r Coast study registration ends Friday v. The deadline to register for Man on the Oregon Coast,” an interdisciplinary program to be offered spring term, is this Friday The program is open to students of all academic ma jors interested in coastal re sources and the socio economic conflicts of land-use planning. Based at the University's Oregon Institute of Marine Biology in Charleston, Oregon, the program involves seven disciplines including English, political science, economics, geography, landscape ar chitecture, urban planning and biology. Field work, informal classes and close interaction with instructors are charac teristic of the program. Tuition, fees and financial aid for the session are the same as at the Eugene cam pus. Dormitories on the in stitute grounds will house par ticipants at $40 a week — meals included. Interested students should come by the Man and the Oregon Coast” office in 206 Science 3. Applications ac companied by a self addressed stamped envelope must be turned in by Friday, Feb. 20. Selection of particip ants will be random. Those selected will be notified on March 2. V EMU CULTURAL FORUM PRESENTS DAN FOGELBERG February 29. 19TB Mac Court 8 JO p-m Tick** cn sale now No smoking ptoes»' 1315727 BLACK FOREST TAVERN 2657 Willamette 344-0816 Lve enlartanmanl live rvghij <i week MICHELOB ON TAP 12749 Kn EMU Cultural Forum presents Wednesday February 18 TONIGHT ONLY! MINNIE AND MOSKOWITZ Director JOHN CASSAVETES films his favorite subjects men women and people «' general MINNIE AND MOSKOWfTZ preceded WOMAN UNDER THE INFLU ENCE GENA ROW LA NOS >s exceienf n her porirayal o# a youig woman seefcrtg friendship amxtet the contusion of b«g aty Me 7 & 930pm S1 150 Soence Friday February 20 MORGAN A rna/vekxis farce revolving around an ec centnc London pamier who escapes the pressures of daily bvng by fleeing nto a wb<*y /any often touchog and always hdar* ous world of h*$ own He * destroyed by he love for ht& divorced wife h»s mother Kart Mar* and King Kong Starring DAVID WARNER and VANESSA REDGRAVE 7 30 4 9 30 S1 180 PLC Saturday. February 21 WOMEN IN LOVE Dnected by KEN RUSSELL (The Mumc Lover b Tommy) Starring OLIVER REED, ALAN BATES and GLENDA JACKSON Presented in coniunclon with GPA 7 30 4 9.30 pm J1 100 R.C Sunday, February 22 Nagtaa Oibkna * THE MAN WHO LEFT HIS WILL ON FILM The unusual and disturbing Japanese film is directed by one of Japan s most significant new film artists Oshtma has written. A filmmaker no more makes his films around a s'ngle theme than people go ihrough their llves with but a single thought He combines lhemes which are meaningful lo him m order that they may deepen show, and hence do justice to human complexity Such films as Death by Hanging and Cere mony have scenes of ludicrous human comedy mingled with shots of extraordinary photographic beauty 8 Pm $1 180 PLC 13180 20 ACME-BUOU PRESENTS Two films t>y Frank Capra PLATINUM BLONDE (1931 90 mm) AMERICAN MADNESS (1932 70 mm I 180 PLC 8 pm Wed Feb 8 Wednesday n<jhi SI or by series lies el 13183 18 THE AMANDA MARGA SOCIETY PRESENTS A BENEFIT FOR GUATEMALA EARTHQUAKE RELIEF PAPER MOON 1900 s con-man Ryan ONeal meets nis malcb in nne-yea' old Talum ONea! Sunday Feb 22 ISO Science 7 4 9 15pm SI 1318520 PHI KAPPA PSI PRESENTS MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS Sterling Seen Connery. Lauren Bacall. Ingrid Bergman. Vanessa Redgrave, and Rlcharo WMntark A nijrder is commitied on a tram rambfcrtg through the Onenl Her cute Poeot unravels the irilriguinq mystery contanng twelve suspects ana an unoe SevaWe ending Come early this move is sure to sei out Doors open a! 6 15 177 Lawrence $1 Friday. February 20 7, 9:15. 11:30 p.i.i. 5027:20 WHEATFIELD at Murphy and Me Tavern FeOruary 18-20 Wednesday and Thursday Si 50 Fr*jay S2 00 5152 20 CULTURAL FORUM PRESENTS The disioguished American piarvst and actor ROBERT GURALNtK IN CHOPIN LIVES CMopn himself returns to play his music and lo dramalcaliy remmoce about his lanes, ha music and his relations to both Sunday. February 22. 1976-8 p m Tickets EMU Mam Desk—*2.50*3 1317020 MAX S TAVERN Wednesday nigh! TURKEY RUN Thursday Night CAM NEWTON Jazz and Classical guitar Saturday Nitwit McKenzie river boys 13177 sh THE ANANDA MARGA SOCIETY PRESENTS THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF MISS JANE PITMAN C«ely Tyson (SOUNDER) gives a bril lianl award-winning performance as an impressive black woman whose life-span parallels Black History in the South since the Crvil War One of the most movng films of recent years Saturday, February 21 150 Science 8 8 10 15 pm $1 1318220 UNIVERSITY THEATRE PRESENTS BERTOLT BRECHTS THE GOOD WOMAN OF SETZUAN February 13, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21 Tickets 686-4191 _1304020 The EMU Cultural Forum presents AN EVENING WITH JANIS IAN AND LOUDON WAINWRIGHT III Thursday. February 19, 1976 8 30 p.m Mac Court Tckets available now! No smokmg