ADULT STUDENT HOUSING INC, ASHLANE A TOTAL STUDENT COMMUNITY 47S Lindale dr Springfield. Ore 747-54H ♦THE PLACE TOLIVF • CLOSE TO MAJOR SHOPRING • FURNISHED APTS AVAILABLE • RECREATION ROOM RVATIONSj* bus SERVICE toCAMPUS • CARPETS A DRAPERIES LAUNDRY FACILITIES CHILDREN WELCOME Women’s Cooperative Living “the least expensive group living situation on campus" including room, board;; telephone, utilities & extras!! University House Contact: Marion x4435 <! 791 East 15th Sharon x4125 Jj A Foreign Student Organization and Indian Students' ■ Association. U. of 0. proudly present INDIA NIGHT EXOTIC INDIAN DINNER BHARATNATYAM • • * CLASSICAL DANCE MUSIC AND SONGS SILAMBAM • • • STICK FENC ING COSTUME SHOW SATURDAY FEB. 7 6P.M. E.M.U. BALLROOM tickets $2.75 Sold at EMU Main Desk Valley River Center—Ward’s Downtown Mall—Crystalship Scarborough Faire—Ana In for further information 687-8261, 686-3954, 687-2068 Sfr 1 U ... Editor Jim Gregory Advertising Manager Carl Bryant Production Manager Kate Seigal Accountant Ted Johnston The Oregon Daily Emerald is published Monday through Friday during fall, winter and spring terms, except during exam weeks and vacation periods Dunng summer session the Emerald is published Tuesday and Thursday during the eight-week term and on Thursday the last three weeks of the eleven-week term The Oregon Daily Emerald is published by the Oregon Daily Emerald Publishing Co , Inc . at the University of Oregon Eugene Oregon 97403 The Oregon Daily Emerald offices are i n the north wing of the Erb Memorial Union News editorial phone nurrtier is 686-5511 Display advertising is 686-371Z Classified advertising number is 686-4343 The Oregon Daily Emerald is a member of Associated Press and College Press Service Page 2 -,..el Work hours boosted The number of hours work-study students may work has been increased, according to the program director. Lance Popoff, work-study director, announced in a memo to employers that students may now work up to 20 hours per week while classes are in session. Students may work a full 40-hour week during vaca tion periods. The maximum number of hours per month will be computed at a rate of four hours per work day, with Monday through Friday defined as work days. For example, February has 20 work days. This is multip lied by four hours for a maximum of 80 hours that the work-study employe may work for that month. For more information, call the Work-Study Office at 686-3221. Enrollment incorrect The Emerald incorrectly reported the number of students enrolled in the University's journalism school. Including pre-journalism majors, there are 654 journalism students. The Emerald regrets the error. KWAX offers opera The University’s public radio station KWAX, 91.1 FM, will broadcast Rossini's comic opera "The Barber of Seville" Saturday at 11 a.m. over the Texaco-Metropolitan Opera Radio Network. Saturday night at 9 p.m. KWAX will present Na tional Public Radio's Folk Festival USA. The program will feature the Clarksville Old Time Music and Fid dlers Convention, which includes young and old musicians in performance of bluegrass and old time country music. Highlights on this program include festival re cordings of the late Sam McGee, the Missouri Corn dodgers, W.L. Gregory and Clyde Davenport, and The Hot Mud Family. Ski race scheduled Wondering how to get started in cross-country ski ing? A ski race might intimidate some beginners, but a race is planned for this weekend with beginners in mind. The purpose of the race is to provide beginning and advanced skiers with a groomed surface on which to develop technique. al Skiers can choose a ten or two kilometer course. The terrain is flat and rolling. The race is scheduled for Sunday at noon. The course is near Odell Butte at the intersection of Highway 58 and Road 244B, 77 miles from Eugene. For more information call 345-5584 or go to the Sugar Pine Ridge ski store, 877 East 13th Ave. ASUO airs stand The ASUO will hold a press conference at 11:30 today to air its stand on the alleged illegal construc tion of University tennis courts by the State Board of Higher Education. Location of the conference will be posted in the EMU. According to Mark Cogan, executive administra tive assistant for legislative affairs, the ASUO will outline the basis for its allegation that the board acted illegally in spending approximately $430,000 of ex cess dormitory revenue to construct the facilities. He says it will also explain the reasons for pursuing the issue and its plan for legal action if the board doesn't negotiate. Rally protests fee hike The Committee To Fight For The Right To An Education on the University of Oregon campus has called for a march and rally against the proposed 12 per cent tuition hike and statewide cuts in higher education. The rally will begin at 12 noon Monday, Feb 2 at the EMU terrace on campus. Speeches, songs and guerilla theater are scheduled. Group appoints head The Oregon Student Public Interest Research Group (OSPIRG) has appointed Bill Van Dyke as their director effective Feb. 1, the organization an nounced Wednesday. The 27-year-old Iowa native moved to Oregon in 1972 and began working with OSPIRG that same year. “The major challenge OSPIRG faces,” Van Dyke said, "is to continue to offer students new and different experiences to meet their needs. Their in terests in public issues may change, and we have to be capable of reassessing what we offer them." Van Dyke said he is excited about his new job. “I feel a strong commitment to what OSPIRG does, and this is a tremendous chance to help do it better ” MEETINGS A meeting to discuss Hie programs and services available to pre-med students will be held in 167 EMU Monday at 730 p.m Sigma Gamma Rho. the University s only black sorority, is havng a meetng today at 530 p m m the EMU. room to be posted All interested persons are invited to attend —briefs— Hawaii Club Members who are nterested n at tenting the luau There will be a meeting and prac tice. Sunday at 2 pm Bean West Conference Boom The Gray Panthers will hold an organizational meeting tonight at the pubic ibrary on 13th Av enue Topes to be discussed include national health insurance ut*ty rales and state legislature priorities The pubic is invited There will be a special meeting ol the University Senate today at 330 m 229 Law MISCELLANEOUS Stephen A Morse M D will be holding informal conversations with nteresled pre-med students today in Room 75 SC II from 1-3 p m The Northwest Players are hottng open aud tons tor the produdon ot Date Waeserman s One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest based on a novel by Ken Kesey (Steeled by Edward Chambers The show wet be perlormed at Gulliver s Casa N Cleaver Iupstairs m the banquet room at the Valley Fliver Center bersnnngn mid-May There will be 9 performances! AurSbans will be held Monday and Tuesday at 7 30p m at Culver s (Reach theban Quet room by clmbmg to the turd floor of the Worlds Fare Restaurant at Valley River Center ) There are parts lor 5 tamales and 17 males Especially needed black males a Japanese female, and a large male (6 4 ) For further ml or mat on call Ed Chambers at 344 -9641 Tomorrows snow-shoemg eipedton tor CPE 378 (TIN 6658) has been canceled The class wilt meet as usual on Tuesday rur^it at 6 30 m 112 Es stinger ARE YOU THE MAN FOR THE CAR THAT EVERYTHING? Taking it from the top. the Volvo 264 GL has a sun roof. standard.What's underneath will astound you. Sheppard 343-8811 MOTORS LTD. i i ! ! j I i I EMU Food Service 85c BREAKFAST 2 EGGS Hash browns Toast & Coffee The Cafeteria Grill Open 7:00 am Mon-K I ! I I i i ! I i Friday, January 30, 1976