MICME'S DELICATESSEN 1609 East 19th Eugenes own New Yoik Deli Salads meals, cheeses, sandwiches, soups dunks, pastries. groceries, picnics two dinnor spe cials nightly1 Monday-Saturday 12814 MWF Eggsnalchur Natural Foods Open 11 30 to 11 p m Tonight s special a Captain Organic lavorite Falalel lor $2 35 Served from 5 to 9 p m Accom panied tv the exquisite music ol JOHN JARVEE Eggsnalchur Natural Foods 675 East 13!h 13205 27 BAGELS Bagels and Cream Cheese New YoA Cheese Cake Gian! Soft Pretzels Jumbo Dek Sandwiches Danish Knngle Bulk Halvah Cotlee Filters all types mckenzie delicatessen (ne«l lo Mayflower Theatre) 782 E 11 fh Avenue Open 10-7 pm Phone 342-2071 12885 MWF 35« 80c 25C from 75< ?5C lb $1 68 HEAR GERALD BENDER OF UCLA talk on POLITICS IN ANGOLA Monday March 1 7 30 pm m 167 EMU Co-sponsored by Cultural Forum. Political Science. African Skjdenls Organization and Foreign Students Organization 11935 t LIBERTARIAN PARTY VICE-Preaidenlial candr dale Daw! Ber^and wXI be speak rig to students al noon Friday m I he EMU Forum Room on Vrctvn less Crimes Who Needs Them7 1192127 EMU BEER GARDEN. Friday February 27 Featuring KINARES 4 6 pm ID Required 1101327 GLEN OZONE WOOD presents 10 years ol San Francisco m 2 hours Monday at Mtdntght KWAX-11 91 1 FM 11981 1 11017 ab MAX’S LOADSTAR—Satot day 550 East 1Xh BLACK FOREST TAVERN <■657 Wttwnatia 344 0816 Lrve anted avvnent five mgMi a week Mtotftoe ON tar t 7-10 •• EMU CULTURAL FORUM PRESENTS Saturday February 29 THE LAST MOVIE a flbn by Dermta Hopper Some cut tea were outraged others tound it a unique Mm eiperence but rto CTkK ignored the anpad ol this first Mm by tbe tamed dreclor star of EAST RIDER See and judge it tor yourself 7 and 9 30pm 177 Lawrence $1 11943 27 EMU Cultural Forum and Women’s Referral PRESENT A FESTIVAL OF WOMEN’S FILMS Saturday. February 29. 2-4 p m. Portraits of Women Amelia Earn art Imogen Cunrangham Moson Monika others Sunday February 29. 1-3 p.m Social Commentary As Long As the Rivers Run The Women s Film others Sunday. Fabruary 29. 4-6 p.m Women Working and Health Woman to Woman SeM Health others Sunday. February 29. 7-9 p.m. Lesbians and Women’s Oppression Coming Out Sisters' Janie's Jane How to Make a Woman others Ticket donations for Women s Refenal $1 50 and $2 per segment 180 PLC 11929 27 ACTION NOW/ASUO Invites you to hear RYDER AND ROMAN with acoustical guitar and autoharp Friday. February 27 8 and 10 pm EMU Forum A benefit for the Tool Library and Material* Ex change 11012:27 HORSEBACK RIDES Miles ol wooded trail Windgale Farms 996-6689 12045HF McCOV TYNER. JAZZ PIANIST EXTRAOR DINAIRE. Wednesday March 3. 8 p m EMU Ball room A Cultural Forum Event 11922:3 EMU CULTURAL FORUM PRESENTS DAN FOGELBERG February 29, 1976 Mac Court 8:30 p.m. Tickets on sale now No smoking, please' 1315727 JEAN GIRAUDOUX THE APOLLO OF BELLAC Thursday, Friday Saturday PocVet Theatre February 26. 27 28 (102 Villard) 7 pm FREE 5217 27 The Ananda ftlarga Society Presents A TALE OF TWO CITIES This classic lilm is an exceptional adaptation cX Charles Dickens story ot Heroism and tragedy during the French Revolution The thrill and terror of the mob energy the storm ing rX the BasUle, Madame DeFarge kmttng at the gmlolme- It was the best of times it was »ie worst of times Saturday February 28 180 PLC 8 and 10 15 pm SI 1192027 Four Days to Performance EMU Cultural Forum presents The National Shakespeare Company m MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING 8 pm Tuesday March 2 EMU BALLROOM UO Students S3 Nonstudents J4 Tickets at the EMU Mam Desk 1321527 FRCAY, FEBRUARY 27 THE BLOOD OF THE CONDOR Fes! Botnnan feature Mm shows Quecha In dian culture and thee response to a peace corps sternutation program Also showmg LITTLE WHITE SALMON INDIAN SETTLEMENT 150 Science St 25 7 and 9 30 Presented by L A C 11926 27 EDWARD G. ROBINSON m Lloyd Bacon s great spool ol gangster films A SLIGHT CASE OF MURDER Also: Laurel A Hardy in BIG BUSINESS Saturday February 28 St 150 Science 7 30 & 9 30 p m Presented by the Rodeo Club Light Jar/ by JOHN ANO PAT DIETZ at THE NICE CREAM PARLOR. 