[> awtnc by Cr*»s>Mne Ham* Now you’re part of the system With one 20-minute visit to the EMU Ballroom to pay your tuition, you ve managed to sign away your meager summer earnings, act end your indebtedness tor 18 more years, and at the same time, become a card-carrying member of the Associated Students of the University of Oregon (ASUO). Whether your ASUO membership is greeted with cheers or yawns, the following is an overview of the organization: Central to the ASUO is a three-pronged governmen tal structure; the executive, the Incidental Fee Committee (IFC), and the Student University Affairs Board (SUAB). These three groups provide the organization, the struc ture and the initiative for all of the activities sponsored by the ASUO. The executive branch is composed of the AS LX) president, who is voted into office in spring term elections, one or two vice-presidents (there are two this year), and appointed staff members. The executive staff serves for 12 months. The IFC is currently a seven-member board with members elected during the fall for one-year terms The SUAB is an 18-member body with members serving two-year terms. Each spring, elections are held for half of the SUAB in order to stagger membership Acting as a mediator between the three branches is the ASUO Constitution Committee The five member committee interprets and clarities the ASUO constitution and settles disputes involving the power balance among the three bodies Constitution Committee members are appointed by the ASUO president and serve until gradua tion or resignation Radiating from these three major bodies is a network of student programs and activities Some 50 agencies groups and organizations — representing a spectrum of student interests — are funded by the ASUO. and offer each student a year of potential entertainment, involve ment and fulfillment Consider yourself associated STUDENT HEALTH CENTER 13th and Agate ESTABLISHED AND MAINTAINED TO PROVIDE OPTIMUM HEALTP FOR ALL STUDENTS EMERGENCIES will be attended to at any time. If you sustain injury or suffer sudden illness requiring immediate attention, report to the Health Center immediately or call ©(tension 3333. EMERGENCY PHONE APPOINTMENT PHONE EXT. 3333 686-4441 1. General medical attention and treatment including clinical gynecology & family planning counseling. 2. Minor surgery (major surgery and other procedures requiring general anes thesia and specialist s services are referred to private physicians) 3. Care of simple fractures 4. 15 days free hospitalization during one academic year 5. Routine laboratory procedures, including diagnostic X-ray 6. A licensed clinical laboratory 7. The services of a physical therapist 8. A pharmacy and counseling services by staff psychiatrists 10. Immunization clinics for treatment, as indicated 11. Premarital examinations ROUTINE APPOlNTMENTSw.th ne staff physician of your choice may be made in person or by telephone — 686-4441 Clinic hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m daily Monday through Friday, and 8:00 a m. to 11:30 a m. Saturdays. No appointment is necessary on Saturday mornings THE STUDENT HEALTH CENTER IS OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY DURING ALL REGULAR SCHOOL TERMS WITH A DOCTOR ON CALL FOR EMERGENCY CASES. THE EMERGENCY ENTRANCE IS ON THE WEST SIDE OF THE BUILDING (BEECH STREET ENTRANCE). EMERGENCY CALLS ARE MADE TO ALL CAMPUS HOUSING AND UNIVERSITY BUILDINGS WHEN NECESSARY. THE STUDENT HEALTH CENTER IS SELF SUPPORTED, FINANCED BY STUDENT FEES AND MINIMUM CHARGES FOR LABORATORY, X-RAY, MEDICATIONS, IMMUNIZATIONS AND SPECIAL SERVICES. ALL EXPENSES OF OR CONNECTED WITH CONSULTATIONS, SUR GICAL OPERATIONS OR SPECIAL PROCEDURES MUST BE BORNE BY THE STUDENT. THE STUDENT HEALTH CENTER WILL NOT PAY OR BE RESPONSIBLE FOR BILLS FROM PRIVATE PHYSICIANS, HOSPITALS, LABORATORIES. ETC. YOUR HEALTH CENTER CAN PROVIDE YOU WITH GENERAL MEDICAL CARE. HOWEVER IT IS STRONGLY URGED THAT YOU AVAIL YOURSELF OF STUDENT HEALTH INSURANCE AVAILABLE AT REGISTRATION THROUGH THE ASUO TO COVER UNEXPECTED AND UNPREDICTABLE EMERGENCY SITUATIONS.