opinion Pioneer entality Here or ~e UO campus. the B-c*e "oc ng = creer Mother starve eroooes re educational ttaoter of re U S and UO s own admrssfraCNe oe-o art_oe toward Arerca- Indians -•cree-- s ce^'-ec "or re ='e~cr were oorner —eanrsg ret sooer Mcrecxe- or re oaex or re starve an rserpton erorc r xts js nere --.es rat so-t of conquerng oeaee ^rcr *'sr oetxe'T. so -e-~e-~ce^ ^ease "ecal rat t s -ca~ ceooe Europeans ~a.e sxsasmaocaiy atteretec tc conquer or rese arcs —_e f-scrctcr or ~e Poneer Mere*- starve -ocates rat — s oourr. s raorcra jn’.erst. cc**o. tewaros vre roar cultures -a. oe ~c*e oeec*'. rccec ra—cs: of us are led to ex arre - •acr a- exaroe or re or-ors o# oKreer mure s not or>\ feunoee r *Vester- Europear .ai_es arc nsaonca ■tercerarors or —e were rut ase s oasec or re greure -jes or trexcus Ctvs&sr oeer-es - * 493 Poce A.exa-ce- . ~ace re rer Caoera Bui oroc a~arcr »r cr ~as oecc'—e a cusaonarv art_ce xn»aros re \ex* *So-c arc -at .e oecoe - oar re cocar-accr -eacs rs assureds -anKS 'acres' —at r our tmss esoeoaify re Care c far arc —e Chrsaar -e-jocr oe e* atec arc everywhere rcreased a~c sc^eac rat —e -ear of sous oe cared *or and —at oarattus -aters oe owrrroy and rrtuert tc —e *a — tse-' ~->s scate-ert was ~e?% a dcxs gc-a-eac xx re attempted arr - ator of racoona -ar.e oufejes Ponees anc —»sston£-es *e fine were after re ecrooers or rs and —ar. :re examples of iVesaerr Eurccear suoerorr. artjoes A*n=r re -e** ooor.es tx - jn-.ers.oes rese attrjoes of oesared oonoues: *er _ra’.ocSafcf» ~st-_tera.tree ~ns E'-soa- oertepscr souatec Aesasm E-roceer soca n—5 arc • aues as f*t'a tc re oor .esc- of tara-tus —a ~o_s ~~ js E-rocear Orssars rec tc force -oars oerc orouert to re far — aocot *- *e * = .s a_c artjoes -- oars were to gc tc -rne-'sees anc ear- to re rteswr E_"cea~s y so ' was nocec ~ns oor.e^scr ecuaPor s -■-e'er- - Xs redoes dervng roars a -cr r ecua cut c ffierer' o_ 'js- acace~ c educator »v-.' ~oca. r 9~f ~e sots r -oa- -eeos are gtemgr« -e .earec r roar oc*j“. -rertoa- roars *ar« ox*est r tns oo_ —O'. 5.e-. ocss.c-e to. a-• ~easorerre"* S*~ce Ao_nded - nee 9~9 arcs' "«c 00cs*- -oa-s ~a .e reer -nj-oered or = ~e = age =ese^. =tcr ~*e gc%err-e?r no* eser 'r--jses tc r .estcate rese arc :re charges cf t—_t3 -. -oa- on-icrer are oerc ta*e—or re' -ores oh se*t -c-tecus V»c<—ers arc suoccssed'. *e - -'err.tree Crrs ars ~~ese rda~ or cry a*= ~e—a sec terra-, to re c_t_ra t.—■_cr oxer tt re- r- re Creator A.so ~je cf -oa- neeos roa. s re -3or rat re orer -car orocrars ~a-.e oetcre ouo^c -eaters -—s tor re tureautraces «■—cur acr_a ra'-ges nocjr"c r re roa* tes ~~e acme sr_a:crs ae a brecr *=sur y re afe—ar rr *esasr- E_rrcesr ocro_esr ~c .es Sc ra- roans ner se’.es —£■ •ecu c re roa ocrrmnees ~e tVesasr- E-r> rears r —e Jrwec Seres ~usr ocr-e r ®—s »nr re -eatr. rr Viercan roa- eca arc *rora -ens not as •ncas «wsr ~e~ r re ou: as rcse -errs stare icccrbng’. r s ~o« rr~e or Amencar roar ~ces arc Decoes r re ai-rwee arc =rcr>_raoer ir _se w S _r •e'"sces c aesecc sec rete-—mec arc o-jt_ra*’. o^erer acaoenc rrrorans «ncr suooenen: arc emcJi re oseserr rrreess r so-carcr “is j" ‘.ers~. ; rtncuu—as or '• a esre*~ E-rreear arc CJnssar orrre.»r ■ner s iie xr Wester- E-rrcears arc Crrsra-s. -o*e.e- r icrr y ireserr io.ar -eecs arc rreveus orro_esr 3T“_<res no» co»r r re nr-era xy nan -easers a*e *cr roars aoorrrec a- seoa. *ot jc acucaior *-r r xr y»m o_~_ra a-c -ekpous mgr' r m rer *r-. * ~“e _C -US' *®coan2£ ~e eca air ~era “rsccrso ir* r “as ir ral1, rrea* ~n~ re rarfccr cr re roar Caera Eul arc aror>_raos neSsars r re s--e rer o*- aoarenc :rx ~a~ o—is oa~c»JS -asorrs’.e tr roar on—cores arc *e ocr • r?- -aasrra s “a- rer re screer U:re' arc Eocrsr stares are neru-ens tr ~e .ao* y ocrsceioe “«arrcaK rocaaec T3»a«js ndsr "eers r ns orem ~~e -C “as ~cr oosG’.<e*. -esccrcec ir *na: ormrues r re re- sc t: roars r». re •’*ese~ Ecrroear sooa a-c “sca res arr_ees or '.ftannssE Dessm a*c rr roa- ojiara r ~erer~. *'»a oar ~c erosr grera ~e "eec “rr roa* rott-ra scuoaucr r ns _r terse. air comrue ir rerreaare ~e »'*es®~ E-rrceer aonnsoor rr roa* r res air reroes r ns oxnr* is re ~e« rrasioer. > Ec.c s ~cra rcsto* rr nese ports air roasters m—aans»erec r ns rarer •cue re appreoaoec »Ve as re aoaofnc xrru-ir. njsr reor = ~asn>. oa-~er air ariruae *sso:rse to roa* *eeos r ns ui'.ersr. m / ,vr‘«CO~C S'e^ee -'ziinx-B Soerce \ Duck Soup Oregon Daily Emerald % Like it?...An' I got curtains at home to match! Letters separatism can be a fruitful sub- make the athletic department .e*s*ar t'l any case, it ts no laugh- more represents: ve of ~e stu ng matter dents and the University connun \© Uuqhinq Sane s rr a_gns. y rourse 3f4C ^re~* 5 *“OOeS r^rcosa aecesscc DOE. jar. 1*~ aas 25 suxess’J as —*asr --e roec: rr “>s saaee *3S sxocse ~e jaoes G Bare ere arc re*. rrecac.*. -ac c core -5 * eoac re _-<o>r_-=:e roucr ' some y re 5£fxa re ductoomsssr rubtoec o" c~ separates! causes * pe-ere War. cr rose are .«*■* 5^>xs rasers r«aeec ~-e juesrcr c»* a oecuiar. Dreoanar rsJfe-re s ar re .er» eas oscscame rer re rjtures rr BrSkam a-c Dccsane sourere =rerce «esre r-.3_1sr.2aI’. ns: rer arc ansxal*. ner re-m-es re ■ere _=ws arc Da-*—y O—S rcrer Ddct-ojs rr rat -iszer -error rese necause “arcer ir ^awe scr-e aro-artarce »’~ rer- r*_r r*rer sorr —cser-erc.5 —US' re snte". eef-^ndad ~,-2rr. r.s: “as ree- 2"»_r*r crc enoccr reccr-es re sea rare rr -o—ar. arc rose tre cuesnor r —a>. acoear ro—era as •el as sjC'.e-s’.e rocue s -or a r-sr weapo- aaa - 5' “■>r :ar~n:i—r. jaer'S sceecr rr ?.e_ 2 reocra acoerr s sail gooc rr ar sas-. ajx 3urr sr • Turn* 33's Errerrs rr Qcssars are cr.er srer sric economical’. re ra_se rr rer :rqrs rr -re ter rarto's s._r —e*re-r .