program takes,' she says. led in women's courses offered in economics, political science, sociology and other departments. Manion says she hopes the union will help provide information about career op portunities and graduate programs as well as serve as a support base for Women s Studies discussion leaders. Book & Record Sale Thousands of Paperbacks V2 Price Publisher’s Hardcover Remainders 20% -80% OFF Hundreds of Records Classical—Rock—Jazz $198 & up New Stock Put Out Daily 3 Days Only— WED. THURS. FRI. March 3,4,5, Basement Sales Area BOOKSTORE, dailf"cmorakl Page 7 V_ Oregon Daily Emerald