Mother Kali9s offers women-centered inspiration A browser in Mother Kali's Bookstore studies the collection on rape, feminine self-defense and self-awareness. The bookstore is a collec tive run by four women who want to “provide a place where women can be educated together " By HEATHER McCLENAGHAN Of the Emerald Don’t expect to find a copy of Cosmopolitan or Redbook at Mother Kali’s Books; they are not the kind of material the proprietors have in mind when they say they carry women’s literature. They do offer a comfortable, non-sexist space to soak up some woman-centered inspiration. Mother Kali's, tucked in a big gray house at 11th Avenue and Lincoln Street, is Eugene's only collectively-run feminist bookstore. Since November the four women, Muffin, Devi, Ellen and Marie, who run the store have stocked the shelves with books, periodicals, newsletters, calendars and art work dealing with women's issues and women's culture. "We re lesbians,” Muffin says matter-of-factly. “We wanted to work with women, and lesbians at that, plus provide a place where women can be edu cated together. We wanted to open this store so women could ask each other questions about power and survival.” "Eugene is a whole-wheat city,” says Devi. “The possibility of working collectively with women brought me here. Eugene is a center for this kind of thing. There are a lot of women here talking to each other.” Stepping into Mother Kali's from the noise and hustle of 11 th Avenue means walking into a reflection of the women’s movement in 1976. Bookcovers tell of third-world women, healing, communism, women's music, lesbian separatism, matriarchy—the nuts and bolts of feminist reading spiced with injections of children’s literature, cook books and science fiction. A rack in the center of the store holds "How to" books. Subjects here range from self defense and use of handguns to repair of toilets and basic carpentry. What we re trying to do is select books that are useful to women and children,” explains Muffin. "By providing women with instructive, survival-oriented books, we can close a gap in women's literature.” Business at Mother Kali’s has been successful. Says Devi: “We’ve been supported by women and our bills have been paid through their efforts. We started with $800 of our own money and were loaned $1,100 from women in the community with money and faith.” So far all money has been plowed back into the store, but the collective hopes to begin pah ing salaries. Currently the owners are trying to define what “col lective” means. “The workers own and control the shop,” says Muffin. “That's really basic but it says a lot. Both the responsibility and the shitwork is shared. I guess we have four bosses and four shitworkers.” On a typical day at Mother Kali's, women sit read ing and talking on the green carpeting while music by female artists plays on the stereo. The Kidz Playroom offers mothers a chance to browse, and another room, called Wimminspace, has been turned over to women s classes. A SEARCH class in communication and an astrology class both use the room. Men’s response to Mother Kali's has been mixed. The collective has noted a voyeuristic hostility on the part of some, but attribute it to part of a larger hostility toward women as a whole. “I love it when a man comes in, sees a woman behind the counter and asks to see the manager,” laughs Muffin. “We come off as threatening in a passive way. All of a sudden men walk in here and they find themselves in an environment where they’re not in control." Adds Devi, “Our culture is run by white males. To come in