& RULES OF THE GAME Offers ar £ £ <§ * LIMIT - One Game Per Customer t PimvY tAJuer c-t*e * S £ ONE OF OUR FAMOUS DAIRY QUEEN SUNDAES Choose from 12 delicious flavors (Value 55 cents) (One nuggel per customer per dayi ; £ DAIRY QUEEN 1602 Coburg Rd Eugene Oregon Scwmpatllyishus j PiHWY CjCtAC" * £ £ £ k FREE INTRODUCTORY WHEEL ALIGNMENT Valid with any automotive repair or purchase (Value $12.75) Most American passenger cars iCali for appt — one nugget per customer per day! FIRESTONE 1079 Valley River Way The radia. Eugene Oregon tire people 3-i2 236 0FFEp ? ... -ES MAY 15 197g Duplicate no! radsemaBI« f ~hS FiWVY \\0\KQY C^.\A' m s = ONE FREE BAGEL With cream cheese (Value 35 cents) One nugget Def customer per day £ £ * * £ £ £ £ £ £ £ * £ £ £ £ £ - £ ’£ £ £ £ £1 Mckenzie coffee company deli 782 East 11 th Street imported Tea A Coffee Eugene. Oregon 4 Dei< Sandwiches 342-2071 OFFER EXPIRES MAY 15. 1976 F.mvY \\y\\Q'r $£\ac one free filet-o-fish sandwich Served with cheese and tartar sauce on a steamed bun (Value 55 cents) Valid Mon thru Thurs a*ter 5 00 p m -One nugget per customer per day McDONALDS 5 -Tr-u' 3am-; S' 1417 Villard St Fn & Sat 8am to ^ 30am Eugene Oregon -Eas, M4y ,6 ,976 Duplicate not rMaamable pjnhY Hotter ONE FREE GOLDFISH AND A TWIG OF HORNWORT Complete with fresh water from the Great Northwest (Value 59 cents) c c -r 1 c ► SEA HORSE AQUARIUM SHOP T'C. ;a/ ' 361 East 11th Avenue and supplies aquariums Eugene. Oregon and "ve food OFF £ F • - : MAY 15. 1976 ■m FmwY lAoucr 5* !AC FREE STATIC WHEEL BALANCE any two wneeis Most passenger cars — Custom wheels exc (Value S6.00) (By appointment — one nugget per customer per Gay; FIRESTONE 1079 Valley River Way The radial Eugene Oregon tire people 342-7236 OFFER EXPli r MAY 15. 1976 Oupucat* not t**n*m*b*» F«wY !A7UCr cJrtAC THREE MONTHS FREE USE OF SPA FACILITIES (Value S90.00) (This card exclusively (or women i You must be 21 OAKWAY SPA 16 K Oakway Mail Eugene. Oregon 343-3314 Passive and active exercise sauna, steam room and whirl pool MAY 15. 1976 ■ ■w FitMvr lA-mcr c?-tAC ONE FREE TYPEWRITER RIBBON (Value up to S3.00) And don t forget to ask about our student discounts EUGENE SELECTRONICS 774 East 11th Avenue Eugene. Oregon Sales, service rentals & free estimates MAY 15 1976 IF YOU’RE NOT SOLD ON THE FUNNY MONEY GAME BY NOW & | * xj * SB GO DIRECTLY TO THE FUNNY FARM1 G f*.?.*'* Vv* huh uV.vyvVv.' T* FunnY t aji\CY <3«MC FREE HOTCAKES AND SAUSAGE Two golden Drown hotcakes a country pork sausage topped with butter and syrup (Value 75 cents) Valid 8am to 10 30am (One nugget per customer per dayi McDONALD S Sun Thu' Sam to 12am 1417 Viliard St Fn & Sat Sam to t 30am Eugene. Oregon (East edge of campus) MAY 15 1976 Dupl'cat* not roctoamatol* "W FiwvY tAJUC'r C-- tAC FIFTEEN DUNKIN MUNCHKINS (Value 59 cents) DUNKIN DONUTS 485 East Broadway Open 24 Hours Eugene Oregon OFFER E XP • ES MAY 15 1976 Duplicate no: "W FitVH'T