325 Blau Blvd Sunday February 29 8 30 p m FREE 11980 27 EMU CuNural Forum presents Orson Welles original uncut TOUCH OF EVIL Starring Oft on Weiles Chartton Heston Janet Le^h Marlene Dwtnctv Akm Tarmroft and Dennis Weaver with cameo appearances ty Joseph Cot ten and Zsa-Zsa Gabor This baroque nightmare. winner ot the Cannes Grand Pnze m 19S8 is one ol the most spectacular films r director Orson Welles spectacular career Also RISING OF THE MOON directed by John Ford teaturmg Irish artists who Ford leels are among the world s best Monday. March 1. 177 Lawrence TOUCH 5 end 7 p m.: MOON: 9:30 13216 1 CINEMA 7 EUGENE MINI MALL. SECOND FLOOR toth and Olive. 687 0733 TONIGHT THRU MARCH 3 Special Limited Engagement ANTONIA A warm, mo ving portrait ol Antonia Bnco. orchestra conductor Directed by Judy Collins plus Every government is runty liars Nothing they say should be believed —IF Stone I.F. STONE’S WEEKLY Complete showing of both Mms 7 and 9:30 p m Reduced admission malmee Sat and Sun at 2 FRIDAY ANO SATURDAY MIDNITE SHOW ONLY An exercise in poor taste John Water's PINK FLAMINGOS PINK FLAMINGOS is the story of Divine and hei quest lo retain Ihe Fillhiesl Petson n America title Tm sure this is the sickest, grossest lurinesl Mm ever made I'll see you there —S B Rated X adults over 18 only 13214 27 CENTENNIAL ART EXHIBIT ALL OAY February 27, 28 March 11, 12 167 EMU University student art works No admission charge 13208 27 THE CENTER FOR MEDIEVAL STUDIES PRESENTS EL CID Charlton Heston stars with Sophia Loren as EL CID, the medieval warlord who united his country men to drive the Islamic hordes out of Spam Here »s the adventure, romance and drama that made EL CID the hero and legend that has endured for cen turies' Friday, February 27 177 Lawrence 6:30 A 9:45 p.m. Admission, $1 _ 5225 27 ( PERSONAL ) KATHY— I like lo Reggae. And bump a funky strut too I watch you shuckm-sliding |ivm Now I m dan an supercool BRIAN 11995 27 TO THE COASTERS, the Cuckoo s Nest, and the Escapades Thank You If ever there was sun m the Oregon skies you guys are it Mike 11990 27 PRETTY LADY ON thwd Floor UNIHOUSE North Side Have a Happy 21st —Trek toes 10917:27 KIRBY D. —My late apology for V D 11 30 Loved the tequila and Beach Boys' 10918:27 TO MY DEAREST LOVER, Please meet me at the Sigma Phi Epsilon (all campus) Sorority Chug tomorrow nght after the game Every girl on campus wi* be there prizes awards and lots of bqmd fun It s only a buck I II even pay your way Kissy-Kissy Love Luscious lounger 11972:27 UNIVERSITY BEER DRINKERS Kndly keep empty cups off the streets Keep the scene dean Down on Empties 11962 27 TRI-DELTA SCHOLARSHIPS—two $225 awards avatfabie lo university women Applications at Fi nancial Aid Ofkoe Due March 1 1197427 FELICIA—CALIFORNIA'S IN your mind and heart bul don I forget—4 s stA raring for you n Oregon And you ve still got US lo help you out Your rany day Inends 1197927 BARBARA. On this special dale To see you would begreal But in Mass I must wan So Happy Brrlhday ex-roommate Love ya—Max 1196027 PHK.O MOOSE Tomght s the night be there 8 30 University House 1196627 KATHY. It s tme to parly 106 Tingle Be there. Aloha Jerry 11967:27 THE ELS WISHES Jed a