here and give money to a woman is quite jl change.” GOURMET COFFEE ROASTED DAILY The Coffo* Bean Coffee Company 2465 Hilyard 110 West Broadway 12059 lln EVENTS EMU CULTURAL FORUM AND DEPT OF SOCIOLOGY presers STANLEY ARONW1TZ The University E«pen enoe How useful lot what comes a fief7 February 5. EMU Fo*um Rm 12 :30 p m FREE 13028 5 THERE WAL BE a Student Oregon Education As social ion meeting. Wednesday February 4 at 6 30 >n the EMU (room to be posledl All interested Edu cation mators welcome 13037 4 FRAT CHUG Wednesday, February 4 Registration at 7:30 Chug at 8 OLCC card required PADDOCK EVERYONE WELCOME 130454 ODf classifieds C EHTERTAIMMEHT ) BLACK FOREST TAVERN 2657 Willamette 344-0816 Live entertainment live nights a week MICHELOBE ON TAP 12749 tin UNIVERSITY THEATRE PRESENTS BERTOLT BRECHT S THE GOOD WOMAN OF SETZUAN February 13, 14, H. 19, 20, 21 Tickets 686-4191 13040.20 EMU Cultural Forum Piesents ROYAL LICHTENSTEIN CIRCUS FREE Wednesday Noon February 11 EMU Ballroom 13069 1 0 WHEATFIELD at MURPHY AND ME TAVERN February 4. 5. &6 Wednesday and Thursday $1 50 Friday S2 1025:6 Cultural Forum University film Society present Sunday, February 8 LANCELOT OF THE LAKE In color Robert Breeaon a dazzkngly severe and beauti ful version of tie legend of LANCELOT, KING AR THUR, GUINEVERE, and Arthurs slimy enemy MORORED -The New Yorker WINNER of International Critics Prize. Cannes Film Festival. 1974 860 p.m. 180 PLC SI 130716 FRIDAY FEBRUARY 6 I KAMERADSCHAFT (Comradeship) 1919 National hatreds and tear are used to divide and control French and German ooal miners ot the Saar Basin But an explosion on the French side and the rescue by the Germans alow the miners to discover the matenal basis lot then comradeshp, a com radeship the bosses and owners will strive to destroy also THE INHERITANCE a survey oi the working class movement in the USA Irom its inception through the fier cest and most significant struggles 180 PLC, 7 & 9 30 p m $1.25 presented by L.A.C 130748 The Center tor Medieval Studies Presents: THE THREE MUSKETEERS The recent 1974 version starring Oliver Reed, Michael York. Richard Chambedam-and Frank Finlay with Ra quel Welch and Charlton Heston Saturday February 7 at 7, 9. &11 p m Sunday, February 8 at 7 & 9 p m 150 Science Admission $1 _ 1029 6 $1 TURKEY RUN Plays Country and Martian Wednesday n«e MAX'S 550 East 13th 13058 4 The Ananda Marge Society presents CRIES AND WHISPERS Considered by many film critics to be Ingmar Bergman s greatest masterpiece ths film is a powerful and unique experience Bergman probes the souls ol three women with shat tering insight Starring UV ULLMAN and HARRIET ANDERSON Saturday. February 7 180 F’LC 7 and 9 p m $1 THE STUDENT ASSOCIATION OF SCAN DINAVIA, THE CULTURAL FORUM AND THE FOREIGN STUDENTS ORGANIZATION PRESENTS JOE HILL Director BO WIDERBERG (Elvira Mackgan) traces the labor movement at the turn of the century and follows one of its greatest heroes through his or ganizing for the I W.W •BALLAD Of JOE HILL" sung by JOAN BAEZ FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 6 7 and 9 30 p m Admission $1 123 Science _13072:s> Spiritual Union Praaents THE TWELVE CHAIRS Written and directed by Mel Brooks An uproanous chase tor a fortune in jewels, staring Brooks regulars Ron Moody and Dom De Luise, (and Brooks hmsetf m a hilarious rale) Friday. February 6 177 Lawrence 7 and 9 p.m. $1 ONLY 1 MORE DAY TILL THEATRE OF the open eye Total Theater ' from New York City February 5-10 Ticket! at EMU Main Deak 13068 44 A TEMPO Tired ol stow morning starts? Then begn your day ATEMPO with KWAX'S morning magazine Sip your coffee with BBC and Natonal Public Radio news, the weather report and kghf classes A TEMPO—6-9:30 a m KWAX 91.1 FM 1018:4 CHINESE STUDENT ASSOCIATION PRESENTS CHINESE NEW YEAR BANQUET AH the best of Chnese Food CHINESE FASHION, DANCING. SINGING. KUNG-FU SHOWS 6 p.m . February 8 Balroom. EMU S3’Person. $1 tor children under 12 Tickets available EMU mam desk Unrated Tickets 13050:6 ACME-BIJOU PRESENTS John Ford's THE QUIET MAN (1952. 