Protesters (Continued from Page 1) strated to have been necessary, although, he said. I was not con sulted about calling in police at any particular time. After the inauguration cere mony was over. ASUO Pres. Jim Bemau attempted to arrange a meeting between the demon strators and Boyd. Although Boyd agreed to meet the demon strators. the proposed meeting was called off when Boyd refused to promise amnesty for those ar rested. The demonstrators then moved to the Art Museum, where a recep tion for Boyd was being held. They were blocked from entering, how ever. by police who were asking for invitations to the event. Bogen said he had not deter mined whether invitations had ac tually been issued to the event and assumed that asking for them was a police tactic to bar disrup tions in the museum. Bemau said the ASUO will in vestigate Saturday s incidents to determine whether any action in support of the demonstrators should be taken. He said he abhorred their methods of addressing problems he said the ASUO was already working on. and said he believes they damaged what the student government is attempting. He pledged ASUO legal or other aid to students who were ar rested if his investigation turns up wrong-doing by the police The people arrested who were listed as students fall term (winter term registration lists are not yet complete) are: Peggy Jo Bram mer. 23. Rebecca Anne Vance, 24. and William Lutz. 23 Others arrested were Daniel Blair Greenstein. 23. Sarah Fran cis Mattzman. 24. William Sher man Doolittle. 25. AJan Ray Rid dle. 22, and Jean Ellen Woodruff. 22. Woodruff was charged with m terfenng with a police officer, the rest with disorderly conduct. Ail posted S55 bail and were re leased. Their arragnment was to be held this rooming. Two juveniles, whose names were not released, were detained at Skipworth Juvenile Home ...€t al f Palestine awareness week begins A week of community and uni versity activities to inform and to discuss the situation of the Pales tinian people begins today and ends Saturday. Highlights of the program include: Tuesday night. Abdeen Jabbara. a Lebanese au thor. attorney and well-known speaker on the Middle East will speak at 7:30 p.m. in the EMU Ballroom. A community teach-in will be held Thursday night at 7 at Lincoln School. Dr Katul, a local physician and native Palestinian and Paul Zilsel. a Jew who lived in Nazi Germany and in Israel, will be speaking. On Saturday even ing there will be a Palestinian din ner and cultural evening. Films will be shown throughout the week. All events except the dinner are free of charge For more information call 342-4575 or 343-3282 Read the Emerald Gn* yourself a lift Eugene Secretarial Service Selectric—CPT Unit Programming Power Typing (multiple originals) 344-8223 * * * Let us type your theses, dissertations and resumes ♦ * * Quality —Efficiency— Dependability EMU Food Service DELICATESSEN Open 11:30-7:00 Mon.-Fri. 5-7 Sundays Meats Corned Beef (round) Roast Beef Peppered Beef Ham Turkey Raft Salami Pastrami (turkey) Salami (turkey) Ham Stick (turkey) Ham (turkey) Breads Light & Dark Rye Wheat Berry Cracked Wheat Onion Rolls Cheese Swiss Chedder Tillamook Provalone Salads Bean Macaroni Potato Cole Slaw Jim Gregory Dennis Pfaff Greg Wasson G'eg Clark Pat* watdscnmidt Chris Story Boo Welch Jenifer Blumoerg Jerril Nilson Jo Ann Fahigren Jeff Nielson Pick Bella Patty Farrell Lois Lindsay Brad Lemley Wa*y Benson Jackman Wilson Kate Seigal Norris Adams Susan Harper Gayle Freeman Ted Johnston Editor Managing Editor News Editor Graphics Editor Editorial Page Editor Ass’ News Editor Sports Editor Entertainment Editor Wirt Editor Asst Graphics Editor Asst Sports Editor Associate Editors: Politics Admin & Student Services ASUO Govt & Agencies Featires. in Depth Departments & Schools Community Production Manager Advertising Manager Classified Advertising Librarian Accowttant Oregon Daily Emerald Th» Oagon Oa#y Emaratt a puMahad Monday rrouffi Enday (kjrrg U, waaar and •pmg mt axcacx dtmg mam n»j and rmcmtion Banco. Dung wnw Mian ta £nm« • pUMw) Tuaaday and Th^aday dulng la aqpf mm* torm mm) 15 a yaar (12 monVa) or M a arm Tha Oagon Qafy Emarafd offtoaa am n Va norV) arig MamonM Uraan. •'-»» acMonaf phono rxartoar a 880-5511 Oaptoy a*araang a aW-3712 