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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1975)
I CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIEDS PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD AT EMERALD OFFICE 301 EMU EMU MAM DESK UO BOOKSTORE STAMP COUNTER The rales are 10* per word Vie first day oopy is submitted agM* per word each conseclve day the ad • run without change. There is a 10 word minimum. A* ads must be paid for In advance. The Emerald cannot be responsible for more than one day's incorrect advertising insertion. If your ad appears incorrersy, cal 686-4343 before 1 p.m. for correction in the next day's issue. Errors not the fault of the advertiser which lessen the value of the advertisement will be adjusted There is no refund for ad cancelations. The Emerald wll not knowingly accept advertise ments that discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or age. CALL 686-4343 FOR ASSISTANCE . THE DEADLME IS 1 P.M. THE DAY BEFORE PUBLICATION I FOR SALE j NEW PAPER EDITIONS of certain books by Martin Buber available at Dove's Eye—10% off on all f books. 3061:12 PANASONIC 5" TV with AM-FM. 2 years old. $50 Garmisch hiking boots, 10Vi, hardly worn, $15. Call Tom, 485-0458. 3233:12 LET BEST REST solve your mattress problems Buy factory direct poly-foam cut to any size or shape BEST REST MATTRESS COMPANY 632 Blair 343-0222 12057Tfn IF YOU SEW your Christmas gifts you should save a little money. That is. if you have the time to sew We have soft warm fabrics Andrea s 2441 Hilyard. 12773 ATHLETIC PASS—best over $80 Call Marilyn 485-9302 3251:15 DINING ROOM TABLE for sale for Steve Call 344-7377 ask 3260:12 BASKETBALL SEASON TICKET reserved sec tion, F-7, best offer over $100. 345-6377 3370:12 CHRISTMAS CLOTHING NEEDS in stock now at Andrea's 2441 Hilyard. 12760:12 GIFT CERTIFICATES NOW AVAILABLE at Boogie Blues: Rare Clothing, recycled denims Try us for that unique gift. 342 West 8th. EugeneMonday-Saturday 12-6 pm GARAGE SALE—Thursday and Saturday 12-5. 549’rz East 16th in alley garage.3319:12 OLDER COKE MACHINE. Works well. $75 or best offer 687-3294 or 2685 River Road 3338:15 ARTISTIC REFRIGERATOR $40. electric range $45. shingles $7. Ron 231 West 17th. 687-0384 3425:12 20% OFF, TENTH GATE. New shipments Nepa, India. 673 East 13th 342/ 1? ATHLETIC PASS—$55. 343-8937 3429 12 AQUARIA: 28 Gallon Hexagonal plexiglass 45 gallon rectangular plexiglass Completely equip ped Call 686-4214 or 485-0333 after 5 BRAND NEW SCIENTIFIC CALCULATOR. Memory, trigonometry functions, etc. $28 95 345-1788. 3399:12 DORM CONTRACT: male tor female Dinner at Black Angus for two. Jeff, extention 4990 3405:12 ATHLETIC PASS. MAKE reasonable offer Call Scott. 687-2800, evenings 3409:15 ATHLETIC PASS—best offer Call 344-3031. 3479:15 WOMEN S BLACK BOOTS. 8N—Used twice New. $40. Best offer Terry. 343-3504 3508:12 TWO ATHLETIC PASSES. Best offer, min. $75 each. Call 343-4486. 3504:15 BASKETBALL PASS. Best offer over $45 Call 688-5398 3502:12 PORTABLE STEREO WITH two speakers Good condition. $40. 687-8683. anytime. 3501:12 ATHLETIC PASS, best offer over $60 Call Mark or Krista after 5 p.m. 484-1760. 3497:6 WATER BED, Oak frame, no leaks. $20. Call 343-5283 after 5. 3417:15 GRADUATING—Selling waterbed. furniture, rugs, books plants, TV's, records, etc 720Vz East 13th. #6. Fred. ATHLETIC PASS: $50 or best offer 343-7106. 3456:12 60 GALLON ALL GLASS aquarium with grolux hood, filters 20 inch primo silver arowana 343-4568 3438:12 SINGER ZIG-ZAG (Stylist) sewing machine bke new $85. Call 345-2092 after 5 p.m. 3439:12 ATHLETIC PASS FOR SALE-$50 Call 342-6990 after 3:30 p.m. 3482:12 STAR UPRIGHT PIANO. New ultra-tone Navajo finish Very good condition $550 485-1841. 