A University physical educa tion student found himself $500 short after his class Tuesday afternoon. Campus security reported the lock on the student s locker, where the money had been kept, had not been tam pered with, although the thief could have entered with a key, or picked the lock. Other recent complaints made to the campus security department included theft of a knapsack at Gilbert Hall, theft of an auto battery and van dalism to a maintenance office at Hayward Field. A knapsack with $66 worth of personal property was taken from 338 Gilbert between 8:30 and 9 p.m. Monday evening. The battery theft took place in parking lot 34, adjacent to basketball courts across 15th Street from Bean Complex. Damage sustained at Hay ward Field included six wooden doors and their locks being broken, and destroyed partitions in the bathroom. Also stolen was a pair of coveralls, valued at $25. One arrest was reported by the department in a case in volving drugs. William Roger McCluskey of 12571/2 High St., - Stealing common campus crime (PCD % Eugene, was booked for crimi nal activity in drugs when a re sident of Cloran Hall in Hamil ton Complex called campus security, claiming the suspect was going door-to-door at tempting to sell marijuana. Campus security confiscated a half-pound of marijuana. UNIVERSITY PARK BAPTIST CHURCH 2520 HARRIS STREET ■ EUGENE, OREGON 97405 Phone 344-3108 Resohre to deepen your spiritual life Attend Sundays Bible Study — 9:45 a.m. Worship — 11:00 a.m. Christian Training — 6:00 p.m. Evening Worship — 7:00 p.m. EMU Food Service aO0C9C9CSCSC9C9CSCS9a0S3OCSSC90C3eSC9CSCS9S3CSSSS3C9C9CS$S9CS3CSCSC3OS3C9OCSX9«3nOOO» Make your own salad FACULTY CENTER welcomes faculty, students & staff 11:00-1:30 Mon.-Fri. Hot Roast Beef Sandwich Denver Sandwich Club House Sandwich French Dip Dietor’s Plate Soups Special of the day :%*3«w«»s3s3sx363ssas3s»«sxx»s»£»sxxx3s3s3sxx3«3s3s3cx%3s^*%%%*%%v Jim Gregory Dennis Pfaff Greg Wasson Greg Clark Paul Waldschmidt Chris Story Bob Welch Jenifer Blumberg Jerril Nilson JoAnn Fahlgren Jeff Nielson Rick Bella Patty Farrell Lois Lindsay Brad Lemley Wally Benson Jackman Wilson Editor Managing Editor News Editor Graphics Editor Editorial Page Editor Asst. News Editor Sports Editor Entertainment Editor Wire Editor Asst. Graphics Editor Asst. Sports Editor Associate Editors: Politics Admin. & Student Services ASUO Govt. & Agencies Features, In Depth Departments & Schools Community Kate Seigal Norris Adams Susan Harper Gayle Freeman Ted Johnston Production Manager Advertising Manager Classified Advertising Librarian Accountant Oregon Dally Emerald The Oregon Da/fy Emerald i* published Monday through Friday during fall, winter and spring terms, except during exam weeks and vacation periods. During summer session the Emerald is published Tuesday and Thursday during the eight-week term and on Thursday the last three weeks of the eleven-week term. The Oregon Daily Emerald is published by the Oregon Daly Emerald Publishing Co., Inc., at the University of Oregon, Eugene Oregon 97403 Subscription rates: (1) University of Oregon student and faculty-staff subscription rates are based on annua contracts the Emerald makes with the Associated Students of the University of Oregon and with the Univer sity administration. The subscription rate is (3.52 a person (2) Special subscriptions for persons not in category (1) are available for $15 a year (12 months) or $6 a term The Oregon Dally Emerald offices are in the north wing of the Erb Memorial Union. ”'wa editorial phone number Is 686-5511. Display advertising is 686-3712 Classified advertising number is 686-4343 The Oregon Dally Emerald is a member of Associated Press and College Press Service. r...€l al Mission collecting phone books Last year’s phone books are two and three-quarters pounds ol wort less paper now that the new edition is out. . Phone The Eugene Mission is read;/ to take them off your hands. Phone books can be recycled at any ot the many Mission drop bomi around town or at the paper recycling center at the south side o . covers need not be removed. The Mission will pick up p one quantities of 25 or more. The phone company has made no arrangements for recycling the old books. Registrar compiling degree list The list of degree candidates for winter term graduation is now being compiled by the Office of the Registrar. The last day upon which an application may be filed for degree to be granted winter term is Friday, Jan. 23. This date will be enforced because of the many opera tions of checking, clearing and printing which must follow. To qualify for the degree applied for, a student must have com pleted all necessary work and