(CPS)—The U.S. is one of only eight countries left in the world which has not switched over to a system of metric measurements. Along with such backwaters as Tona, Gambia, Yeman and Bar bados, the U.S. still clings to the feet and pounds of the English system. Metrication is the process of switching over to the metric sys tem, which is based on a single measurement that is either multi plied or divided by powers to measure everything. When conversion comes, it will drastically affect how things are measured in the U.S. Distances will be measured in kilometers, weights in grams and kilograms, temperatures in degrees Celsius and so on. SS&5S%S%SS:: Congress has toyed with metri cation since the time of Thomas Jefferson, but in the last few years, as the other industrialized countries of the world have switched to the metric system pressure has grown on America to conform. Now, a number of American companies with international markets have begun measuring things metrically, and Congress may be close to using its constitu tional power over weights and Everything for the ARTISTS and ARCHITECTS DISCOUNT Please show card I our before purchase I /W reg. prices ON CASH PURCHASE OF ALL SUPPLIES 339 EAST ELEVENTH AVE. AMPLE PARKING - REAROF STORE Just a few blocks from campus $10 million education bill will prepare students for change to international metric system measures to mandate a conver sion nationwide. One of the surest signs of change can be seen in the educa tion bill passed by Congress and signed into law last fall, which specifically states that the use of the metric system in the U.S. is "in evitable” and will “become the dominant system of weights and measures." The bill authorizes $10 million to help "prepare stu dents to use the metric system of measurement.” “Contrary to popular belief, this is not something we will decide whether to do or not,” said Rep. J.J. Pickle (D-TX), a metrication supporter. “The change is already taking place.” There are now seven bills be fore the House and Senate cal ling for a conversion to the metric system over a rough timetable of ten years. The principal legisla tion, offered by Sen. Claiborne Pell (D-RI), calls for the estab lishment of a National Metric Con version Board which would plan and oversee U.S. conversion. m'mw 5}(? 0S cD&M Those working with the plans for metrication feel that the build ing industry will be the first to con vert. Great Britain and Canada, two fairly recent additions to the metric fold, keyed the start of their conversion programs in this area. ‘The building industry touches on so many aspects of the economic life of the country,” noted Charles Mahaffey, a build ing technologist for the National Bureau of Standards (NBS) who is working closely with the problem of metric conversion. “There’s hardly anything you can talk about in the whole U S economy that doesn’t somehow relate to building,” said Mahaffey. "Because of its great cross sectional value, (those favoring metrication) think that if they can tackle this problem, they can handle anything.” Canada has set January 1, 1978 as the start of their formal conversion to metric in the build ing industry, and testimony on the Pell bill revealed that some ex perts think the U.S. can match that date, since the toughest bugs have already been worked out by Canada, Great Britain and Au stralia. “All we have to do is take their program, polish it up and stick it on our end," said Mahaffey. For the average American, however, the difficulty has been in learning the new system. For ex ample, in a survey of home economists conducted in 1970.it was discovered that the more knowledgeable people were about the metric system the more receptive they were to conversion. According to the NBS Metric In formation office, 43 states have taken some sort of formal action to prepare for metric conversion and its education process. California, New Jersey and Maryland are among the pioneers. They will begin teaching metrics in public schools statewide by 1976. “I want education to keep a breast of the times for once. If we can catch youngsters now, that's one whole generation we won’t have to unlearn,” California Superintendent of Public Instruc tion Wilson Riles told Newsweek. As for the rest of us, we ll even tually have to master the art of thinking metrically. "Any kind of change is fright ening,” noted Mary Lou Chap man, a consumer consultant in Colorado. "We can learn some thing very new, very easily-it s forgetting the old that is tough." You are Invited to ai^ *OPEN HOUSE!' k T * he Oregon Daily Emerald wui conduct a tours from noon to 5 p.m. Tuesday, July 1 K Staff members will be present ! * to show you our advertising, • f news/editorial and production i 9 departments. 4 You’11 find us at 301 EMU. DUFFY’S Thursday 4:00-6:00 Pitcher sale s1.00 Ill AMUSE YOURSELF! 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