Jim Lincoln: He’s a 78-year-old who likes to ‘blast them’ once ip awhile By MICHAEL KESTEN Of the Emerald Jim Lincoln was still chuckling Thursday norning about his letter the Emerald ran the day before. The letter had been slightly critical of Pres. Boyd. "You know," he said, "this young gal—she couldn't have come more than up to here on me—came up behind me and slammed me on the back. Good going, Jim,' she said, you really blasted them. " Lincoln, 78, is a man who likes to "blast 'em" once in awhile. Al though he was born in Alaska in 1898, Lincoln considers himself a native Oregonian. "Both my father and mother were mountain people from Ken tucky who came over the Oregon trail and settled here. In 1898, you know, during the Alaska gold rush, they had this idea to start a board ing house in Alaska for all the miners. Well, it didn't work out, and they came right back to Oregon, but I was born in Alaska. I was brought up here and in California." Currently teaching a SEARCH class on a Native American prophet, Lincoln has led an active life, which includes extensive travel throughout the world. He served overseas in both world wars and also fought in the Spanish Civil War. Lincoln, a lifetime artist, has lived through various periods and phases of art. During the Great Depression of the 1930s he painted murals for pubic buildings in the West under a government art program. He also painted nudes for speak easies and bars (after the repeal of prohibition) and often did pic tures of ranches and farmhouses for a few day’s room and board, frequently signing the owners’ names to the works. “I've done medical research the last 35 years, the last 20 in New York," Lincoln said. "My specialization is electron microscopy in ultra structure re search of the individual cell. No thing is simple, nowadays,” Lin coln commented in discussing how he made his “bread and but ter." i ne topic or maxing a living re minded Lincoln of his youth on his parents' farm about seven miles west of Eugene. "I was driving a horse-drawn wagon loaded with hides into Eugene when I was 13 years old.'' he said. "Later, I got to be a machine shop helper in one of the lumber mills. It was while I was doing that, that I started going to night school. The first time I went to school was when I was 14.” Lincoln continued his educa tion, which included a two-term stint at the University from 1922 to 1923, and graduated from the University of California in 1936. Lincoln’s SEARCH class con cerns the Native American prophet Wovoka. Lincoln is a fol lower of Wovoka and considers himself one of the few people qual ified to teach the course. He recalls the first time he met Wovoka. “My father and I were in San Francisco during the big ear thquake of April 18, 1906. Al though I was only eight, I re member the terrible fires as if it was only yesterday. My father worked on some of the gangs that began clearing the rubble. “After two months, we left for Oregon Daily Emerald Oregon. We went by way of Nevada and stopped in the Mason Valley where I met Wovoka. That's when I found out my father could speak Paiute. Wovoka knew English but he'd only talk to strangers in Paiute." Lincoln describes himself as a Tuscarora-Cherokee. He visited Wovoka two more times before the prophet died in 1932. Lincoln says that Wovoka related Christ ianity to the American Indian way of life. “Wovoka said that this life is not the true life, it’s just for our bodies. The real life is the world of the spirit. The first words of Genesis say in plain Hebrew, God is a spirit....’ He has no body. Our souls are of God—not of this world.’’ Buffalo not ‘in the mood’ BUFFALO, N Y. (AP) — Seven members of singer Bette Midler's touring company have been ar rested on drug charges here in what her manager said Monday was an “illegal search and seiz ure." “They're against pinball machines here,” said the popular singer’s manager, Aaron Russo. "Most towns are liberal in this day and age...but Buffalo is in the midst of this silly antivice crusade." !■ .. Three members of Midler's back-up band and four techni cians were arrested Sunday when police seized what they said was a half-ounce of cocaine and V/2 pounds of marijuana in a down town hotel room. Officers said they had seen the drugs by looking into a third-floor window of the hotel from the ramp in a nearby parking garage. Midler is in the midst of a 20-city tour that began Dec. 20 in San Francisco. 786 E 11th AVENUE / EUGENE THE MOST TALKED ABOUT sandwich on campus :::: THEY’VE KILLED THE PRESIDENT! *r A Program on Political Assassinations TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17 E.M.U. BALLROOM 8:00 P.M. featuring HAYS GOREY—TIME correspondent and contributing author to "'Who Killed J.F.K.?” TIME Nov. 24, 1975. and MAE BRUSSELL— Conspiracy Theorist Wednesday Feb. 18—129 Law 12:30 PM MAE BRUSSELL—The US Intelligence Community and the politics of conspiracy FREE sponsored by the Cultural Forum and Student Bar Association Page 3