*9 dank thu mtt would 6c (deal jot dual mala o( fcople * I BEEF BLADE IHIICK ROAST USD A Choice Grade Beef Pot Roast ,OM **' it* ’**' ****£. Safeway Boneless Corned Beef USDA Choice O M 0% Brisket of Beef 3 ■ « if Safeway Mild Cure IlT I wO Whole Hog Sausage Safeway Pork Sausage HBar-S Bacon f. It Stew Beef i H 7-Bone Roast * Pork Liver It Beef Hearts It Canned Picnics ‘It It Bockwurst S55S § Frankfritters °.w y » Grnd. Turkey Meat # Beef Links nJEEL. Stuff and Bake Assorted Pork Chops Pork Loin Sliced into End and Center Chops DELICATESSEN TURBOT FILLETS Fillets of White Seafood Always a Welcome Change Mrs. Paul's Fried Fish Fillets Mrs. Paul's Fish Miniatures LB. New Light Batter Heat & Serve Fresh In-shell Clams Light Batter Pre-cooked Little Steamers 8-01. "VO< Pkg. tO 9-oi. pkg. BRAUNSCHWEIGER Safeway Chunk Liver Sausage Lunch Meat lb. 68 Bar-S Smokies ™'C$118 % Ball Park Franks £ $118