747-0361 236 West 7th. 3489:12 EUGENE SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS ORGANI ZATION garage sale Saturday, December 13th. 142 North Grand. 10-4 p.m. 3544:12 BASKETBALL PASS-GETTING MARRIED. must sell by 12/16. Price negotiable. Call 688-2353. 3446:15 CELLAR LEATHEfT WORKS Has a tine assortment of gifts tor the holi day season with one-of-a-kind belts, purses, wallets and clothing. 445 High 344-9328 9-5 Monday-Friday 10-2 Saturday 12662:sb THE BUY AND SELL CENTER 678 Olive Musical instruments, stereos, photo equipment, etc., etc., etc. 12692:MWF OLYMPIA PORTABLE ELITE typewriter French keyboard with case. Excellent for travel. $95 or best offer. 344-7927. 3511:12 ( GARAGE SALES ) GARAGE SALE SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, December 13 and 14 at 2580 Taylor street Desk lamp, tables. Coleman lantern and stove, dishes. Comingware. stainless silverware. Hoover vacuum, electrical appliances, new fondue pot. roasters, workout board ( etc. 3440:12 ★★PORCH SALE^ MANY CLOTHES. ALL SIZES, including children s, some practically new Toys. Books. Skis. Dishes. Silverware Miscel laneous. Treats Sentimental bargains Saturday and Sunday. 941 Almaden Street 3521:12 ( INSTRUCTION ) GUITAR LESSONS Instruction in all styles by playing professional musicians Don Ross and Bob Staunton SUN SHOP 484-1488 121311fn GUITAR LESSONS folk. jazz. rock, music theory call Steve. 344-7377. 3136:15 ( INSTRUMENTS ) 5-PIECE ROGERS DRUM SET. A. Zildjian cym bals: $700 or best offer. Call 688-9463 2985:12 ACOUSTIC 370 BASS amplifier Excellent condi ton $900 Phone 688-7916 after noon 3269:15 EPIPHONE FT—350 guitar and case, excellent new $21 -' sell $140. ask for Richard 484-0397 3336:12 FOR SALE: GUITAR Takamme 360S with case $175. Call Geoff 688-3297 evenings 3757:12 GUITAR AMPLIFIER: Aims Dual Twelve Must sell: 120 watts R.M.S.! Reverb/tremelolootswitch Mike Guzman, extension 4976. 3514:12 ( SOUND SYSTEMS j SONY TAPE DECK. Reel to Reel, three heads—352-D $100 Call Mark. 342-3218 3500:15 SONY TC-122 cassette deck originally $120, now $65 343-4486. Tom 3505:15 SELLING: PIONEER ELECTORSTAT1C HEAD PHONES. Fine sound, low price New $135 askng $85. Curtis 342-4359 evenings. 3421:12 ZENITH STEREO $35. Moving Must sell cheaply 344-1838. 3540:15 HITACHI AM-FM RECEIVER, built in cassette recorder. $160. Ext. 5360. room 205, Kevin 3447 12 PIONEER FM RECEIVER, SX-150O-TD plus San sui reverb amplifier, $295. SPEAKERS: Sansui SR-1500. $295 TEAC tape-deck A-4010-S, $295 485-1317. 2900:15 REEL-REEL TAPE recorder. SOS, Auto reverse $90 Evenings. 342-4083. 3400:15 [ CRAFTS & HOBBIES j SERENITY WEAVERS 111 West Seventh Lederc looms in stock Yarns, books on crafts 122391fn HALF MOON HANDCRAFTS. Fine selection from $2-200. Jewelry-pottery-rugs-leather cratts-special orders. 17th and Mam Springfield 3204 12 ( PHOTOGRAPHY j NIKKORMAT BODY, CASE, (1.2 55 mm lens $335; Nikon f3.5 135mm $125; 343-7682 morn ings. otherwise 686-5156. Dave. 3523 1 5 OMEGA B22 Enlarger, 2 lenses. 2 negative car riers. $125, 343-5428. 5 to 7 p.m. 3485:12 BRAND NEW NIKON t2 with 1 4 Never used $550 firm With case 726-0827 Evenings best 3546:12 DARKROOM AND STUDIO RENTAL 410 Pearl 343-2423 120111fn COLOR PHOTO EXHIBIT, Koinoma Center. 1414 Kincaid. 8:30 a m. to 5 p m. daily Excellent Christ mas gifts. By Br David Walrath 3080:12 BOOKS i SUPPLIES ] c 20 000 USED BOOKS all selling Vi or less of pub hsted price Textbooks. Clitt Notes. Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 1233 AlDER BIBLE, COMMENTARIES. Studies and Apologe tics Books Supplies for Chnstian Teaching BEREAN CHURCH SUPPLY 1675 West 11th 344-2229 10039Ifn TYPING J EXPERIENCED TYPIST. Three blocks from cam pus. IBM Electric 344-0759 12766:15 TYPING, GRADUATE SCHOOL APPROVED. 343-6144 2402:10 EXPERIENCED TYPIST CLOSE TO CAMPUS. Any length paper typed quickly: accurately 344-5346. 3050:sb ALL PURPOSE TYPING SERVICE 2555 Portland Street For appointments call 342-4600 12800MWF TYPING By professionals only IBM Executive and others Our aim, your satisfaction Reasonable rates 345-7851 12709 15 TYPING, FAST i ACCURATE 504 per page. Rush service available Sandy. 343-4251 12777 12 ( SKI STUFF ~] 160cm WOODEN SKIIS with Solomon bindings and Diawa boots, size 9V4m, all for $60. Call 747-2396 _3208:12 207cm DYNASTAR S-730, Nordica boots size 10-11 Solomon S-555. new. 1544 Alder, no 57. 3371:12 HEAD STD 180cm, Soloman bindings $55 687-2972 3308:12 BEGINNER'S WOOD SKIIS, plate bindings, sharp edges, good base refinished 160 cm $10 343-7380 evenings. 3524:12 LANGE SKI BOOTS. 8V* men s medium Very good condition $45 344-9432 after 5 3420_1_2 RAICHLE SKI BOOTS, 9ViM Good condition $30 negotiable 342-8304. 3375 12 ( OUTDOOR GEAR ^ FOR RENT: Cross Country Skis, boots, snow shoes, and toboggans HAWKEYE'S 1290 Oak Street 343-5722 12546:1-15 THE CADDIS FLY ANGLING SHOP Clothing and fishing supplies for your fishing friends. 688 OUve Street 342-7005 _19793;15 ( BICYCLES ] THREE SPEED BIKE—excellent condition must sell because leaving. Call 485-9050. John, room 204. tie. #640317. 3537:12 3-SPEED *40, 10-speed $75. extras good condi tion Lie 703210. 703212 345-5624 Gotta sell. 3449:12 COLLIN'S CYCLE SHOP 342-4878 60 East 11th Dealers lor Raleigh, Peugeot, and Centurian 12049 tin NEW 23" SENT1NAL 10-speed lor $85 must sen r ^-13012691 Call 747-23963209 12 PARTS AND ACCESSORIES Tubes, all sizes. S' 50 Vinyl hooded storm parkas $1.95 Hooded Storm Jackets $1.95 Storm suits, 3 piece $3 95 Arm and leg lites.$125 Generator headlite sets . S3 95 Wonder headlites .$3 95 Back bags.from $2.95 27x1'i Standard tires ... $195 27x1V« IRC GumwaBs $2 95 Exchange rebuilt wheels $10.00 SERVICE SPECIALS (Total labor charge) Repair flat (off bike) .$1 00 True wheel.$2.50 Light overhaul.$7 50 Safety check $3 50 Major rebuild.$15 00 Expert service on all makes CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Jeunet 10-Speed PREMIERE FRENCH BIKE Weighs 25 pounds Suggested retail price, $159.95 WE HAVE IT FOR $99 88 Limited to stock on hand NATIONAL CYCLE SERVICE "SAVE ALL WAYS’ 1280 Charnelton 686-8500 Open evenings Open Sundays 126131fn MIZUTANI SERAPH 10-speed Shimano shifters. Sun Tour and Thunderbird derailleurs, mileage counter $95 Lie 704413 Bob343-1498 12778:12 19" MIXTE FRAME YELLOW SCHWINN LA TOUR. 4 mo old $125 Lie 700658 Terry 485-0067 12345:15 C CABS & CYCLES ] 1966 VW BUG. 68.000 miles $795 Excellent 343-1795. alter 5 p.m. 3393:12 MECHANICS SPECIAL: 65 Plymouth Fury II. $100. Excellent body, interior, rnnnng gear except engine which needs work. 344-8651 after noon 3394:12 1973 VEGA HATCHBACK—Steel radials tape deck. 4-speed. Must sell. $1575, trade down. 935-3002 3265 12 1962 VESPA GS, 5000 miles, perfect for commut ing. $245 344-8403 3329:15 PAIR TIRE CHAINS. Fits 13 and 14 tire widths $18 Call Jane 342-5717 (Day). 