Bicentennial Birthday Surpnse 1197027 HAMILTON STAINED GLASS Complete supplies lor stained glass at reasonable prices Good seteclon oI glass n stodi now 4th and Hgh Eugene 485-8650 12332 MWF BOOGIE BLUES Rare Clothing Recycled and Custom Demm Lots oI winter coats 342 West 8th Monday-Saturday 12-6 p m 1218:h & f ALPHA TAU OMEGA presents All Carrpus Parly Saturday, following Washington State game 489027 SWITCHBOARD 686 8453 10 a m to midnight 454 Willamette information, referral nde exchange, last and found, local events A STUDENT GOVERNMENT PROJECT 13201 sb EMU CULTURAL FORUM PRESENTS CHECKERED PLAYERS Fresign Theatre—move over—Scott LIVE COMEDY EMU Ballroom Friday. February 27. 8 p m Tickets S2/S2 50 EMU Main Desk 1316127 GREG NAGLE, call Ten Blough Dotty collect. Port land 227-7884 5310:2 OREGON FEELMG CENTER, an alternative to the Pnmal Institute For information wnte 438 West 8ti, Eugene, Oregon 9740113159 tin SUMMER STUDY IN AUSTRIA GERMANY. June 21-August 13. 1976 12 hours graduate or under graduate credt in German language, literature, cul ture 4 weeks in St Johann/Tirol. 4 weeks in Munich $1200 plus air fare Contact Dr McWil liams, Department of German. U of O 11007 1 INTERESTING PSYCHOLOGY STUDY will pay $2 for approximately one hour participation Call Helen Tevkn Ext 4954 119172 KWAMA'S—Be sure to come to meeting today at Delta Gammas Pictures will be taken 11951:27 JEFF: If you love me, iron my clothes —Susan 5300 27 Lawyers oppose death penalty WASHINGTON (AP) — C^p ital punishment was condemned as a ‘‘deadly game of blind man's bluff” Thursday ty attorneys fors ix con victed murderers whose appeals the Supreme Court will hear next month. Arguments in the cases, scheduled for March 30 and 31, will set the stage for the court s first ruling on the death penalty since it struck down capital punishment four years ago. At that time, the court ruled that existing laws gave judges and juries too much leeway in determining which persons should die and which should not on conviction of the same crimes. The men whose ap peals the court has agreed to hear are among more than 400 persons condemned to death since 1972. The death sentences were handed down under new laws passed by 34 states that were desg ned to eliminate Supreme Court objections to previous laws. FREE TAX ADVICE on state and federal income tax problems Located in *ie EMU lobby next to the Information and Gnevance Center, the tax table offers service Monday thru Friday. 930 to 1:30 until March 12 This service s prowled by Seta Alpha Psi-Accounting Honorary 13175:12 LANE MEMORIAL BLOOD BANK Blood Donors Needed A Positive 8 Units; A Negative 1 Unit; O Positive 8 Units; O Negative 1 Unit. B Positive 2 Units; AB Positive 1 Unit. Donot Homs Monday thru Thursday 10:30-12 45 Tuesday Ihru Thursday 2:00-4:30 Friday 300-6 30 Call us tor an apportment at 484-9111 How long can we keep this up? *3.98 Is still our price on ALL 6.98 LPs. Not just one or two albums but our entire selection. The best in pop, jazz, & classical-all just *3.98 per disc Drop by soon (we also feature quality books, art prints & tapestries) The Id Book & Record Shop 1340 Aider on campus Mcs 1 i 1 i. i Guatemala Weeds Yo«r Help Countless thousands of P.,o. standard of living was n„G ema,ans whose poverty level, are now fl a "’“i* above th<“ ^d disease as they"* W'th star™tion juggle for survival. Th '^ 9 desPerate children and themselv**- ni,us^ ^eed their and their lives, and bury the "'h* '.l'®" homes sperately need your help The-V H<‘Ip *h® survivors |» UtSVX 1 collection center for ^ £?*"*»* *s a bring contributions [n check ^ P,ea Guatemalan Relief Fund ' d