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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1976)
Sees ‘lid of economic stagnation’ Skaggs seeks countv Dost By PETER MEAD Of the Emerald A lid of economic stagnation is being laid upon Lane County," ac cording to Joe Skaggs, a Republi can candidate for the Lane County Board of Commissioners, position one. The "lid Skaggs spoke of is made of county regulations de manding conformity to building permits, septic tank permits and land-use planning regulations. This lid 'is binding our citizens...our private enter undermining our very heritage of individual rights, he said. Skaggs proposes a council of business people to represent the interests of private enterprise in land-use planning. Developing a different approach to environmen tal decisions is a mam plank in his platform of imperative need for change in Lane county govern ment, as he outlined Friday to a Rubicon Society luncheon. The county s selective ap proach in allowing real estate de velopments, building or septic tank permits "is always a negative approach, Skaggs said It s al ways, how can we knock this man down, how can we stop him, in stead of how can we help. Land-use planning has oper ated on “emotion, theory and supposition, Skaggs said. "No where have we gone to private en terprise to help us make those de cisions,' he said. II Skaggs gains the Republican nomination to run tor position one in the general elections, he may face democratic incumbent Nancy Hayward, who favors land-use planning to preserve the region s ecological balance. Skaggs, 57, a Vida realtor, is president of the McKenzie River Landowners As sociation. To meet the county s need for increased jail space, Skaggs of fered a plan built around a farm correctional facility. Prisoners sentenced to a year or less could work on the farm. Prisoners con victed of serious felonies, waiting transfer or soon to be released could be kept in a holding facil ity, he said. When asked about his stand on increasing the number of mem bers on the county s Board of Commissioners, Skaggs said he would not comment until Tuesday, when the Republican Central Committee will announce its posi tion He did say he favored adding up to a total of five members, pro vided each represents a specific district in the county. On the managing of the county's services, Skaggs said, We can afford many, many things today, but let's not overload the taxpayer.” He favors develop ing a list of priorities on county services, "going down the line of priorities, and what we can’t af ford, that must go. He has de veloped no extensive list of priorities, but said he would not cut the sheriff s budget. Skaggs called for increased ef ficiency from the county's bureaucratic units. Many will have to be cut back, because they produce little for the citizen major ity, at high cost. I repeat, we must divert government from the direc tion of all things for all people.’” He did not specify which units he would like to cut. To fund its budgets, the county must depend less on federal money, Skaggs said. He exp lained that federal funds for some programs have “strings attached" or require matching funds, and may eventually be dropped, leav ing the county to foot the entire bill. Just because certain monies are offered for certain programs, does not mean that all such prog rams are proper for, and afforda ble by the citizens of Lane County," Skaggs said. He did not specify programs he wants cut. CIA ‘Chaos’ hit schools WASHINGTON (AP)—The Central Intelligence Agency col lected information about political dissidents at Utah State Univer sity, Brown University and Boston University in 1970 and 1971, ac cording to newly released docu ments from the CIA s Operation Chaos. The 141 pages of CIA files, the first Operation Chaos documents to be made public, also showed that the agency followed the movements of American political dissenters traveling abroad and kept track of foreign visitors to U S. dissident groups A separate batch of 47 docu ments showed that the CIA, as late as November 1974, was cir culating information about the political activities of Socialist Workers party leader Peter Camejo to one of its overseas sta tions. The CIA released parts of Camejo s dossier to him after he requested it under the Freedom of Information Act. The agency released the Oper ation Chaos files to the Socialist Workers in response to a court order in the party s multimillion dollar damage suit against the CIA