344-1188 (Evening) 3478:12 ( AUTO REPAIB ) PRECISION FOREIGN AUTO SWEDISH CAR SPECIALIST: Saab Volvo OPENING SPECIAL—Mator Tune-Up. any 4 cy linder $32 50 including parts and labor 1985 West 7th ^44 2277 or "DIG CARS 12007.1fn J.B. ENGINE SERVICE 1975 West 7th Custom engine and tranemission rebuilding and parts for Volkswagens 342-3952 1207011n CHUCK’S AUTO SERVICE FOREIGN CAR SPECIAUST Complete maintenance and repair set ce 1938 West 8th_1 T70 GOING OUT OF TOWN TUNE—UP SPECIAL Most 4-cylinder cars Parts and labor—$20 AMERICA S CHOICE 220 South 2nd Springfield 747-5805 12738 12 1 RIDES & RIDERS j PEOPLE’S TRANSIT North American Ride Line Riders and drivers tor Shared Transportation Toll Free 1-800-547-0933 In Oregon 1-227-2419 12650tfn NEED RIDE TO DENVER on 19th Please Share gas, driving Vickie Klein; 485-9565. ext 4329 3470 12 DESPERATELY NEED RIDE to LA between Do cember 16 and 19 Good dnver will help pay gas Jerry-345-1013- 3472 15 NEED RIDE TO PALO ALTO Share expenses Saturday morning. Dec 20th Marts room 205 or extention 5345 or 485-9243 3404 15 NEED RIDE TO BOISE. Idaho December 19th Will share gas and driving Ann 686-6495 3466 15 NEEDED: RIDE TO MILWAUKEE (or Chicago Madison) December 19 or after Share all ex penses. good driver Call Chuck 342-2269 3512 15 NEED RIDE TO BOISE atler December 26 Will share everything Woman preferred Terry 343-3504 3509 12 RIDE NEEDED TO SAN FRANCISCO area Share gas and driving Call Tim 342-8038 keep trying. 3454:15 NEED RIDE TO SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Leave December 1618. share expenses and driv ing Marty 343-3886 3483 12 GYMNAST NEEDS RIDE TO L A OR S.F. Evenings. December 20 Share driving, gas Raul 3462258 3488 12 SWITCHBOARD Ride Exchange Lost and Found Community Events 686-8453 10 a.m.-Midnight 12773:15 { TRAVEL ) THE NATIONAL STUDENT EXCHANGE is now taking applications from U of O student; (Oregon Ftestdents) with a minimum 2.5 GPA whc would like to study at another college or university m the United States Pay m-state tuition See Michele Mourraille. International Education Centei Rm. 202 Ext 3721 121903-! XMAS BREAK Even if you've made your own reserva tions, we can issue your tickets at no additional cost, quickly, conveniently For information, reservations, call VIKING TRAVEL 1234 Pearl 485-1915 _ _12743 12 WANTED J THREE OR FOUR BEDROOM HOUSE need© urgently by January 4 Leave name and number e 686-6496._ 34 ELECTRIC KILN, must fire up to cone 6 Ca 343-8108, evenings. Ask for Stacy 3351 1 ( HELP WANTED c ARCHITECTURE STUDENT TO design additio to my home 689-1081. evenings. 3346 1 686-4343 NEED SUBJECTS FOB OBI experiment in |udge ment Wednesday, Thursday, Friday at 2 30 p m Approximately 2 hours $4 50 Only people who have not participated in OBI experiments during the last three months Call 484-2123 12792 15 WANTED PBOFESSIONAL TYPIST. Type in your own home Carbon ribbon preferred 345-7851 12 WOBK STUOY POSITION, Skills tutor to work with mildly retarded young males in group home Help teach basic living skills Some experience required. 10-15 hours per week. Evenings and some weekends $3 per hour Call 485-1270 lor interview 3437 ,5 VOLUNTEER NEEDED TO TUTOB achild in read ing Someone young, out-going and male, il possi ble is needed weekdays between U 30-12 15 p m call 687 3480'- -li73^ MILITARY PBIOB SEBVICE—We will be selecting 35 vete rans lor service in Eugene s National Guard unit These individuals will be eligble lor up to $1400 yearly and other benefits lor serving one weekend a month and attending a 15-day annual training penod Veterans need not attend base training again and tha serves will not allect Gl educational benefits Qualified veterans call Sergeant Asa 686-7574 or 800-838-7600 THE OREGON ARMY NATIONAL GUARD _ 12629 1-6 STUDENTS AVERAGE $4 per hour 15-20 30 hours per week (steady! Fall & Winter jobs start now