€t al Blood Mobile on campus Alpha Phi Omega service club will sponsor the appearance of the Lane Memorial Blood Bank Bloodmobile on campus on Thursdays, now through the be ginning of finals week. The bloodmobile will be parked on 13th Avenue, adjacent to the Post Office in the EMU. Persons may donate blood on the following Thursdays from 1 to 4 p.m., Feb. 26, March 11 and 18. On March 4, the bloodmobile will be open from approximately 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Scott Mayeda, coordinator of the project, says the club is spon soring the bloodmobile weekly on campus because the blood bank has a “real problem in meeting fresh blood supplies on a weekly basis.” Donors should report to Room FLY CHEAPER That's our goal—getting you to Europe, Asia, Australia and Africa the most economical way possible. Whether you need a one-way or round trip charter flight to Europe or Asia, a group fare to Australia, student fare to Africa, or wherever—as a non-profit student organization we can offer you the lowest rates—air, land or sea!! Helping the University community since 1963. STUDENT TRAVEL DESK INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION CENTER Erb Memorial Union Rm. 202 686-3721 Why rent somebody else^s car in Europe when you can own? Buy a Fiat here and pick it up in Europe. Instead of renting a car, you can pur your money into a car you can bring home with you. A lot of car. Not a lot of money. Sheppard 343-8811 MOTORS ltd. 101 EMU to fill out forms before reporting to the bloodmobile. Tax court to hear here The Oregon Tax Court will hold a hearing at the University of Oregon Law School on Friday (Feb. 27). The session will begin at 9:30 a.m., in the law school moot court room, Room 221. The purpose of scheduling the court’s hearing at the law school is to give UO law students an oppor tunity to watch the tax court in ac tion. The students were able to observe the Orog on Court of Ap peals Friday (Feb. 20) at the school. “Valley River Center et. al. v. Dept, of Revenue" is the case to be heard. The tax court will sit as a trial court for this appeal by Valley River Center which is contesting the assessed value of the Valley River Inn for 1974-75 property tax assessment. Workers hold workshop A one day workshop on “crisis interviewing" will be held on cam pus Friday in the EMU from 8:30 {P2NPHAND BOOK MAN ML 'V tTTrj'V 9" 9 y I a EMU Food Service BEER GARDEN TOMORROW Feb. 27 4-6 p.m. EMU Dining Room Free popcorn & Entertainment 12 oz glass 350 — Beer Sausage 500 4^ ..i, ■ ' >*'.•¥& .•ri lit.-1'.'/ fc'it- . [ Jim Gregory Dennis Platt Greg Wasson Greg Clark Paul Wald Schmidt Chris Story Bob Welch Jenifer Blumberg Jerril Nilson JoAm Fahlgren Jeff Nielson Rick Bella Patty Farrell Lois Lindsay Brad Lemley Wally Benson Jackman Wilson Kate Seigal Carl Bryant Susan Harper Gayle Freeman Ted Johnston Editor Managing Editor News Editor Graphics Editor Editorial Page Editor Asst. News Editor Sports Editor Entertainment Editor Wire Editor Asst Graphics Editor Asst. Sports Editor Associate Editors: Politics Admin. & Student Services ASUO Gov t & Agencies Features. In-Depth Departments & Schools Community Production Manager Advertising Manager Classified Advertising Librarian Accountant Oregon Dally Emerald The Oregon Daily Emerald is pubtshed Monday through Friday during fall, winter and spring terms, except during exam weeks and vacation periods During summer session the Emerald is pubtshed Tuesday and Thursday during the ei^t-week term and on Thursday the last three weeks of the eleven-week term The Oregon Dally Emerald is published by the Oregon Daily Emerald Publishing Co , Inc , at the University of Oregon. Eugene. Oregon 94703. Subscription rates (1) University of Oregon student and faculty-staff subscription rates are based on annual contracts the Emerald makes with the Associated Students of the University ol Oregon and with the Univer sity administration The subscription rate is $3 44 a person (2) Special subscriptions for persons not in category (1) are available for $20 a year (12 months) or $7 a term The Oregon Daily Emerald offices are in the north wing of the Erb Memonal Union News/Editonal 686-5511 Display Advertising 686-3712 Classified Advertising 686-4343 The Oregon Daily Emerald is a member of Associated Press and College Press Service a.m. to 3:30 p.m, room to be posted. The workshop is sponsored ty the University’s Social Work In terest Group and the National As sociation of Social Workers. Topics to be covered include de fining communication, interview ing, and effective use of language The featured speaker will be Betsie Debeer-Smith, who has ex tensive experience in social work and social work education. Designed for people who deal with “crises in the community,” the workshop is open to the public. Registration costs are $2 for stu dents, $3 for the general public. Art exhibition hosts students A centennial Art Exhibition featuring about 50 student artists will be sponsored ty the Student