tAOUCV <3rtAG" ONE FARRELL S *1 HAMBURGER Onion Bun Burger garnished with lettuce tomato mavonnaise and Kosher style pck'e (Value $1 10) FARRELL S 1313 Pear) St Eugene Oregon See our menu enclosed MAY 15 1976 -t FatmY lAOHOr C-rtAC ONE DAIRY QUEEN ALL AMERICAN HOT DOG Heip yourself to ketchup, mustard re‘tsh onons ana mayonnaise (Value 50 cents) One nugget per customer per aav DAIRY QUEEN 1602 Coburg Rd ScmmpO’ilyisnus Eugene Oregon OFFER EXPIRES MAY 15. 1976 FitMV'r 1A7UCY C--1AC ONE FREE 2 a INCH LIVE GREEN FOLIAGE PLANT (Value 69 cents) HOME GROWN SHOPPE 1 ith & Aider Behind me one block off campus i Jungie mural Eugene Oregon 344-4030 .'FtP - .Fiii MAY 15 1976 Dwpitcata not r«do»mato4» "w FktmY 1A7HCY C-d Wjnday Thru Thursday CHARLIE S POOL 2645 Willamette Eugene Oregon OFFER EXPIRES MA Pool fOOSDaH and roe Pest selection of games anywnere ~l Fi\\\KC \\)WQ Y 5z\\Q ONE FREE 10-SPEED GEAR CABLE (Value 60 cents) WILLAMETTE VALLEY CYCLE WORKS Expert 663 E 13th repair on Eugene Oregon ail makes 343-7086 MAY IS 1976 ■M FiWvY \\ot\Gr <5*1*0 FIFTY CENT GIFT CERTIFICATE To oe used in any of our game machines Use this card lOne nuggel per customer per dayj CHARLIE S TOO FoosPall, PmDalt. 525 E 13th 4 Video games Eugene Oregon Open 7 days til Midmgnt MAY IS, 1976 fijtmY toner -5*140 FREE SELF-SCORING I Q TEST Designed especially to oe taken and graded in the privacy of your own home 'Mail this card along with 50c to cover postage and handling to address i-sted below; (Value S2 00) DIRECTIONAL RESEARCH MOTIVATION ASSOC It you dare to learn P O Box 1327 more about yourself Fori Collins Colorado 80522 -TEHEXPII MAY 15. 1976 D.-plicat* iiol r<>6e»mdbl« '(SfSljif.y.VMSIS ■** FannY \\)\\Q f C-?i\C ' ONE BULL SHED TACO (Value $1.25) THE BULL SHED 853 E 13th Open Monday Eugene. Oregon thru Friday 345-0214 MAY IS 1976 Ouphcata not isdiMmabi* FiWiY tA J'vcr Me ONE ORDER OF FAMOUS SAMBO S PANCAKES AND COFFEE (Value 85 cents) (One nugget per customer per dayi SAMBO S 1675 Franklin Btvd 4/ Sambo s coffee Eugene Oregon is still tOc OFFER EXPIRES MAY 15 1976 ~i f.vmvi' t^ottcY c-i'MC ONE FREE EGG McMUFFIN ' A country fresh egg on a toasted English muffin topped with cheese and a sice of Canadian Bacon (Value 75 cents) Vahd 8am to 10 30am ■ One nugget per customer per dayi McDonald s , •• 1417 Vitlard St Fn A Sat 8am to » 30am Eugene Oregon ;East edge of campus MAY 15 1976 ^ Fuwwr g&aq ONE BOWL OF CHILI and a cup of Famous Samoo s Coffee to top ■? off (Value $1 05) One nuggel per Customer pe> day SAMBO S Open 24 Hou-s 1675 Franklin Btvd fo se've you Eugene Oegon oette' ■w P*w7 FitMtY »4cmCY SrtAC TWO FREE INTRODUCTORY LESSONS IN KARATE-DO (Value S5 00, • Please call 'or appointment, OKINAWA GO-JU-RYU KARATE-DO Robert E EM,% 191 7 Franklin Chief Instructor Eugene Oregon MAY 16 1976 ™ fmuY \\o\\Q'r <5*140 ONE CUP OF OUR DELICIOUS IMPORTED COFFEE Choose from more than 20 tasty blends (Value 25 cents) 1 One nugget per customer per day, the McKenzie coffee company The Atrium Bldg Coffee Tea & Tenth & OiiYe Streets Imported chocolate Eugene Oregon MAY 15. 