129 minutes) JOHN WAYNE and MAUREEN O HARA. A retired Amerean-lnsh borer returns to the land ot his people. s p.m. Wednesday, Fed. 4 180 PLC SI or by series ticket Cinema 7 Eugene Mini Mall, Second Floor 10th and Olive. 687-0733 presents TorrcyM thru February 8 First Eugene sho ring LOUIS MALLES Lacomb, Lucien from the director of Murmer of the Heart Showtimes 7 and 9 30 p m Reduced adrmc«on for matnees Saturday & Sunday at 2 CAMPUS YWCA PRESENTS THE FINAL FILM OF THE MAE WEST FILM FESTIVAL SHE DONE HIM WRONG with Cary Grant West, as Diamond Lit. brought the production code upon the film industry 7 and 9 p.m. 103 Fenton February 4. Wednesday $1 13057:4 ON FRIDAY FEBRUARY 6 Dance to SHINOLA in the EMU Ballroom Music begns at 8 p m. Admission, $1 50 _ 13038:6 ( PERSONAL ) SEAMSTRESS WILL SEW your patterns custom fitting, desiging, alterations 344-8948 4386 6 LETS GET TOGETHER SEARCH Alternative Education needs 80 good in structors lor Spring Term If you can share skills in areas from Tai Chi. Toymaking, and Outdoor Survi val, to Nutntion and Low Energy Lifestyles, come in and Turn Us On Suite I. EMU. Deadline March 1. 13046:11 WANT TO HELP THE WORLD? Conscientious people, who believe in God. interested in helping the world are needed Call 687-8737 between 6 and 9 p.m. 4183 6 DANCE TECHNIQUE and IMPROVISATION class Thursday eves Centered expressive flow. __4264 5 MOTHER KALIS BOOKS women s Literature and Poetry Healing, kxlz books, records and more. 333 West 11th (Lincoln) Monday-Saturday 10 a m.-9 p.m. Sunday: noon-6 p.m 13056:6 HAMILTON STAINED GLASS Complete supplies for stained glass at reasonable prices. Good selection of glass m stock now. 4th and High. Eugene 485-8650 12332 MWF FRENCHY: THANKS FOR the help ROIO.1038 4 DEAR QUEENIE Thanks for the Flora We appreciate the gift and the aver THE NEW NU S 1019:4 HAPPY 19th FOR MY FAVORITE FEROCHAS SHOOK IE LOVER YT4T PB 1036:4 AC DC—PLEASE—Just one more cinnamon rod? Brazilian BamOno 1046:4 WALTER PAVUCH, I thxik I love you from Guess Who?1045:4 C.J.—Hope someday wnen you re ready to love agan you'll return to me Patiently witi LOVE always your ex-steady 1043:4 INTERESTED IN FRATERNITIES? Delta Upsilon. 1774 Alder Street is having a CoWee Hour' tonight at 9 p m. Interested men may cal 686-3580 for tides and information. 1057:4 RSHLIPS—BEWARE! The Millrace is a cold place to ’get down in! —Nerd Demolition Squad 1056 4 BET1NA, WELCOME TO your new home Great to have you We are looking forward to a good term THE PEANUT BUTTER KIDS— 1066:4 RSHLIPS—Out of si^it. but not out of mind! Love Member (not to be confused!) 1055:4 GRANDMA MARTINSON— I I take a proctor to get you through! Happy 21. J.D. 1061:4 MCC A Christian church for gay people holds ser vices every Sunday at 1 p m —White Bird Annex. For more nformaton call Rev Ann Montague—746-7427 1 2S26WH LANE MEMORIAL BLOOD BANK Blood Donors Needed A Positive 10 Units. A Negative 2 Units; O Positive 9 Units. O Negetive 3 Units. B Posittve 0 Units, AB Positive 0 Units. Donor Hours Monday thru Thursday 10:30—12:45 Tuesday thru Thursday 2:00—4:30 Friday 3:00—6 30 Call us for an appointment at 484-9111