please • 13132:19 ( PERSONAL ~~J SEARCH needs Spring term instructors! Sug gested topics are modem dance resource con servation aikido and sculpture These are only suggestions any topic is a possibility Come by our office m Suite I. EMU II 686-4377 13184 20 BMOC (OUR FRATTY FRIEND): One lap around" Happy Birthday"1 Your GDI Inends Mike Mam Chnsli Sharon and Carolyn 5172 18 CUDDLES—Did we realty do that7 —Love. Gttz 5173 18 BLOOO BANK REPORT A Positive 10 unils A Negative 1 unit OPositive 10 units O Negative 2 Units B Positive 0 units AB Positive 1 unit DONOR HOURS Monday thru Thursday 10 30-1245 Tuesday thru Thursday 7 00-4 30 Friday 3 00-6 30 CALL US FOR AN APPOINTMENT AT 484-9111 MAKE THEM BEG. GREG Stay with the PLAN. DAN Drop in the KEY. LEE And set the TEAM. FREE. 5174 16 GUARANTEED WORK Reasonable Rates For your VW at your localcn Tune-ups—Lube—Light surgery 345-2142 501020 NO WORRIES IN NEW ZEALAND Robo Love Happiness and Power lo the Ducks on our 241h Geo' 5159 19 EM. YOU WANNA know a secret7 You ve always been my standard of perfection Love Ish 5165 18 A BARGAIN IN DOPE is coming soon 5164 20 FREE TAX ADVICE on slate and federal income tax problems Located m the EMU lobby nexl lo the Information and Gnevance Center the tax table offers service Monday thru Friday. 9:30 to 1 30 until March 12 This servioe is provided by Bela Alpha Psi-Acoounting Honorary 13175:12 EMU CULTURAL FORUM PRESENTS CHECKERED PLAYERS , Firestgn Theatre—move over —Scott LIVE COMEOY EMU Ballroom Friday. February 27. 8 p m Tickets $2*2 50 EMU Mam Desk 1316127 HAMILTON STAINED GLASS Complete supplies lot stained glass at reasonable prices Good selection of glass in slock now 4th and High, Eugene 485-8650 12332MWF Land use input invited One of 12 “open door” meet ings sponsored by the Land Con servation and Development Commission (LCDC) is scheduled for today at 7 p.m. in the Eugene City Hall Council Chamber. “The purpose of these ses sions,” says Hal Brauner, Director of the Department of Land Con servation and Development, “is to give the commission the opportun ity to learn firsthand the concerns of Oreg onians with regard to the State's land use program.” More "open door” sessions will be arranged elsewhere in the state, now that local jurisdictions are submitting their comprehen sive plans for review by the com mission. Commissioner Dorothy Ander son of Eugene stated that "most of the commission will be in atten dance in Eugene. I hope the peo ple of this area will take this oppor tunity to share their views with us.” WOW extends logo contest The Community Center for the Performing Arts (CCPA) has ex tended the deadline for its Logo Contest to Thursday, Feb. 26. All local logotype artists are encour aged to submit ideas for a building trademark. The announcement for the win ner is scheduled for Tuesday, March 2. Graphic artists interested in doing additional work for the WOW Hall should bring examples of their art in to the CCPA at 8th and Lincoln Street. Phone 687-2746 and ask for Sarah. DAVID S.G. Thanks for a terrific Friday 13th No black cals but a dog named Gus 151 Rum 5166:18 OREGON FEELING CENTER, an alternative to the Primal Institute For information write 438 West 8th, Eugene, Oregon, 97401 13159:tfn Lynette, Holly, Charley, Marta and Katie I don t know what I d do without friends like you 519618 NEED HELP ON TERM PAPERS? Professional editor would like to help you. Do NOT write papers but can gnre organizational and editonal assistance to at W« improve your product 342-8686 evenngs 5028 18 MIDTERM HELP: The Center for Self Development has tutors avalable for AOP stu dents veterans, and lew income people Account ing. finance, econ. music it, physcs. chemstry. geog. math, education. French, soc so computer science. Spanish 207 Emerald Hall 686-3232 13158:18 GARY T-SIG EP—We ll celebrate your 20 th wining. dinng, and romancing Saturday night! —Your Flaming Alpha 5167:18 KAMIKAZE FANS - Score with a poster of the team A variable this week (February 18-23) for 25 cents from McDonald s. No purchase necessary. 13136:18 HAVE YOU ever been to Egypt? ff so I want to talk to you 485-9291 ask for John, after 7 p.m. 5168 18 BARON—ARE YOU stil up for fP Hope so! Keep 4 throbbing til I get well —Mtda 5199:18 MCC A Christian church for gay people holds services every Sunday at 1 p.m.-White Bird Annex For more information call Rev Ann Montague—746-7427 I2526:wh U*H fixo-uctlcf, fcXC&CHiil in concede Mna i An WITH SPECIAL GUEST: LOUDON WAINWRIGHT III THURS., FEB. 19, 1976 8:30 P.M.t MAC COURT TICKETS: No Smoking Pleased >5 UO STudens $5 00 Geneta Putii 55 50 A' 'ne cioo Available: Sun Shop EMU Main Desk Chrystalship & Everybody s Reco'ds "A double tee event I You heard her talk on the JFK Assassination yesterday. lev TODAY, hear MAE BRUSSEL talk on: “The U.S. Intelligence Community & the Politics of Conspiracy 12:30 p.m. Rm. 129 Law School FREE 1 •regon Daily Emerald Page 15