1976 *>* Fitwvr \\>\\Q f <5r.MC ONE of our FAMOUS 31 flavors sundaes Topped with your choice of hot fudge butterscotch, strawberry marshmallow or pineapple and assorted mixed nuts (Value 80 cents) BA SKIN-ROB BINS 1365 Villard St We make people (Easl side ot campus) happy Eugene Oregon MAY 15. 1976 4M M MMMM U MMMMMUMU M Mu M M M MM MMUM ™ Fuwue (Value from S3 95 to $9 50 tat. tip & drink excluded) Choose *»opster Nee • •» •- • Pr-,me R‘t Samv- T-Bone F «e* W y ••• Valid Si*> thru Th-urs om, THE HUNTER ROOM 959 Pea'1 Eugene Ourart^ . p MAY IS 1976 Beat Pea* 5 and seafood m -** FitvuY tAJUCY IAC ONE FLAIR PEN You- cncxe c* assorted coo's (Value 59 cent*) UNIV OF OREGON BOOKSTORE 895 E 13th Eugene Oregon 566 4331 t FvuhY IAOt\QY <3r»AC TWO FREE GAMES OF FOOSBALL iValue SO centa) One nugget pe» Customer per Jay CMARUE S TOO 525 E 13tn Open .Od'y Eugene Oregon Noon * Vfxingrt WAV 1% 1«/6 « FatwvY lA/ncr UC FREE PASSENGER CAR FRONT WHEEL PACK (Value S3 SO. D* FvimvY \\o\\QYGz\\Q ONE GOLDEN CRISP WAFFLE AND COFFEE Includes our delicious tiger butler (Value 85 cents) lOne nugget per customer per dayi SAMBO S 1675 Franklin Blvd Eugene Oregon Al 'sambo $ something good 9/6 W. m WMM WSi * WM&M IS. * *>*, DO NOT STOP HERE t THERE’S MUCH. MUCH MORE' >* Fitucr tA>ncY<3--’MC ONE DAIRY QUEEN CONF Your choice of chocolate of vanwia (Value 35 cent*) iOne ouy.<* or M if •.»-.*r. a* (Value SO cent*. Valid MrxKJay th*u Thursday THE OASIS RESTAURANT 8TSE 13th Eugene Oregon 342 312? , MAY 16 !«/* ^ F*tmY Gr \\Q ONE Of OUR SPECIALTY SALADS Choose *fom Potato* Saiad Co**- Va* or * a*-.' a • •» ?•' (,• • • • • ; * *• (Value 40 cent*) Va« Oa#/ 6 00 p m c owv; MAY 16 1*11 ’•I Filinr tA-MACf j-tAC ONE FREE PHOTO ENLARGEMENT Your choc* 0*5 i 7ck In 10 co«x enlargement tfom fOu* fa«oMe coto* or cokx vide (Value from »i 19 to S5 »Si GERLACHSCAMERA CENTER 600 Ma - VfW 'vmtfjot*- a’ - a.. 'i F*tvtUCV THREE MONTHS FREE USE OF SPA FACtLITIES (Value $90 00/ : fh.-s card e»Ctu»vefy «o» men OAKWAY SPA Eugene Oregon RunY \&\\QY 3*tflC ONE FREE WASH LOAD ■ any ' , . 20 ’. A *j*ei '•* ?.’ i ; iValue IS cent*, V«lvl »A • ” ' * ’ *• '• A f/. ■ 13TH AVENUE LAUNDROMAT 365 E ' 3th Compiot* inurvjff Eugene 0»egcxi Service Op*n 24 Mquti MAY lb 1*/« i* Fvtvuir lAJncr <5*iAC ONE CUP OF OUR MORE THAN 30 EXOTIC TEAS (Value 25 cents) (One nugget per customer per day. THE McKENZIE COFFEE COMPANY Tf*e At/mm Bwg Coffee Tea ^ One Tenth & Olive Sheets Import*/) chocolate Eugene Oregon mav >•, im >* mlr letter 5- mc ONE FREE LINE OF BOWLING (Value 65 cents) Valid Mon thru f’ U a rt« to 5 p m 'One nugget per customer per day/ EMERALD LANES r-" Vf 40 Oakway Road (Behind Reed and Cross) 34? ?611 Eugene Oregon may is i«/e FUNNY MONEY GAME /UMMMMV**' WM M U M'.'M M' MM M'U.M U.M M MUM M>'^