(CLASSIFIEDS 686-4343 ) CLASSIFIEDS PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD AT EMERALD OFFICE 301 EMU EMU MAIN DESK UO BOOKSTORE STAMP COUNTER The rates are 10 per word the first day copy is admitted and 8 per word each consecutive day the ad is run without change There is a ten word minimum All ads must be paid for in advance The Emerald cannot be responsible for more than one day s incorrect advertising insertion If your ad appears incorrectly call686-4343 before 1pm for correction in the next day s issue Errors not the fault of the advertiser which lessen the value of the advertisement will be adjusted There is no refund for ad cancellations The Emerald will not Knowingly accept advertise v -a ments that descrimmate on the basis of race, color religion sex or age CALL 686-4343 FOR ASSISTANCE THE DEADLINE IS 1P.M. THE DAY BEFORE PUBLICATION ( FOR SALE ) FOR SALE: TWO HEALTHY female goats 22 months old. One Alpine, one Nubian Good milk producers if bred this spring $35 each Wilt deliver 687-8227 MWF after 5:30 oi weekends 11958:27 66 YAMAHA 305 Runs good, new battery $185 935-7507 4896 27 DORM CONTRACT available Spring term Rick Harris room 202. 485-9128 11956:27 HEATHKtT AJ-15 Tuner. Dynaco PAT-4 pre-amp and FM-3 Tuner Canon Booster meter Vivrtar 3X teleconverter for Canon FTB 686-0567 4893 5 ANDREA IS BACK from L A with lots more hand selected fabric 2441 Hilyard 11940:27 ■ATTENTION HP-65 Owners For Sale EE-Pac-1 $30-never used 747-6906 5309:2 OLDER B&W 16" Portable TV S25 Good Condi tion. 345-2216 evenings 5319:27 1973 Plymouth Road Runner V8-SI1600 or best offer Gary evenings. 342-2052 5315 4 UNIVERSITY INN CONTRACT available for Spring term. Caii Paula. 686-6209 5341:27 LET BEST REST solve your mattress problems Buy lactory direct poly-foam cut to any size or shape BEST REST MATTRESS COMPANY 632 Blair 343-0222 1205711n COMICS OLD AND NEW Posters, etc . can be found at DARRELL'S COMICS inside Son of Koobdooga 6615 East 13th 343-3551 12844 2-27 ATHLETIC TICKET. RON LEE S Iasi game in the Pit. Best offer Paul—686-6492 or ex tenlion 6492 11986:27 AUDIO VOX AMTM MPX cassette in-dashcar stereo Doesn I fit my car Instructions, hardware, guarantee $100 ($150 new) Paul 686-6492 or Ext. 6492 1 1987:2 DOUBLE BED: box spring, mattress and wood frame $45 343-7011 10916:27 LONG GREY WOOL COAT—size 12 Used modeling in New York. Hardlyworn$35 344-3684. 11973:27 ''RADIANT’ 1930 s radio cabinet-without radio—see at 120 North McKinley! 11976:27 TWO RESERVED SEAT tickets for OSU-UW game. $5 each. Call 484-0313. 11 978:27 MUST SELL WOOOSTOVE, rototilier Want to buy Truck 345-1 110 5284:27 THE BUY AND SELL CENTER 678 Olive Musical instruments, stereos, photo equipment, etc., etc , etc. 12692:mwf ONE TICKET, WSU game, best offer Joel, 484-0120.11968:27 ( GARAGE SALES ) MOVING SALE, FURNITURE, household goods, antiques, rugs, everything must go. 10 a m. Saturday. 833 Lawrence 11992:27 C MBnwcnoN ) GUITAR LESSONS InMruOion in Ml styles by playing professional musicians Don Rosa and Bob StawKon SUN SHOP 4S4-1468. 12131 ifc> t INSTRUMENTS ) SIX MONTH OLD Y A MAH A 300 guitar hard case Total cost $430 Make offer 342-4574 11949:3 ( SOUND SYSTEMS ) BSR 310 Turntable Good condition $40 best offer Call 485-8765 4897:1 2 NOVA-8 speakers. $95 big sound, low price. 