and FBI for allegedly illegal harassment. The files were made public by the Political Rights Defense Fund which is financing the party s law suit The Rockefeller Commission report said Operation Chaos ag ents were specifically used to col lect domestic intelligence on only three occasions, one of them in Washington and the other two not identified further But the report said CIA recruits who learned how to spy by infiltrating New Left groups in the United States were instructed to report information acquired incidentally about dis sident activities. The heavily censored Chaos files included a report on a Brown University seminar sponsored by the Young Socialist Alliance, youth affiliate of the Socialist Workers. According to a source in atten dance. the meeting and speaker were oriented toward inciting re volution and anarchy in the U.S.,” the memo said. Among the participants. .. were Black Panthers, various Arab stu dents at Brown, and disenchanted members of the U. S. Jewish communities.' The report also described an Arab coffee hour' at the Provi dence, R.I., school later that month. ACME BIJOU PRESENTS John Ford's THEY WERE EXPENDABLE (1945, 136 ) Were they 1 8pm Mondi* January 26 180 Ft C Si or by series ticket 12983 26 CAMPUS YWCA PRESENTS MAE WEST FILM FESTIVAL EVERY DAY S A HOLIDAY Tuesday January 27 103 Fenton 7 and 9pm $1 12991 27 ONLY 10 MORE DAYS TILL THEATER OF the open eye TOTAL THEATER FROM NEW YORK CITY February 5*10 Tickets at EMU Main Desk 12988 26 BLACK FOREST TAVERN 2657 Willamette 344-0816 Live entertainment five nights a weeK MICHEIOBE ON TAP 12749:tfn ( PERSONAl ) LANE MEMORIAL BLOOD BANK Blood Donors Needed A Positive 7 Units A Negative 2 Units O Positive 8 Units O Nag ative 4 Units B Positive 2 Units AB Positive 0 Units Please call Lane Memorial Blood Bank 484 9111. for appointments and additional information SEX Would the person who found a soccer ball outside of McAlister please return it to room 119 for a reward 4207:27 MEN S CONSCIOUSNESS RAISING group Ac c eptmg new members Information 343-6407 4206 28 JEAN-PATCHING. SEAM MENDING, button re placing no time to do it yourself^ Let me. 747-0591 daily. 9 30 pm -9 0U am weeKenas open 4139.29 GREG GIBSON—MY money is on you RIP Bielenbeig (Tuesday nght ) 416127 HAMIl TON STAINED GLASS Complete supplies for stained glass at reasonable prices Good selection of glass in stock now 4th and High Eugene 485-8650 12332 mwf CATHY, IT’S A BEAUTIFUL ring! Congratulations from Sara and Giner 4185 26 U of O CRISIS CENTER >s open every nght from 5 p m to 8 a m to help you with any problem Strictly confidential 686-4488 12060 m ANYONE INTERESTED IN Christian Science is invited to talk with the Christian Science Campus Counselor beVreen 11 am and 3 p.m Mond^ in the EMU Room number to be posted 12883 m PI PHIs, GREAT ONE! You stayed past nine" Let s do « again sometime —Chpsi 4192:26 RICHENSTEIN AND KOBIE You took a back wards step Congratulation dummies You re now members of Sg Ep 4193 26 CHERIE AND JOANIE: THANKS lot the encour agement care (and the vitamins, Mindt). It helped so much. Love, the First E 4195 26 RUSS. MAY THE LATE BIRTHDAY bird fly over your Late Birthd^ Cake with CARE H^j py Birth day1 —The Slowww ooodd squaaad R.T & R 4197:26 DATING COUPLES: IF YOU HAVE BEEN DAT ING 6 months or more and want to gain some insght into your relationshp and your abiliV to commumcatewith one another, callthe Psychology Clinic for information. Phone 686-4954 4199 30 KUDOS FOR THE CASABLANCA KID—Now you've really made it Hurray1 Here's looking at you kid (nudgel Much love, yout Pagan-baby4200 26 PRO, How s your Lunge-Lile° Hang loose through initiation and good luck S B Con 4202 26 THE CONTINUED EXISTENCE of GPA in ASUO is a mockery of the Dignity of Life itself Gordon Shan 4096 26 SPECIAL Heat wave permanent regular $25 (hair cut not included) offer good only at Willamette shop ^ 2833 Willamette St ttirumr 686-1496 Eugene Secretarial Service Selectric—CPT Unit Programming Power Typing (multiple originals) 344-8223 * * * Let us type your theses, dissertations and resumes. * * * Quality—Efficiency— Dependability 0£2N»HAND BOOK MAN Fine selection of n«if books at one-kalf the original fries. Tog prices paid for jroar Quality Used Books Now O Used IOIW. 7Tm -I+Z-Zooz ^German I AUTO SERVfCE reliable service for your foreign car. VOLKSWAGEN MECEDES • DATSON • TOYOTA GUENTER SCHOENER Bus. Ph. 342-2912 2025 Franklin Blvd. Eugene. 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