To include youths Rights commission restructuring proposed The Eugene City Council tentatively agreed in a Conn mi ttee-of-the-Whole meeting Wednesday to investigate the possible establishment of a youth commission or youth advocacy group under the proposed Human Rights Corn ★ QUADS★ 751 East 16th Avenue Features air conditioning, plush carpet, drapes, bed, refrigerator, stuffed chair, pri vate bath, plenty of hot water, desks, $ 105 per month. $50 deposit. Manager 344-9782 mission ordinance. The proposed restructuring of the Human Rights Commission creates four commissions, one each for women, aged persons, minorities, and handicapped persons. In addition to the commissions, a Human Rights Council, consisting of two members of each commission, has also been established. Public pressure for a youth commission in addition to the other four commissions under OSPIRG“ ( Continued from Page 4) much the same way, but this is not unusual. 1 LAST CHANCE FOR SENIOR PORTRAITS Dear Senior: The 1976 Oregana is making this last-chance offer to you! If you did not have your senior picture taken, now is your chance to make it up. Your portrait taken FREE. Five poses will be taken, proofs will be sent directly to you. Portraits will be photographed in the Erb Memorial Union, on Thursday, Dec. 11,8 a.m. to 4 p.m, Appointments can be made by calling 686-4305 or coming to our office M-111-EMU 3CSS5 3 HOWTO PROCESS COLOR PRINTS IN TUBES USING KODAK CHEMICALS. KODAK AUDIO CASSETTES NEW FROM KODAK! 1 KODEWORD Darkroom Audio Cassettes that guide you step-by-step through daikroom processing procedures. Become a more complete photographer. “Let Kodak show you the light in the dark.” Come in, listen and see for yourself. dotson S 1668 Willamette 485-1771 LVVVV^VVVVVVVVVVVVVV^VVVVVVWLXVVVVVV* the new ordinance spurred the council’s consideration of the matter. However, some members of the council feel that there may not be enough public support for such a commission and that a youth advocacy group may better serve the interests of Eugene's youth in city affairs. "A Youth Rights Commission would have a high emphasis on legal problems," said Coun cilman Neil Murray, who is also “We’re interested in what they're saying but we don’t ac cept what they have to say as the gospel. We feel that way with a lot of groups, and we try to do our own leq work.” Most editors feel OSPIRG provides Oregon with a beneficial service. Says Allen of the Mail Tribune, “I think they’ve done quite a bit of prying into some dark corners. I do think they the assistant dean of students at the University, Murray said that while this would be of some use, there are limits as to the ef fectiveness of the law regarding problems of youth. Murray feels that "youth may be better served” if the council “looked more broadly at youth services." The issue will be further discussed and possibly acted upon during the council’s next meeting at 7:30 Dec. 22. perform a useful function. I watch the reports quite carefully." Jaques agrees. “I look upon them generally favorably. I really think they are doing a service to the communities, I really do. I'm glad that they take the time to blow the whistle. It's a resource that’s not duplicated by other agencies. They make us aware of some things we wouldn't be aware of otherwise.” W/AVVWtfVVWWtfWW Headquarters For . . SKIS & ACCESSORIES DOWNHILL & CROSS COUNTRY Plus ★ TENNIS EQUIPMENT ★ BACK PACKING EQUIPMENT ★ WATER SKI EQUIPMENT Harvey Fox 's . especially skimg lUilMlKUlI pjwt jjaa* Z 13th & Patterson - On Campus 342-70?1