342-6728 1 1984:2 PHILLIPS GA 212 plusShure M95ED, used three months, perfect, only $155 Jim after 6 p m. 344-9666 11971:2 TURNTABLE: CUEING. DUST COVER ETC $60 value. 15-year-old $39 345-7260 489' ' ( CRAFTS & HOBBIES, TRIPLE BEAM BALANCE SCALES $55 Pottery clays. Ovencraft clay, kilns wheels, tools and ac cessories 417H igh Street. Valley Potters Guild. 484-0770 5049 27 SERENITY WEAVERS 111 West Seventh Lederc looms in stock Yarns books on crafts _ FRAME SHOP AND GALLERY Custom Readymade Frames and Prints Do » yourself and save 40% For the pnee of the molding we cut and provide everylhing At Mtdgley's Mill. 687-2531 4th and High Now open Saturday 10 to 4. 12927 tfn (PHOTOGRAPHY ) DARKROOM AND STUDIO RENTAL 410 Pearl 343-2423 120111fn ( BOOKS & SUPPLIES ) 20,000 USED BOOKS all selfcng '5 or less ol pub ushed pnee Textbooks Ckff Notes Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 1233 ALDER -12036 th. BIBLE, COMMENTARIES. Studies and Apologetics Books Supplies forChiistian Teaching BEREAN CHURCH SUPPLY 1675 West 11th 344-2229 10039 tfn TYPING ) EXPERIENCED TYPIST. Three blocks from cam pus IBM Electric 344-0759 12816 tfn TYPING EDITING PAPERS, dissertations — 50« per page Rush Service — 345-4892 5230 1 EXPERIENCED SECRETARY for typing needs IBM Correcting Seiectnc Graduate approved Carolyn Sherrek 344-7231 12849 tfn TYPING T AST-ACCURATE. 50« per page Rush service avalabie Also theses chokse of typewrit ers Sandy 343 525113041 13Ttn TYPING IN MY home Mrs Armstrong 342-4684 11962 8 PROFESSIONAL TYPING. Drop three blocks f rom campus G raduate school app ro ved Mary 484-9725. 1 1969 1 ( SKI STUFF j LANGE SKI BOOTS FOR SALE. Six years old excellent condition. Size 1OV2 Call 343-5610 5043:27 ( OUTDOOR GEAR ) FOUR PRIME GOOSE down jackets left $3 5 Best quality. $3 5. 34 2-4766 11991 27 GAITER MTS—make your own and save $5 95 complete Outdoor Pursuits. 1290 Oak. 344-6525. open noon to 6 13204 1 t MCYCU-S ) 2114" WINDSOR CARRERA (Mens), excellent condition $130 Call 343-6066 Lie #504856 5247:27 COLLIN'S CYCLE SHOP 342-487S to East 11th Dealers for Raleigh. Peugeot, and Centunan 12049tfn 23" PEUGEOT BIKE FRAME, $75 Good con dition, call 342-6726 11985:2 ( CARS & CYCLES ) 1970 VW BUS. Excellent condition low miles. $2,100 or reasonable offer Evenings. 344-1222 1195327 1973 PLYMOUTH GOLD-DUSTER, slant 6. au tomate, power-steering, space-pak New brake lin ings and battery Phone 689-6072 11945:27 1960 CADILLAC. GOOO CONDITION. $240. Will negotiate. 687-8641.870 West Third 5039:27 CB-550 FOUR HONDA, 1974. 9.500 miles, built engine. 590 kit,many mods 686-6404 5286:5 '72 MAZDA RX-3. Just overhauled AM/FM/B-track. $1200. Can 345-4094 . 529627 1971 Kawasaki 175 Good condition, helmet in cluded, $275 call 343-4836 evenings 5324:27 MUST SELL. 1965 PONTIAC. 