-o?' 510 ’. raoaoar and tacuous n usrsicrer ire-srees ~-e ocerpeos capcais a'C i=B=r reesra Pams-aeraewBC soc •er* -.as ro*e *rs res' so “c»-<;oenrre -rer sjirj-e r»* —ima*. Trrre -eioo-s rerear icr eo-csoer' a-c Wiewsar Brenrr agoa-reiss arc rtTers mre ref— are -cr raUcore treacs prre me ran* are o re tr rer rw raarers as a reso-rre i-r “u—anrre rorsci—e' rr.'iirra Louis Olivier Instructor Romance Languages \aive no more r 'eca*d to the tabling of the McArthur Cost: Board proposal at Weanesday s University faculty •neecng -must apologize for my na*«ete act-aRy expected that eter 'os yea's as a student at Oregon and two years as a -"*ern©er of the Incidental Fee Zcr-r-tT.ee rr*ght be granted the oeviege o' speaking at a faculty ~eetrc snou*c nave known (as •mas ate* eoaneo to me) that it was 'txn&ng tne rules too far to a ow 5~ ord narv student to sees* -■eve orwy spent 13 months re seamnc a~c worvng on the Mac Cou~ Bca'd proposal which I co-sponsored O. yes. I m naive or "nayoe c s that student partio deter as r s Un \ e’SJty is a farce Car t be that the University presi dent an; - $ ao— mstrabon are a ~'ac o' wna: students have to sa. ‘ Car : be that tr»e> aren t re ar** -*e-e -or re students good at an •Ve ~ not na ve anymore ^es Sc *c s accusations during re tacjT, ~eet ng that my history y Use Gout was distorted was nothing shcr: of a distortion It ta*ss a o: o' ootrage to attack someone an; not ev<*' allow him to sees* m response The presi dent \rthe* accused the ASUO of -is.cnie- ivou*d thm his ac tons a: re meeting went fat revere -n sche' to maice *rc t :otai\ unacceptable that stojc ds> tu ton. pan of which ■ojc e^ersuaty find its wav to tns -a- s saary So a (though it n=c roe- -* intent to attend Uni ee-sr. casses ths temi. I have deaded agartst t In addition. I -eso- DOSho ' as we ohami y tne rodents Fee Committee "ns »’ii gve me w t.me to as SS* the ASL*C r ts o,t 'nu gn to ity I wish to than* the students ana faculty who supooded our effor and those that voted to e? us speak tr response to otr oopo nents misrepresentations I a esc wish to than* Prof Taftersas and Dr Ray Haw* tor thee tnentJiness and advice I esoeca.- y wish to thank co-sponsor Don Char^-e's for all he has taught me whie we have worked together Dave Donley IFC . oe-chare Stilled After reading of the W,ac Cour board proposal s defeat code not help but rememoer th-s pas sage from Jerry Farbe's boo* The Student as N*gger f stu dents and teachers ran the* own schools, it would do more tor democracy than a: r>e gewem ment classes eve- t3ug>*: Ek.* t would have to be ust tnat true participation n runn -g the schools Not those r e ma*e believe student governments whch govern m about re same way that babv s tov stee- ng w-nee dnves daddy s car Not eve^ any thing iAe those 'acuftv senates which retain the rvght to create co> loge pokey as \v>g as fhev demt abuse that nght by eve-osmg f I can understand w^v re yast majority of students ne e ane so apathetic about student govern ment Student government "as very little sonfoanee when the admmstiatH'n has the uftmate jv*we» to pass o» <> evate a Stu dent govenXlkMTt P'vWSa In th«S sense student gove -v'>>ot at the UO lias been exempt ha?' "us ng majot atk1 mean von, oeasons afltvting this institution It ssfiheo t>\ the av1minstiatNV\ ;%svss