Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 24, 1975, Page 8, Image 8

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    Enrollment eased
for area residents
A new direction in educational
services will be offered this fall at
the University which will allow
area residents to enroll conve
niently in any University
course. It will not be necessary
to seek formal admission to the
University, and a special fee
schedule will be arranged which
will base the cost of taking a
course on the academic level of
the class.
These special enrollment
services are possible when area
residents register for classes as
The University has defined a
non-matriculant as someone de
scribed by one of the following
statements: 1. A person who has
never been formally admitted and
enrolled at the University. 2.
Someone who has attended the
University in the past and has
since received a bachelors de
gree from ANY institution. 3.
Someone who has never been
accepted by and taken courses
through the University’s graduate
To accomodate nearby re
sidents, University academic de
partments will move many of their
regular courses into irregular
hours such as late afternoons and
; i* 5
AAA 13th and Hilyard only AA’A'^
evenings. However residents also
may take courses offered during
the regular daytime hours.
Non-matriculants may register
for as many as six hours of credit.
(Most University courses are of
fered for three hours of credit.)
They will also have access to a
number of University services and
People who register as non
matriculants will be subject to the
same class size restrictions and
"prior course" prerequisites as
regular University students. Regu
larly enrolled University students
will have priority for all classes.
With class times extended
throughout the day and evening,
sufficient spaces for community
residents will be available in most
courses, say University adminis
A “mini-arena” registration for
classes will be held in McArthur
Court on Friday, Sept. 26 from 7 to
9:30 p.m. and in Oregon Hall
fromlOa.m. to 7:30 p.m. Monday,
Sept. 29 through Friday, Oct. 3.
This will be separate from the reg
ular student registration period.
Complete course listings will
be available in mid-September.
Those interested in more in
formation should contact the Ad
missions Office, Room 270
Oregon Hall, located at 13th and
Agate streets on the campus,
phone 686-3201. Visitors parking
is available across Agate Street
from Oregon Hall.
Two sentenced to prison
EUGENE (UPI)—Raymond Eaglin, 33, and
Eva Agnes Kutas, 24, both of Eugene, were
sentenced to federal prison Monday on
charges stemming from their harboring of es
capee Carl Bowles in May, 1974.
U.S. District Judge Otto Skopii sentenced
Eaglin to four years in prison on the conspiracy
charge and a concurrent term of three years
probation on the charge of harboring. Kutas
received a two-year prison term on the conspi
racy charge and a three-year concurrent ob
ation term.
A third charge of failing to report Bowles
location to federal authorities was dropped dur
ing the trial against the pair in Portland. Two
other defendants, Sara Mattzman, 24, and
Greg Lui-Kwan, both of Eugene, were acquit
ted of harboring charges during the trial. Both
were former University students.
Eaghn and Kutas indicated earlier they
would appeal the convictions. Skopil set Tues
day noon as the deadline for such an appeal.
Bowles escaped from the Oregon State
Penitentiary on May 17, 1974, after he was
given a pass to visit a niece, Joan Coberly, at a
Salem motel.
Following several weeks of the pair hiding
out in various parts of Lane County and Port
land, Coberly was captured last June here fol
lowing a shootout by Bowles with FBI agents.
Bowles was later wounded and captured on
June 16, 1974, near Coeur D’Alene, Idaho,
after a gun battle with officers there
Bowles is currently serving a 75 year term in
Idaho for kidnaping and now faces murder
charges in Spokane, Wash., for the alleged
shooting deaths of Earl and Viola Hunter of
Eugene, who Bowles admitted kidnaping dur
ing his escape period.
Field burning bill praised
SALEM (UPI)~ Senate Presi
dent Jason Boe Monday advised
both sides in the field burning
issue to “Shut up for a while" and
work with the phasedown prog
ram approved by the legislature.
I“lt’s time now to make the law
work," Boe told reporters during a
discussion of the recently-ended
legislative session.
Boe said it would be a “very
serious mistake” for Gov. Bob
Straub to veto the field burning bill.