4-cylinder Good mileage, k ind of runs, radio Only $140/offer 320 Easl 13th 11975 1 1967 VW Bug. good condition, lape deck and speakers, new 11 res $900 688-2763 11965 ’ 1962 Vespa 160 CC s 125 mpg Excellent transportation good condition. $225 344-8403 6-7 p.m. 5312:1 ( AUTO REPAIR ) J.B. ENGINE SERVICE 1975 West 7th Custom engine and transmission rebuilding c.nd pads for Volkswagens 342-3952 1207C ;«n CHUCK’S AUTO SERVICE FOREIGN CAR SPECIALIST Complete maintenance and repair service '938 West 8th 345-7785 SUNSHINE REPAIRS Otters tree preventive Auto Mantenance Classes 485-0433 5040 27 PRECISION FOREIGN AUTO SWEDISH CAR SPECIALIST: Saab Volvo ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL—Major Tune-up any 4-cylinder $37 50 including pads and tabor 1985 West 7th 344-2277 or DIG CARS 13165 ttn TRAVEL ) THE NATIONAL STUDENT EXCHANGE * now takng applications from U of O students (Oregon residents) with a minimum 2 5 GPA who would like to study at another college or university m the United States Pay m-state tuition See Michele Mourrarile international Education Center Rm 202 Ext 3721 12190 3-5 WANTED AT LEAST 2 reserved tickets tor either or both UO games the week 895-4196 5323 27 WANTED: COMPETENT REGGAE, STEEL BAND or Calypso Musicians for wild party. Mon Call Witty 686-1495 5325 27 WANTED—TWO TICKETS Oregon Washmgton Slate $20 Call 935-713911948 27 WANTED: MALE ROOMMATE toshare house with th ree othe r gu ys For mo re info r ma tion. call 485-8249 1 1989 2 TWO RESPONSIBLE WOMEN desire QUIET furnished two bedroom house — apart ment. prefer University area close-in O K. 345-6192 1 1959 27 J 1 HELP WANTED J HELP! Need widows and dvotcees lor study Mar red over ten years In 13th to 24th month horn separation or death of mate One hour only Please call Nancy O Connor 484-9529 686-4215 11950 2 HELP NEEDED FOR TEMPORARY SET up work for gymnastics meet during week of March 1 thru 7 For certified Work Study students only Contact Kathy in Work Study office by Friday 2 27 $2 52 per hour 17 hours ONLY 11936 27 DINNER COOK NEEDED for 15 Fraternity men 3-6 p m weekdays Phone 686-3580 11938 3 ATTENTION Interested in getting involved in the eMU7 The EMUS has a vacancy Apply Suite 4 Deadline Feb ruary 27 _ 13198 27 ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR The Oregon Daily Emerald is now accept ing applications for editor of the Emeralds weekly eight page plus entertainment section—Surface and Symbol Person must have experience m newspaper design and layout wrung and supervision Personmust be able to demonstrate an awareness of campus and community enlertanment and cultuie Applications, available in the Emerald office (Third floor. EMU) must be submitted no later than 5 p m Wednesday, March 3 Applicants wilt be selected for a personal interview on the basis of their ap plication Clips or other newspaper work should be attached to applications Position begins Spring term The Emerald is an Equal opportunity employer Women and Minorities encouraged to apply VOLUNTEER TO ASSIST Magnet Arts School wilh stories, songs, crafts, films and photographs for American Fait Unit Call 687-3472 for more information 13209 27 A VOLUNTEER PIANO ACCOMPANIST is needed at a west area elementary school Hours and days are flexible Call 687-3472 13203:1 LIKE KIOS, NOISE? Be a volunteer super visor during lunchtime at a West area elemenla r y school! Call 687-3472 for de tails 13210:1 WORK STUDY POSITION open for Spring term Involves 15-20 hours per week dong office man agement and typing Must be work study certified Contact PACE office Suite 1 EMU It or call ext 3802 for Iwther information_ 119122 WANTED: BIG BROTHER for 13 year old pre delinquent Opportunity to learn about family treat ment research at Oregon Research Institute Dee Tpping, 484-2123. 