Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 23, 1975, Section A, Page 7, Image 7

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    You’ve arrived: now
how will you decide
where you’ll live?
Of the Emerald
You graduated from high school
in Slippery Rock, Penn., and you
decided to enroll in the University
of Oregahn because you’re tired
of all the rain back there. You’ve
come out this summer to find a job
and get situated, and you just
stepped off that Greyhound bus
one hour ago and wandered over
to the University. You don’t know a
soul here. Now, how are you going
to decide where to live this year?
The Dorms
The University dormitories have
a capacity of 2,300 persons.
About an equal number of women
and men divide up the rooms, and
about two-thirds are freshmen.
Only about 450 were lucky
enough to get single rooms last
fall—and few, if any, of them were
newcomers to the dorms—but by
spring, because of turnover, the
number rose to 600. This summer,
however, a dormitory official says
that single rooms will be easy to
obtain. Dormitories require no de
posit over the summer. If you want
to move in, go to the main housing
office in Carson Hall. The rates for
seven-day board for the eight
week session are $280 for the
double, $330 for a single. In the
University Inn, the University’s
luxury high-rise dorm at 1000 Pat
terson St. the rates are $142.50
for a double, $202.50 for a single.
No board is available at tne Uni
versity Inn, and it will dose after
the eight-week session.
The eleven week, seven-day
board rates in the dorms are $363
for a double, $426 for a single.
You can also choose a five-day
board plan.
A veteran resident who “out
grew" the dorms calls the dorm
atmosphere “the spirit of collec
tive insecurity.” But a current resi
dent might call it “one hell of a
good time.” Rooms are small, and
the food, like dorm food every
where, is reputedly terrible. But
the togetherness which frat resi
dents feel, dorm residents feel to
the nth degree. Like Greeks, how
ever, they also complain of lack of
But you don’t have to cook for
yourself, you live closer to campus
than anyone else, and, since
you're new to Eugene, the dorms
may be your best bet to meet as
many people as you can.
Apartments and Quads
“Apartments and what's?", you
ask. Well, newcomer, Eugene
isn’t famous for too many things,
but one distinction it has is being
the “quad” capital of the world.
A quad, an idea which origi
nated in Oregon, is an arrange
ment of four completely furnished
single bedrooms, each with a sink,
mirror, bed, desk, lamp and large
closet. The four residents of a
quad share a central kitchen and
usually a bathroom, although
some of the more expensive
quads feature individual bath
rooms. Residents pay their
monthly rent separately, and none
is responsible for anyone else’s
rent. Quads do not involve leases,
but managers do require a sub
stantial security deposit—$35 and
up—and most of them allow you to
move out only at the end of a quar
Eugene boasts hundreds of
quad units, and they generally
range from $80-$100 during the
regular school year. During the
summer, however, when empty
quads abound, you can generally
rent one at a 15-25 per cent dis
count. Quads, like dorms, lie al
most entirely within quick walking
distance of anywhere on campus.
The atmosphere is livelier than
most apartment buildings, but you
will probably meet more different
types of people living in the dorms.
More students probably live in
apartments than anywhere else,
but apartments close to campus
are hard to come by. Then, too,
most apartments involve leases
and security deposits—which
sometimes are difficult to recover
from landlords who know you will
be leaving town. They also know
that apartments are scarce, and
they sometimes set their rents ac
cordingly. Generally speaking, the
more in an apartment the cheaper
it is to live there. Apartments allow
for the greatest freedom in envi
ronment, choosing roommates,
and lifestyle.
Co-ops are usually the least ex
pensive of all the places you can
live, unless you are lucky enough
to rent an inexpensive private
home. They run from $840 to
$1,070 for the nine-month
academic year.
Four co-operatives are open to
campus students at Oregon. Two,
the University Club and Parr To
wer, are sister organizations
which only admit women. If you
prefer a co-educational experi
ence, Campbell Club is the only
co-op for you, but beware—during
(Continued on Page 11)
Photo by Karen Ramey
Media lineup
The University is served by radio, television and newspaper. Steve Smith, of KWAX-FM, is one of the many
students who work in the campus media. The station, 91.1 on the FM dial, offers mostly jazz and classical
music. University students can also tune in to campus news and student produced shows on PL-3, channel
10 on the television cable. The Oregon Daily Emerald will publish twice a week (Tuesday and Thursday)
during the first eight weeks of the 11-week session. The Emerald will begin its daily Monday through Friday
publication schedule again on the first day of fall term.
SEARCH spices your classes
If a schedule of chemistry, analytic geometry,
anthropology, English composition and advanced
weightlifting isn't your idea of a breezy summer, then
pick up a SEARCH bulletin before registration and
check out the listings.
SEARCH is a student-funded organization that
provides alternative classes not found in the regular
curriculum. Classes are taught by students, profes
sors and community members on a voluntary basis.
Ruyle Spiller, SEARCH secretary, offered her
description of the program. “We always say they’re
‘innovative University classes,’ but I think that still
sums it up best.”
This summer, you can pursue an interest, de
velop a hobby or just spice up your schedule with
courses like African mythology or modem jazz.
Sixteen classes are being offered; each re
ceives full University credit except those labeled
“workshop.” Most have enrollment limits to keep the
classes small.
Bulletins will be stacked around the EMU and at
Mac Court where SEARCH will staff an information
table. Bring your questions to the information table,
but take your registration packet directly to the ap
propriate department to be stamped.
Your Favorite Foods & Beverages
Live Entertainment
As Announced
On Campus