Shoplifter apprehended It was a busier weekend than most for Campus Security. Since Friday seven wallets have been reported lost or stolen, five cars were broken into and looted and there was a shoplifting arrest at the University Bookstore. •The wallets, which disap peared in seven different inci dents, contained a total of about $150. •Saturday five cars were broken into near Dyment Hall. Entry was forced through broken windows and among items stolen were two eight-track players. Damages to the cars and the thefts totaled more than $400. •There have been almost 70 ar rests for shoplifting at the Univer sity Bookstore since school started this fall. The number was pushed nearer that mark Friday when a University student was ar rested for shoplifting. "Arrests at the bookstore have been averag ing two or three a week,” said Sgt. Larry Spencer of the Eugene Police Department. I . . . ask about the new Freedom Fare save up to 30% BOOK SPRING BREAK FLIGHTS NOW! Ti/clt Eugene Travel on campus 687-2823 t Fun also Winter survival focus of CWC How to build igloos, snow caves, and shelters will be among the topics tor discus sion when Cascade Winter College, (CWC), begins its series of free, informal ses sions dealing with winter survi val and activities. CWC. which is an offshoot of the EMU Outdoor Program, plans to supplement the indoor sessions with day and over night trips to mountain areas in Oregon and Washington. Bill Coyle, who works with the Outdoor Program, said that the sessions will ' provide an opportunity for persons to gain skills in winter actives." He added that while the program is "survival oriented," having fun is also an objective. The focus of the indoor ses sions, Coyle said, will be to provide individuals with theory and preparation. The outdoor trips will then allow participants to put their newly-acquired knowledge into practice. The indoor sessions will meet each Wednesday begin ning Jan. 28 in the EMU at 7:30 p.m and continue through March. A special session will be held on Thursday, Jan. 29. Topics will include Overnight Camping and First Aid,' Map and Compass Reading" and Ropes, Knots and Climbing.” Outdoor trips will take place each weekend and activities will include ski tours, snow shelter construction, and climb ing. For more information, con tact the Outdoor Program in Room 23 of the EMU. y Find Your Perch CAREER FAIRE ’76 Explore career options in over 50 fields represented by re source personnel in an informal day-long question and ans wer forum. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28 10:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. 167 EMU Sponsored by U of O Alumni Association and U of O Senior Class t. xx FOOTNOTES: CLASS Anth 101 Anth 102 Anth 302 Bio 102 Bio 272 Bio 302 Bio 305 Bio 322 Bio 381 Chem 102 Chem 105 Chem 332 GS 105 Geog 301 Geol 101 Geol 102 Econ 201 Econ 202 Econ 375 Econ 376 Hist 202 HE 150, 250 Psy 201 Psy 214 Psy 215 Psy 480 Ph 108 PH 116 Soc 201 Soc 201 Soc 306 RHCM 121 PROFESSOR Moreno-Black Carter Tonkinson Postlewaite Frank Si strom Herskowitz Soderwald McConnaughey Schellman Mazo Boelkelheide Goswami Smith Lund Lund Simeral Grove Grove Simeral Maddex Zentner Littman Hawkins Fagot Kirkpatrick Ebbinghausen Lonnedes Johnson Moen Hill Footnotes Available for Term TIME 2:30 UH 10:30 UH 1:30 MWF 12:30 MWF 8:30 MWF 10:30 MWF 8:30 MWF 8:30 MWF 2-3:30 UH 9:30 UH 11:30 MWF 12:30 MWF 1:30 MWF 2:30-4 UH 3:30 MWF 9:30 MWF 3:30 MWF 10:30 MWF 12:30 MWF 11-12:30 UH 12:30 MWF 8:30 MWF 10:30 MWF 9:30 MWF 12:30-2 UH 10:30 MWF 2:30 MWF 1:30 MWF 11:30 MWF 9:30 MWF 11:30 MWF 12:30 M PLACE 180 PLC 150 GEO 180 PLC 177 LA 211 ALL 150 GEO 123 SC 123 SC 123 SC 150 GEO 150 GEO 150 GEO 107 LA 207 CHA 177 LA 150 GEO 180 PLC 180 PLC 103 FEN 103 FEN 180 PLC 180 PLC 177 LA 180 PLC 180 PLC 207 CHA 150 GEO 138 GIL 138 GIL 103 FEN 331 GIL 133 GIL Winter 1976 Old Notes are also available at $4.00 for certain classes. Check in Room 15 EMU for listings. FOOTNOTE SUBSCRIBERS Footnotes are available at $6.95 for a Tues day, Thursday class; $7.95 for a Monday, Wed nesday, Friday class or by single dates at 50' per class. Single copies are roughly twice as expen sive as the issues at the subscription price be cause of the increased costs involved in provid ing single sets. A subscription entitles the buyer to all the term’s notes, from the beginning re gardless of when it is purchased. The notes are avialable approximately five days after a class meeting. If there is a test, the pro cess will be speeded up for that specific class and all notes for the test will be out by 3:00 the afternoon of the day before the test. (Excluding Friday notes for a Monday class.) If you have a subscription or plan to purchase one please pick up the notes before the day be fore a test as we do have rushes of "last minute scholars” and do often run out of some sets just before tests and time involved in reprinting prohibits their being available before the test. People subscribed to a class must have their card with them to pick up their notes. Lost cards cost one dollar to replace, (non-refundable).