11034 27 PARTTIME FULLTIME SALESPEOPLE experience nyi necessary we will train Car essential Kirby Company 484 9555 12036 tin TUTORS are needed in Bio 101. 106, 107, 302. Chem 102, 105 Geol 101, 102, 120. 302; Econ 375 376. Mgl 329; Psych 212, CS 133 Earn 1-4 credits Apply Learning Resource Center 268 Con don Hall or call 686-3226 11015 27 COMPUTER PROGRAMMER DESIRED lor Spring term Involves compiling statislics lor a counseling program Work load and compensation to be arranged Contact PACE ottice Suite 1 EMU II or call Ext 3802 lor further information 119112 (roommate wanted) ROOMMATE(S) WANTED 15 mmutes b.kende from campus, own room, back yard and garden Share expenses (about $70) Call 747-7555 after 6 30 5191 1 FEMALE. NON-SMOKER Own room Close to campus Pool Sauna 343-5715 5240 27 OWN ROOM, beautiful otoer home $65 Stop by 1010 Hk^t Street 4505 2’ OWN ROOM IN TWO BEOROOM HOUSE. Share with one semi-neat but not overly particular male Fireplace, bookshelves, furnished $75 per month gas bill No EWEB Call Rick 344-5530 5297 27 SHARE HOUSE AND COST, two bedroom pets allowed large yard Contact Bill Lindesmith. 48S-0609_ _ OLDER FEMALE HOUSE MATE Coburg. 10 mmutes-Eugene Call 344 7390 between 8 & 9 pm 11947.27 Female roommate wanted to share two bedroom apartment Fireplace small yard $72 50 1376 West 6th #H 11944 27 ROOMMATE WANTED. Female preferred One block from campus $75 month plus utilities 686 1018 (evenings) 1 1963 2 ( FOR RENT J DESPERATE—Need to selidorm contract male or female Call Tern Exl 5355 5320 i TRADE MV HOUSE IN country for your place m Icwn My house is about 10 miles to campus and rent is $50 pet month Good see lor couple1 Ic an afford about SI25. and prefer the University area but will consider elsewhere 895-4752 5360 27 CO-OP CONTRACT FOR SALE Must sen by Spring Carol 686-4435 5314 3 SINGLE ROOM DORM contract available Spring 485-9258 Mary Room 102 1 1983 3 ONE BEOROOM FURNISHEO. Blackstone close to campus $140. 687-0918 687-8256 1 1988 1 ONE ROOM IN A NICE fully furnished 3-bedroom house, near Au tzen Cues Hons7 Call 746-6659 11977 2 3 BEOROOM. study sewing room dining room $220. 1st. last lease no dogs 11961 1 COZY TWO BEDROOM daylight basement apa rtmenl with fi replace Laurelhill Vai ley $135 484-9381 or 686-231 1 11964 1 FURNISHED APARTMENTS ONE AND TWO bedroom Completely redecorated New extra long beds New upholstery 1815 Kincaid 13213 sb NEED THREE PEOPLE to sublease furnished apartment Spring term 1750 Alder #7 Call 344-0471 525627 QUADS - $85 month Mo leas© rf*qu< rer: tumishec utilities -nciudert laundry parking available Close to campus 1360 Aider St 466-0291 464-0804 _ 12812 tin QUADS PRIVATE BATH Vi bloc* od campus A> utMites paid Laundry and parting available 738 East 16th Manager #t 687 1190 13160 tin UNIVERSITY INN CONTRACT Available Spring Term Dana 686-6154 5005 20 $85 MONTH Private, furnished quad room Utilities included rc> lease required 687-0505 687-8328 12643 tin PLEASE BUY MY DORM contract-Spring term Call or leave message Sheri, Exi 4987 or 485-9652 5290 1 TRADE MY HOUSE in country lor place in town preferably University area For around $125—rent here is $50'month' Good size lot couple 895-4752 527327 QUADS Paid Utilities Laundry Facilities $90 6 $110 1810 Ham* 686-2470 12984 !'