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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1976)
Hendricks Hall Reconstruction set Hendricks Hail, home of the CSPA and Bureau of Governmen tal Research offices, will undergo extensive reconstruction next month for corrections in its maze like structure. Plumbing ranks first in remodel ing plans. Workmen will water proof the walls and install a pump to correct water leakage in the basement. Additional reconstruction will improve the Public Affairs and In ternational Development (PAID) and Career Information Service (CIS) areas, finish the second and third floor corridors and improve fire-detection and sprinkler sys tems. Two centrally located re strooms on each floor will replace the present facilities, which are outdated and hard to And. Funds may also permit provi sions for student work space on the second floor near the PAID area, carpet installation on sec ond and third floors and repainting in non-reconstructed areas. Hendricks Hall’s history is the reason for the reconstruction. Built in 1918, the three-story brick structure first operated as a women's dorm. In 1967 CSPA took over the building, thus chang ing its function from residence to office use. Increased internal security also demands the changes. ( Lack of quorum stops special Senate meeting A special session of the Univer sity Senate Friday, scheduled to discuss adoption of a policy statement on the “disadvan taged" student procyams, was ad journed because of lack of a quorum. The discussion was postponed to the next regular meeting of the Senate, scheduled for Feb. 25. Nepalese art at main library An extensive collection of Nepalese children's drawings of man, woman and self have been placed in the Special Collections Division of the University's main library. The 2,664 drawings are re search materials collected in the late 1950s by Thomas Ballinger, professor of art education. The collection also includes a pilot study of Nepalese drawings and American and Greek children's drawings. The material is expected to be of particular interest to scholars interested in further research on the psychology of children's draw ings. Chinese Student Association Presents Chinese New Year Banquet All the best of Chinese Food Chinese Fashion, Dancing, Singing, Knng-Fu shows 6:00 P.M., Feb.8, Ballroom, EMU 3.00/Person, 1.00 for children under 12 Tickets available EMU main desk Limited Tickets E-i.2. EMU Food Service RS SKYLIGHT Presents The sandwich "‘by-the-inch 11 lL*~* •iVf You can buy a submarine sandwich "by-the-inch” at the SKYLIGHT from 9:00 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Mon-Fri. The first 4 inches for 50 cents, each additional inch 11 cents. Jtm Gregory Dennis Pfaff Greg Wasson Greg Clark Paul Waldschmidt Chris Story Bob Welch Jenifer Blumberg Jerri Nitson JoAnn Pahlgren Jeff Nielson Rtck Bella Patty Farrell Lots Lindsay Brad Lemley Wally Benson Jackman Wilson Kate Setgal Carl Bryant Susan Harper Gayle Freeman Ted Johnston Edrtor Managng Editor News Edtor Graphics Editor Editorial Page Edrtor Asst News Edtor Sports Editor Entertainment Edtor Wire Editor Asst Graphics Edtor Asst Sports Editor Associate Editors: Politics Admin & Student Services ASUO Gov t & Agencies Features, In-Depth Departments & Schools Community Production Manager Advertising Manager Classified Advertising Librarian Accountant Page 2 Oregon Daily Emerald The Oregon Daily Emerald is published Monday through Friday during fall, writer and spring terms, except durng exam weeks and vacation periods Dunng summer session the Emerald is publshed Tuesday and Thursday during the ei^it-week term and on Thursday Ihe last three weeks of the eleven-week term The Oregon Daily Emerald is publshed by Ihe Oregon Daily Emerald Pubtshmg Co . Inc . at the University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon 94703 Subscription rates (1) Umversrty of Oregon student and facuky-staff subscription rates are based on annual contracts the Emerald makes with the Associated Students of the University of Oregon and with the Univer sity administration The subscnpUxi rate is $3 44 a person (2) Special subecnptions for persons not m category (1) are available for $20 a year (12 months) or $7 a term The Oregon Daily Emerald offices are in the north wing of the Erb MemonaJ Union. News/Editorial 686-5511 Display Advertising 686-3712 Classified Advertising 686-4343 The Oregon Daily Emerald is a member of Associated Press and College Press Service el al IFC eyes crowd hassle Crowd control at Mac Arthur Court will be the subject of an Inci dental Fee Committee (IFC) hear ing today at 1:30 in the Dad’s Room, EMU. A similar hearing was held last Thursday. The purpose of the hearing is to gain student input into control of pre-game crowds at Mac Court, says Jamie Bums, IFC chairer. Discussion at the heanng will center around control options for the remainder of this year and next. Options for this year include the use of barricades and the pos sible opening of more doors. One of these forms of control is needed for the four remaining home games, claims Burns. He says students arrive at Mac Court at 5:15 p.m. and throw themselves into the lines creating a "danger ous and unhealthy