If the Governor vetoes the bill and
calls a special session, “I’m not
sure we could get as good a bill
passed,"Boe said.
At a similar meeting with repor
ters last week, Democratic House
speaker pnii Lang criticized
Straub's dealings with the legisla
ture, particularly on the field burn
ing issue. Boe agreed that Straub
started out poorly but improved
his technique toward the end of
the session.
Boe said the “rocky road” ex
perienced by Straub at the start of
his administration is common to all
new governors.
In discussing the major accom
plishments of the 153 day session
Boe said he feels the “longest
lasting, most influential” action
taken by the lawmakers was re
quiring legislative review of rules
drawn up by state administrative
Boe said state agency bureauc
rais will no longer nave 10
months of freedom between ses
sions to promulgate rules willy
One of Boe's top priority items
was the bill requiring life sen
tences without parole for murder
ers who can not be rehabilitated.
That bill died in a conference com
mitteee because of opposition by
House members.
Boe said the House opponents
of the bill “failed to recognize the
mood of the peoplr of Oregon'
and the fact that they “Want to be
protected" from convicted killers
such as Richard Marquette and
Carl Bowles Boe said he would
again seek passage of the bill if a
special session is called.
Credit by Exa
ination Course Challenge Program
What the Credit by Exam Office Can Do For YOU
The Credit By Exam office will assist students in scheduling exams for
select lower division courses, provide study guides and sample exams for
review and study. One must petition to challenge. Petition forms are availa
ble at the Registrar’s Office, in the Administrative Services Building.
The cost of challenge is only $15.00 per course regardless of the number
of credit hours to be earned. Failure of an examination through the Course
Challenge Program is not recorded on official records.
Department Course
Ac 221—Financial Accounting
Ac 323—Managerial Accounting
QM 232—Introduction to Business Statistics
Mkt 311—Mkt Systems & Anal.
BIOLOGY Bi 102—Animal Biology
Bi 104—Plant Biology
Bi 222—Genetics and Man
Chn 101, 102, 103—Second Year Chinese (not open
to natives of Taiwan)
Econ 201—Introduction to Economic Analysis
Econ 375—Intermediate Economic Analysis (Macro)
Econ 376—Intermediate Economic Analysis (Micro)
Eng 104—Fiction
Eng 106—Poetry
Eng 201, 202, 203—Introduction to Shakespeare
Eng 322—English novel
ETHNIC STUDIES Es 101—Ethnic Groups in American Society
Es 102—Ethnic Groups in Contemporary America
Es 103—Ethnic Groups and the American Experiene
ED PSYCH EPsy 321&322
GEOGRAPHY Geog 101—The Natural Environment
Geol 101, 102, 103—General Geology
Geol 302—Geologic History of Life
Geol 353—Oceanography
GL 101, 102, 103—Second Year German
HE 150—Health Education
HE 250—Personal Health
Hist 101,102, 103—History of Western Civilization
Math 106—Calculus
Math 411—Linear Algebra
GS 104, 105, 106—Physical Science Survey
Ph 101, 102, 103—Essentials of PhyBics
Ph 104, 105, 106—Descriptive Astronomy
Ph 108, 109—Elementary Astronomy
Pay 212—Learning, Thinking and Conditioning
Psy 213—Introduction to Physiological Psychology
RL 101, 102, 103—Second Year French
RL 107, 108, 109—Second Year Spanish
Mus 201,202,203—Intro, to Music and its Literature
Mus 321, 322—Music Fundamentals
Soc 211—Deviancy and Social Control
Soc 212—Race, Class and Ethnic Groups in America
Soc 213—Organizations and Occupations
Soc 215—Social Issues and Social Movements
RhCm 121—Fundamentals of Speech Communica
RhCm 122—Fundamentals of Persuasion
Th 367, 368, 369—Survey of Dramatic Art
Contact the Credit by Exa
Course Challenge Othee
Donna Vest, Director, 169 Hendricks Hall, 686-3219 Katherine Waser, Sec’y