■ OUADS NO LEASE, quw!, furnished utilities paid, air con ditioned. refrigerators, pairing 430 East 15th 345-1691 5299 1 HOUSE IN COBURG. Sub-lease lo girls Call Ed 8-9 p m 344-7398 11954 27 ONE BEDROOM FURNISHED APARTMENT. adiacent campus No lease Available March 20 $155/month 343-7214 11957 2 AVAILABLE SPRING TERM, one bedroom studio near campus Call 344-5070. evenings 11946 1 TRIAD—$95 Unique design wift large living room close to cam pus 687-9265, or 343-1477 11934 tin QUAO—$86. utilities paid 1827 H arris 345-1163 11937:tfn CLEAN FILL DIBT. Several Irucklulls available Annette 343-8369 5313 27 STOVE WITH FOUR WORKING BURNERS, oven needs work 1157 High 343 0651 Call between 11 am & 5 p m U-haul 0000 2 FREE TO GOOD COUNTRY home Shepherd wolt mi* Neutered 1V» years E *cellenl disposition We removing Call 726-7405 11993 4 f~~ PETS AKC WIRE FOXTERRIER PUPPIES Petted lor small home *75 Trade'7 345-2753 1077 4 j LOST * FOUND ] LOST PURSE—Keep valuables Please return I 0 and personal items No questions Drop at Emerald Arm Neuenscbwander 5033 27 FOUND TORTOISE SMELL FRAME GLASSES m gold rweed case Call 344-7576 5322 27 FOUND—2/20: Bulky wrap around imported woman s sweater Identity and claim at 751 Eat 16th #320 5338 27 ( CHILDCARE UNIVERS ITY DROP-IN CHH.0 CARE, f Mu »• ► < inlormalron and reservation 66 434 6 3 mo »lha thru «»iemeniary CSO and private p* Open d%*-Evanmgb Weekends 129*#* ttn ( CHURCH DIRECTORY) ST MARY S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 13th and Pearl Su nda y 8am- BCP Hoi y E ocha nt i 9 a m — Family Euchanfi 11 a m — Holy Eucharist 181 3rd and 5ih Sunda yf Morning Prayer 2nd and 4th Sun da ys 7pm —So le m n H ig h E uC ha ns l 5pm Tuesday—Campus Eucharist ai Wesley Center 12101 In HEY* GOOO MUSIC AND GREAT DISCUSSION Sunday mornings at 10 for the music and worship 1115 for the discussion First Congrega t»ona l Chu rch 23 rd and Ha r ns 17133 F j FOOD & DRINK J CAFE GLENWOOO 75c Breakfast 7 a m -3p m 3756 Franklin Boulevard 747 9610 5308 4 20 GOURMET COFFEE ROASTEO DAH.V The Coffoe Boon Coffee Company 2465 Hilyaid 110 West Broadway - THE BAVARIAN 444 E 3rd 345-9815 German tooo luncheons and dinners reasonable prices Banquet room up to 50 people for tannery and or music Roaming vrokn players Friday and Saturday nights n> vj dinner hours '?H?i Hr. r5C BEER every Monday 9 10 30pm Free poof Sunday 12-6 p m 4 « 6 wide screen TV COLLEGE SfOE INN 30ih and fmeniiate 5 i *fn GIANT GRINDER DELICATESSEN Gersune East Coast Grinder Sandwiches MEATS CHEESES BREAO HOMEMADE SALADS CATERING ALL OCCASIONS HOME OF THE FIVE-FOOTER 1459 EAST 19th AVENUE 1677 COBURG ROAD 12382 alt PRINCE PUCKLER’S SMALL HOT FUDGE SUNDAE SPECIAL 2 for 99c Saturday. February 28 Sundae indudes sliced bananas, ice cream hoi fudge almonds whipped cream and a cherry PRINCE PUCKLER S In the Atrium, 11 a m —11 p m. _ 1320 7 27 SALE! NATURAL RAW HONEY Regular—$1 12/lb Now—93«/lb Thursday and Friday GOLDEN TEMPLE NATURAL FOOOS 1211 Alder 13202 27 ‘ GOOTZ GARDEN of EDEN and Delicatessen Beautiful Food served in a tropical |ungle Lunch and gouimel dinners everyday Saturday & Sunday Breakfast nine til noon 343-0011, 40th & Donald in South Eugene 12257HF