ClMaMad advartaing runtoar a OM-4343 Tha Oagon Oa* Enaratt M a manttar of Aaaooaaad Praaa and Cotaga Praaa Samoa Ensemble sets concert “Les Chanteuses" women s ensemble from California Baptist College, Riverside, presents a concert, Tuesday night at 7:30, at the University Park Baptist Church, 2520 Harris St. The prog ram will be patnotic, m keeping with the Bicentennial theme, along with sacred numbers and spirituals. The ensemble is directed by Helen Walker, associate profes sor of music, who has directed similar groups for 19 years at the Riverside institution. Twelve voi ces in the group are accompanied by Jayne McClung, pianist, and Gary Kaufman, guitarist The ensemble is on a two week's tour of northern California, Oregon, Washington and British Columbia. Their appearance in Eugene is sponsored jointly by Southern Baptist churches Mem bers will be guests m homes of local Southern Baptists during their stay, in Eugene Writing topic on PL-3 Why Johnny Can t Write will be the subject for a half-hour tele vision “Feedback" at 7:30 p m. Tuesday on the Oregon Educa tional Public Broadcasting Sys tem. Originating live from the Uni versity, the program will feature host Vem Mueller and guests Nat Teich, University director of com position, and Ray Scofield, a teacher at Roosevelt Junior High, Eugene The program offers the oppor tunity for viewers to telephone their questions and concerns di rectly to guest panelists Feedback” is a weekly OEPBS series It's broadcast on PL-3, Eugene, KOAP-TV, Portland and KOAC-TV, Corvallis briefs r The Bnefs section s tor campus ana commun *» announcements No One* null Oe published that charges an aarwason a donation tee However, classes that ctiarge nation or dinner events that offer a tree program even to those who do not Boy a tinner wet oe accepted A* Onets must by typed tnpte-spaced n a 65-onit margr Handwritten bnets we be yven ow pnonty Brets « i be published ore time only in any seven-day penod. as space permits The deacfme for bnets a 2 p m the day before pubecaaon MEETINGS Enjoy Demg around chSdrenc The Big Brother Sister Program, nas a lot at sue brothers and ssters who would ike a tnend Tuesday at 7 p m in the EMU there wa be an informal or meetrig The room wits be posied The DO Karate Club meets Mondays and Wed neacaystrom 4 30 p m to630p m atl9f7 Frankkn Brra -.across *rom the suplus storei Persons waring to observe or participate n our practice are welcome to mend There w-4 be a meeting of the UO Club Sports So seam Tuesday ngnt at 6 pm. in the EMU. room will be postec Man tape of tkscusson wi» De me up coming Oregon Invitational Ski Meet at Mt Barheer Feb 13 14 and 15 The weetoy Uncheon meeting of the AFT is today and even, other Monday from noon to I 30 p m m me EMU Reports or progressed ooiiectrve bargain ing elector and T A organang is planned Christians Campus Ousade tor Christ meets tonight at 7 to Straus 145. to begn classes on hoe to bve and share toe Cnrat-eoreoesd Me INTERVIEWS The toftorwng recruiters an) be vts*rg campus interview *gn-up sheets are poaied at 2*6 Susat CampOelt Students meat tom m a resume a day before the ntennew Jan 20 U S Interstate Commerce Commaaion Transponaaon business admruevabor. or eeonorrsc* tord-year students upper thrd 0< class wrto puna to retom to Ktoocr rt faff and who demonsfrate leadership charactenstcs Jan 21 Abbott Labs immadiate opersng alums or winter term grads only Any mapr sci ence background prsfened Posrson « safes dneson—seftng products to hoepi tars m sourtharn Oregon territory Jar 23 u S A» Force Medea Recruiting Ser vice Jan 29 Mennonite Centra Committee Voftto teers n toregr. denetopmienr won as ag tcuHirasts engineers teachers meo cal servee personna Oeai*ine tor apptying tor mterhefsp oppor •unities with the Federal A nation Ad mints nation More information at 2*6 Susan Campled HaH Jan 30 PHOTO- GRflPHCRS flmmcuR & PRo^ssionflL Take advantage of our old membership rates before Feb. 1, 1976, and save 25% OUR RATES ARE GOING UP! MEMBERSHIP INCLUDES • Unlimited use of darkroom •Chemistry included •Access to fuNy equipped studio • Discounted color processing • Shanng skills with other Photo-Craftsmen RATES Monthly $20 2 months $36 3 months $48 COniflCI 34} 2423 PCflRL ST. PHOTO-GRflPHICS 410 Pearl, Eugene