procedures by the end of the term A transcripts from other schools which are necessary for a degree should be sent to the attention of Graduation, Office of the Registrar, in order that it may be on file by the deadline of March 26. This includes work taken through the Division of Continuing Education Any student who has applied previously and did not receive the degree must reapply. Likewise, any student who does not meet the deadlines must reapply for a future date. Bridge club slates activities The Eugene Bridge Club holds a duplicate game every Monday and Wednesday night at 7:30 at the Eugene Garden Club on 1645 High The cost is $1.25 per player, except for students, who pay only $1 Coffee is served free at each game. If you need a partner, or informa tion, call Col. Fred Smith at 747-6585. 'I Courses offer practical help to managers The University College of Busi ness Administration will sponsor three management seminars dur ing January in Portland "Improving Management Skills” will be offered Jan 21-23; "Managing the Closely Held Company," Jan. 26-28; and Mat erial Requirements Planning," Jan. 29-30. The seminar on "Improving Management Skills" is designed to update experienced super visors or to help new managers make a good start. "Managing the Closely Held Company for Re sults” is to improve individual ef fectiveness across the broad range of responsibilities typically assigned to key managers in closely held companies Material Requirements Planning, is di rected to the vanety of managers, and will cover inventory levels, iead times, and control, including buyers, production control and managers and plant managers Registration information may be obtained from Juli Monson at the College of Business Administ ration, 686-3300 MEETINGS r The Outdoor Program will hold an .nstructiona session on waxing skits, Thursday January 15 7-S p.m. in the EMU Craft Center The session wif include preparation of new skis, pine tar and climb ing wax application There will be a meeting tonight for all former Mar and the Oregon Coast participants interested in planning for this spnng term It will be held at 7:30 p.m. in the EMU. room to be posted Emphasis wii1 be on publicity and selection MISCELLANEOUS Friday, Jan 16. is the last day to register foi classes and to pay fees for winter term I976 The Office of the Registrar will be open from 10 a m tc 4:30 p.m. The business office will be open from 10 a m. to 4 p.m. - briers PREMEDS The Oregon Kean Association summer research applications are a variable r\ the Otf*ce of Academic Advising Fed i5th is the app* cation deadline PRE MEDS Application tor the Kenneth A J MacKensie Memonai Scholarship and for the John J Rogers Premedical Scholarship must oe »n by Jan 30 See M Strange m the Office of Academy Advising for details Gary Waterhouse Springfield proper of Red Carpet real estate w»l speak at 4 p m today m Room 112 EMU Ail business and econonscs ma jots are welcome Sponsored by Alpha Kappa Pv Men s Professional Business Fraternity Dr DawJ S liederman Professor of Physical Metallurgy at the University of Mfcnoia at UrPana Champaign wi* defrver a talk on Memory Ef fects. Ferroeiasticity and Phase Transformations m OystaHme Solids at 3 30 p m today The speech .mended for a non-speoakst au dience will be held mrm 16 Soence l AV FILMS The fotowmg instructional rental films have a/ r 1 nved aady Faculty may *cnedide them to* classes .wifi die auckowauai media came' natore 2 30 p m me day Da* ore may are needed Student* o* laory may request showings on a firsi served oasis Mon day through Friday between 6 and 10 pm Films a«e nol avadataa alia* the *howdaii> ksted baton DATE TITLE DEPT 1-15 Statistics at a Glance PsycF 1-15 Taafc ot the Teeche* CAl 1-15 Tn« at Nurempurg Law 1-15 Uvng Structure* Ethrvc St 1-16 Bu.kVng the Gotden Gala Arch Bridge 1-16 Story o< the Taootna Arch Bndga 1-16 The Sensory World Psych 1-16 The Grits Health Ed 1-16 The mcui Foma* PtycTi 1-16 Composition m B*a> SP BC 1-17 Black History ESCAPE los! or stolen 1-19 The Elites Ethnic Si 1-21 Play Handbsl PE 1-21 Broad Sped rum Behavior Payee In a Group 1-27 Invention ot tt>e Adolesce** Ed Psycn 1 PG/tfe/ Up (jOUft/ pQtiMlt&l Give your plants the extra light they need to survive the dark win ter days With growing lights you can turn even a dark basement into a lush tropical garden — or get a head start on your vegetable garden in the spring Whatever your needs, the Indoor Garden can help with a special on our most popular growing light combination 10% oft on two 4 foot vita lights with fixture and reflector Reg $29 00, now $26 00 INDOOR G0RDEN In the big gold house, 14th & Pearl Open 10 30-6 00, Sundays 12-5 00