situation." The possibility of having re served seating in Mac Court next year will also be discussed at the hearing. German consul to talk The consul from the Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) in Seattle will give a brief talk in German Tuesday in Gerlinger Hall. Rudolf Mueller-Horn will speak on “Economic Questions in the Federal Republic" at 8 p.m. A question and answer period, in English, will follow. He also will present books and packages irom me merman He search Community to the University's German House. Formerly cultural attache in Mexico City and Buenos Aires. Muller-Horn has been the oonsul in Seattle since 1970. His talk is sponsored by the German department. The public is invited to attend, and admission is free. Festival needs talent The University is looking for talented Oregonians to participate in its annual Festival of Arts. The festival, which is co sponsored this year by the Uni versity and the Eugene Downtown Association, begins on the down town mall at noon Friday, April 9, and ends Monday, April 12. The festival committee would like to attract singers, dancers, ar tists, jugglers, marching bands, minstrels, film makers and many other types of entertainers Individuals or groups who would like to display their talents are urged to contact the festival committee in 154 Susan Camp bell Hall. r briefs The Dnefs section it tor campus and commun ity announcement* No (met rvki be pubkshed that chargee an adrmswon or done Bon tee However classes that charge Intern or (knner events that otter a tree program even to Vtoee who do not buy a dinner w« be accepted All briefs muM be typed, tnple-epeced m a 66-unit margm Handwritten bnets wkl be given tow priority Bnefs wtl be pubkjhed one bme only at any seven-day period, as space permits MEETMGS Pre-meds Do you know what is avaffable to you as a pre-med’’ General information meeting is tonight at 7 30 »i 167 0v»U OSPlRG s weekly local board meetng e tonr^ti si one at the Century Rooms D*cusstxi wtl center around fitting utkty pnee tikes and the upcoming energy conference Please attend to voce your ffiou^its and learn the thoughts of others Womens Resource and Referral Servee gen era! meeting s tonight at 7 n the YMCA Lounge Gerlnger All women are welcome The weekly tmeheoo meetng ot the AFT is today and every other Monday tram 12 30 p m to t 30 p m n the EMU INTERVIEWS Graduating and need a job’ The Resume Writing Workshop is instruction n wntng an effective re sume Srgrvup n Career Planning & Placement Service Learn to nlennew effectively Sign up now for job nlennew workshops usng videotape feed back Workshops are also available on coping stalls In the job market More nformaton is available at the man desk of Career Planning & Placement Service. 246 Susan Campbell Hall The Career Planning 6 Placement Service is avakabte lor assistance in ottanmg a job n busi ness or government Attend an orientation sessnn Eugene Secretarial Service Selectric—CPT Unit Programming Power Typing (multiple originals) "Metered Maid Service" 344-8223 Let us type your theses, dissertations and resumes. * * * Quality—Efficiency— Dependability at 3 30 pm any Thursday at 248 Susan Campbell Hall Ai serves* are tree lo students The toaoamg recruser* *a be maaeg campus Interview sign up sheets are posted at 8 IS am Tuesday at 248 Susan Campbell Students must Sim m a resume a day before the n ter view Feb 10 Xerot Corporation AI majors Feb 11 Claaol. Inc Preferred background B A Marketing and Business Feb 11-12 Fast Nafonal Bank of Oregon Busi ness Admeietralon. Economes. Ac counting Fee 11-12 ACTION-Peace Corps Business Architecture Engneermg Feb 12 Pacific Northwest Befi Preferred backgrounds Engineering Bus ness Mathematcs Physics. Gen eral Science MISCELLANEOUS University lenors wilt receive proofs of thee senior pictures taken m December tie week Seniors are requested to call tie Oregana office at 686-4306 and give tie preferred pose number found on the back of the desaed photograph Do this before refumaig proofs lo the photographer Entries are due Thursday for the women s A Teona Tournament to be hetd Friday and Satur day Turn si entry to WRA office. 171 Gerfaiger Annen Spend spring at the coast Are you irterested in interdisciplinary held work? The Man and the Oregon Coast program a now accepting appkca tons for ts spring term alter-cksctpfinary program Students from any academe discipline may spend spring term at the Oregon Institute of Marine Bof ogy ai Charleston and take classes at English economics geography Caotogy. political science landscape architecture and urban planning Stu dents win study problems and issues nvotvaig the Oregon Coast through classes and extensive indi vidual protects wSh staff Informatonal slide shows are planned today at 7 p m in the EMU. room to be posted There are sti openings a> Nina Wilds WRA sponsored Fnsbee Class, meeting Mondays and Wednesdays at 7 p.m in B-50 Gerlmger Annex Tomtit Environmental Studies Center presents Barbara Weaver, researcher in ocean poktes, par ticipant n tie third annual Law of tie Sea Confer ence. Geneva She wiU be speakng on oceans, the 200 milolimit, etc a! 7 30 p m in tie EMU. room to be posted X5006 Take an ODE to lunch today Monday, February 2, 1976