Transportation necessary Call FULLER BRUSH COMPANY 689-4699_6598 Tin MEMBERSHIP TO THE SAILING CLUB FREE? All sailing classes tree too7 That's n^it appiica Pons lor a publicity and promotion manager are now being accepted and we ll offer you the above It will intail a good imagination, some time and work You want to learn how to sail and are lookng lor a project dealing with your major? Well then, come sail with us UO Sailing Club 345-2171 12742 12 TWO WORK STUDY POSITIONS Typist, psychology department minimum typing speed 50 wpm Winter term Monday Wednesday mornings, Tuesday Thursday afternoons Pays $2 70-hoia Call ext 5195 lor interview Must be work study cerplied 12751 12 PARTTIME FULLTIME SALESPEOPLE expenence not necessary—we will iram Car essential Kirby Company 484-9555 _ __I?®?!*?, APPLICATIONS ARE NOW available lor director oI ALERT a program lor handicapped students Applications and job descriptions available at Suite IV EMU Deadlne January 5 1976 ALERT is an equal opportunity employer Women and mnonties encouraged to apply12 769 '5 ASUO PROGRAM STAFF people who would be interested m serving on the Program Directors Council Executive committee may apply at the ASUO Executive Office deadline Monday De cember 15 12785 t5 PIANO ACCOMPANY F*Oft beginning trim an vanced dance classes Must be advanced pianist with expenence m accompaniment and improvisa tion, have understanding ol classical, contempor ary and \azz idiom Degree m muse pederred Pay S3 09 per hour 20-40 hour week Beginning waiter term 1976 Contact Mr Bruno V Madrid c-0 De{* of Dance Call 686-3387or 686-3386 Equaloppor tunity employer 12752 12 (SITUATONSWANTED^J PLUMBING REPAIRS: Quality work reasonably priced by quaktied serviceman All work guaran teed Call Bob 689-1858 3495 12 WE WILL RAKE VOUR LEAVES lor reasonable rales Call 485 1076_ 3494 12 (roommate wanted) MATURE STUDENT TO SHARE comfortable three bedroom with two others 12 blocks from campus $47 month plus 1 3 utilities and smaS de posit For appointment 686-8298 alter 7pm Avail able January 10 3311 12 ROOMMATE NEEDED TO SHARE lumshed two oedroom house 3950 High Street $110 month 345-5592 3252 15 ROOMMATE WANTED—Female Own room in two bedroom apartment walking distance to cam pus $87 50 partial utilities 686-8421 3322 12 FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED to share a two bedroom apartment with two females $65 a month plus utilities, great location Call 343-8192 3324 12 HOUSEMATE WANTED. Room tor $75 per month 1425 East 20th 687 2809 3328 12 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY! One female lo share large two bedroom apartment with two others Re sponsible landlords ivy blocks from campus De cember paid 343-5827 3249 10 ON CAMPUS. BEDROOM in large house $65 a month 18th and Alder 344-9067 _ 3374 1 2 HOUSEMATE WANTED. $80 per month Availa ble January 1 Call 345-1753 3243 12 MALE OR FEMALE to share spacious westside house with one studious but sometimes impulsive male graduate student $87 50 per month Ca'I Alan 686-3988 before 3 30. 343-7394 alter 6 pm 313912 SHARE TOWNHOUSE DUPLEX. 27 year old male, yard, fireplace, garage. $95-month $25 de posit Steve 344-7377 3137 15 ROOMMATE TO SHARE furnished duplex $92 50 Fireplace, washer-dryer. call j 345-4118 3389 12 FEMALE, GRADUATE SHARE apartment Firep II lace, own room Preferably interested in art-music 2 Call Barbara, evenings 686-8780 3396 15 FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED to Share 3-bedroom house 316 East 15th, 687-2858 3402 12 n FEMALE—ROOM IN large house with fireplace 2 and dishwasher $62.50 month 485-1420.3533 :15