Salem (UPI) — “Really, I don’t have any thing against women at all, period," the top candidate for the newly created position of state affirmative action officer said today. Harold Williams, a black, voted against admitting women to the formerly all-male Portland City Club during the club’s first ballot on the issue in 1971. Gov. Bob Straub’s chief of staff said today he is con tinuing to recommend Williams for the af firmative action job. “I was then under the impression that the City Club was strictly a men’s social dub and I wasn’t fully aware of the The plaque and the new dictionary were exchanged somewhat ceremoniously with the appropriate handshakes. The unwrap ping of the wine skein was greeted with laughter and less formality. The occasion was Friday’s reception for retiring University Pres. Robert Clark in the ASUO office. Clark and his wife Opal were admitted as honorary members of the As sociated Students of the University of Oregon. Clark given Top Affirmative Action candidate denies anti-women’s rights tag organization’s influence in the community — or the implications of my vote," Williams said. “When I realized the implications of that election, I changed my vote to admit women as members at the very next election.' Williams said he has no negative feelings against women and has in fact striven to place them in jobs in state government since he became the affirmative action of ASUO Pres. Jim Bemau presented Clark with a framed document offering Clark and his wife lifetime membership in the ASUO, “with all the privileges, rights and immun ity thereof.” Clark, in accepting the plaque, noted that in all his years of teaching and administra tive work, the greatest satisfaction was his oontact with students. “On the fundamental issues, I stood so often with the students," he said. The wine skein, which Bemau explained was often used by students at football games “to take away the chill,” was given to Clark, an ardent naturalist. Thanking the 30 or more students pres ent, Clark said, “What could be better in a new life than a new wine skein?" Constitutionality ruling requested The ASUO Executive has asked the ASUO Constitution Committee to rule on what the Executive says is unconstitutional behavior by the Incidental Fee Committee (IFC). The ASUO Executive says the IFC has attempted to administer and direct prog rams which, it says, is not within its constitu tional role. Jane Aiken, IFC chairer, says her com mittee has not had enough time to study the charges and to comment on them. She said that committee member Bill Dick will ask the Constitution Committee to delay the scheduled 8:15 a.m. Thursday meeting so that the IFC may have more time to prepare a defense. Housing rates will increase Outgoing University Pres. Robert Clark announced an increase in monthly rents in married student housing Friday ef fective September 1. Rent in one, two and three-bedroom units in the Amazon project were each in creased $7.50 a month. New rates will be $54 a month for one bedroom, $60 for two bedrooms, and $77.50 for three-bedroom units. At Westmoreland, two-bedroom units increased $14 to $105 a month, and one bedroom units increased $4 to $85 a month. Pres. Clark deviated slightly from the recommendations for increases provided by Housing Director H.P. Barnhart. Bar nhart recommended increasing one bedroom units at Westmoreland $5 a month and two-bedroom units $12.50 a month. Bo gen called the Amazon rent “very modest” and pointed out that Westmore land rent has not increased since 1970. ficer for the Personnel Division in 1973. Williams said that of 327 persons he has placed in state jobs in the past two years, over 200 of them have been women. The figure of 200 includes minority women, Wil liams said. The job of state affirmative action officer was created by legislative passage of a bill appropriating $50,000 for the position over the next two years. Keith Bums, Gov. Straub's chief of staff, said today that he is continuing to recom mend Williams for the job. Earlier, Bums said he wanted to discuss Williams' City Club vote before making a final recommen dation to the governor. Earlier, Bums said he believed that Wil liams has been at least equally concerned with the problems of women as he has with the Droblems of minorities. Anne Kelly, the lobbyist for the ACLU Women's Project, which backed the bill, earlier said the appointment of Williams would amount to a sellout by Straub. Kelly said Straub promised the women who worked on his campaign that efforts would be made to bring more women into state government. Kelly said that if Straub appoints a man to the affirmative action job, it amounts to a sellout to women's groups. Straub, during his town hall meeting tour last week, told a Coos Bay group that he would like to appoint a woman to the affir mative action officer position. Teleprompter announces its July 4th “SPIRIT OF 99” SPECIAL We’ll install Cable TV in your borne for just 99° instead of our regular *995 charge! That’s our “SPIRIT OF 99!” Get into the spirit! Celebrate the 4th of July with a spectacular display of new channels you’ve never seen before . . . brought to you by Teleprompter! You’ll see network programs and specials. Local sports and news. Educa tional TV. All coming through on the best picture your set has ever delivered. Color bright as fireworks. Crisp black and white. Sharp, clear reception your old antenna can’t match! Best possible picture! All for just pennies a day! Fraa Sanrica "Spirit of 99” special ends Mon. (July 7)! Call now! Call 342-6521 You pay only one * service in advance.Offer food in caMed areas only. 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KEY SIGN OUT Chess sets, Piano Practice, etc. LOST AND FOUND Open 12-1 p.m. Monday-Friday, Room 4 in the basement of the EMU. NOTICE BOARD VENDING MACHINE REFUNDS For machines in EMU BANKAMERICARD AND MASTER CHARGE ACCEPTED.