University Affairs Board (SUAB) Feb. 27-28 and March 11-12. The exhibition, according to SUAB member Jenny Harada, will be held in 167 EMU from 9 a m. to 11 p.m each day and is free to the public Among the different areas of art which will be represented are painting, drawing, printing and sculpture. Some of the works will be on sale. “I felt like there was lots of talent hidden in the art building and I wanted to bring the students' work out,” Harada said She added she is attempting to bring the University's centennial celebra tion “closer to the students.” Harada said that there was still time for any other artists to enter their work in the March 11-12 ex hibition, but she asked that all work be entered soon so she can get the artists' names and entries on the program. McKinley show today in Erb “New Mountaineering Ethics on Mt. McKinely" will be the subject of a free public slide presentation today at 7:30 p.m. in the Erb Memorial Union Ballroom. The program will focus on the 1975 Denali (Mt. McKinley) re habilitation expedition and efforts for the future. In addition to the slide show, members of the 1975 expedition, which was coordinated by the EMU Outdoor Program, will be present to discuss this summer's project The group plans to recruit volunteers to spend the summer on Mt McKinley's Kahiltna Glacier. The group will study the environment, survey attitudes of climbers and look at possible al ternative use patterns More information may be ob tained ty contacting Bill Coyle at the Outdoor Program, Room 23 EMU, phone 686-4365 or 686-3730 German club sponsors fete Ever been to a Mardi Gras ball? The German Club is planning one for tomorrow night and everyone is invited The club will demon strate how Germans celebrate Fasching—their eguivalent of Mardi Gras. Costumes are en couraged but not required There will be dancing, refreshments and prizes for the best costume The celebration begins at 9 p m and takes place in Theta Chi Fraternity on 19th and Potter Streets Ad mission: $1 Bonneville now self run PORTLAND (AP) — The Bon neville Power Administration now is self-financing and no longer de pends on congressional appropri ations. the BPA says Administrator Don Hodel says he expects sale of electricity to fi nance all operations this budget year. After that, he said, the agency will probably be financed ty sale of short term notes briefs The briefs section is few campus and commun ity announcements No brief will be pubbshed mat charges an admission or donation lee However classes that charge tuition or dinner events that otter a tree program even to those who do not buy a dinner will be accepted Ailbnefs must be typed, triple-spaced in a 65-uml margin Handwritten briefs will be given low priority Briefs will be published one lime only in any seven-day period, as space permits MEETINGS The Psi Center is sponsoring a tour ot two coastal vortex areas tus Saturday, rides will depart Friday evening or very early Saturday Sign-up sheet lor rides and riders is in the SEARCH office A meeting will begn at 7 tonght in me Suite 1 conference room. EMU. to coordinate me ride pool and to.give an introduction to mass-energy-warp phenomena and how to measure and photograph mem All stu dents interested in the Cape Blanco area explora lion and m vorlexial field theory should attend the orientation meetng FILMS The Incredible Bread Machine, a movie depict mg me tyrarxcal nature of the U S federal govern ment in relation lo innocent individuals will be shown today at 7 p m, in the EMU, free of charge The movie is an adaptation ot the book (of the same name) written ty six students The lotowng instructional lental films have ar rived early Faculty nay schedule Ihem lor classes w*h Ihe auAovisual media center before 2 30pm the day before Ihey are needed Students or faculty may request showings on a »r st-served basis Mon day through Friday between 6 and 10 m Ihe even mg Films are not available after the showdate listed below D*TE TITLE DEPT 2*27 Methadone An American Way of Dealing Psych 2*27 Exchanges Speech 3-2 Discovery The Lawrenoe Hall of Science Approach Ed Psych Talk Reform Ed Psych 3-1 Open Classroom C4I MISCELLANEOUS The Sierra Club is hoi ring a potluck on Friday Feb 27 at 6 30 p m m the cafeteria of Sheldon Meadows High School toff Coburg Road) Bring your own non-disposable plate cutlery and cup and a mam dish salad or dessert Coffee and tea will be provided Afterwards Don Hunter will present one of he slideshows on Oregon For more information contact Ame at 4864 The Department ot Physics presents a collo quium featuring Dr AP Cowley from the University ot Michigan Dr Cowley will speak on Old Novae Cataclysmic Variables, and Low Mass X-ray Binaries today at 3 30 p m m Room 16Science I jsu/Hiua PRescnis Israel Awareness Week Thur. Feb. 26 2.00-Shmuel Avital will lecture on ' Education of the Disadvan taged in Israel" and a Documentary: "Israel, The Reality", EMU room to be posted 7:00-"Exodus , showing at 177 Lawrence, admission $1.00