Flu epidemic spurs Student Health Center Because the ftu has reached epidemic levels the University Student Health Center will be giv ing flu shots today from 8 a.m. to noon and from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Thursday. Students are charged $1 for the shot, which can be deducted from the breakage fee, and faculty and staff are charged $2. At this time the health center is uncertain how many weeks the shots will be offered. Student aid programs rise at University Colleges and Universities could do a better job of helping students if the amount of federal student aid available could be predicted ear lier and more accurately, accord ing to Richard Tombaugh, execu tive secretary of the National As sociation of Student Financial Aid Administrators. As it is, he said, notification to students are either late or inaccurate. Student Aid programs have in creased dramatically in the last five years. In Oregon, for instance, college work study programs have increased 14 per cent, guaran teed student loans have in creased 234 per cent, national di rect student loans have increased 59 per cent and supplemental educational opportunity grants have increased 35 per cent. Dixieland combo cancels noon show The Dixieland Jazz Band, part of the Festival of Arts activities, has cancelled its noon appear ance today in the EMU. Mystery caller remains unidentified According to the manager of the only Eugene area adult book store, no one from his store is conducting a survey of people s sexual preferences. Sunday an unidentified caller represented himself to a Eugene resident as an employe of a Eugene adult book store doing a sex survey in conjunction with the Oregon Daily Emerald. The Emerald is conducting no such in terview Music school gives show for seniors The University School of Music will present the first senior citizen afternoon concert at the Beall Concert Hall at 1:30 p.m. today. The concert will feature a wide range of musical literature from ragtime and Bach to classical guitar, also including an organ solo on the piano, followed by a solo performance by graduate student Peter Picemo featured on the organ. Also on the program will be a twelve member classical guitar ensemble with three classical pieces. The Fine Art String Trio will round out the program with 1*1 \M I S 88688338 ARE THOSE EI6HTS OR ARE THOSE TiNV SNOUJMEN ? -T U-— u£il,the first one is an B6HT, THE NEXT TldO ARE SNOUJMEN THE NEXT ONE iSAN EI6HT AND THE LAST FOUR ARE SNOklMEN... -—-» ^ -- ( r FAKED tfOU DIDN’T I some string chamber renditions. The program is the first of a senes of afternoon monthly con certs for senior citizens and thetr guests. The one hour concerts will feature a wide variety of faculty and student performers. A late spring concert is being planned that will feature an all senior citi zen musical performance for the listening enjoyment of senior citi zens and members of the School of Music. Transportation will be provided on a sign-up basis at the Campbell Senior Citizen Center and the Wil lamalane Center on a first-come first-served basis. The concerts will be free of charge with dona tions accepted on a voluntary basis. The donations will be utilized to establish a Senior Citi zens Scholarship Fund for stu dents at the University School of Music. For more information call the School of Music, 686-3706. —briefs Lovers Humar Development and Educator class. Ed Psych 321. TLN 4504. which meats ai 10.30 a.m Tuesday and Thursday, has postponed its rndtorm exam until Tuesday. Feb 18 An introduction to The Oregon Expenmarn tt dscusses the proposed planting process tor le sponswe development aittsn the Ormwrsity cam pus The nroducton eii take place at 8 toraght r the B4U There w* also be a tree Km. "Ed s Co ed.' a look at ou campus and co-eds from early 1900 s and a silent gokte It there are any questions contact Acton Now 686-3702 The Journalism Student Union will hold its bmwefcty meeting at 1230 p.m today n tie Aten Seminar Room. Alan Halt At pumaism and pre {Oimatsm students are weloome Bring a luncn As part of weakly solar energy seminars. Doug las Boieyn wH discuss "Bulttng a Solar House The meeting is between 12.30 and 130 p.m Tbtnday in the Graduate Sdioot Lounge Bring a sack Undv The EMU Board wii meet at 730 tomtit m tie 9AU i room to be posted) The maetng w«l tocus on a sear Negotiator 2-14-75 CSPA Schizophrenia Shattered Mrro 2-18-75 Psych The BOOKSTORE Sells All Textbooks 10% Below Booksellers’ List Price. Final Day Tomorrow! “By The Pound” Book Sale Sale ends Thursday, February 13th. Still excellent selections of used texts, hard-bounds and paper backs. BASEMENT SALE AREA. University of Oregon BOOKSTORE.NC »*S E»*t JJtn A**nu» Phon»*»* 43Jl KWAX-FM *11 8 Am—"ATempo 10 am —"Talk ol the Toam Noon— Matinee Perlormanae 3 p m —"Do Kover Concert' 4 p m — Optems 5 p m —"A* Theigs Conedered 6 30 p m —''Fa* and Bemngn 730 pm —'I m Sorry. II Read That Again 8 pm —"World Muse Survey 9 pm —“Conoen Man MeJrsght—' KWAX-H' PL-3 TV 6 30 p m — "Hunger and “The Brute 7:30 pm—School and Commrmty ninth m a Sanaa on school and comrmnay ratatnnsrspe 8 p.m —June* Varsity Basketbal U ol O JVs vs OCE (Repeat) 10 p.m —Men PAto Mads the Movies Howard Hawks (Rapeati That $%#?!! rain continues today—heavy at times. Oe* HeiKes Randy Shills Jim Gregory Warren Morgan Lee Siege* Ph« Waidsteir S Cad Steward Jeane Shepnerc Jenier Bamberg Si^e White Beth Van Deusen Da*e Bushnei1 Car O' McMotier Assooaie Editors Mary Dor. Leslie Zad2 Jim Wodetr Da<* Ludwig Dennis Ptaf^ Shawn Ross tier manne Walters Joy Farthinq Dan Hensworth Kale Seigai Editor Mar.aging Editor News Editor Graphcs Edito' Editorial Page Editor Chtd Nigh* Editor Sports Editor Entertainment Editor Wre Editor World News Supplement Asst Graphics Editor Asst Sports Editor Asst Entertainment Editor Features A »n-Depth City County State Govt ASUO Govt A Agencies Environment A Consumer Affairs Admimsfration A Student Services University Departments A Schools Cvcufabor Advertising Manager Qassrfied Ads Production Manager The Oregon Daily Emerald is put* shied Monday throu^i Friday during fall, writer and spring terms excep’ during.««»p weeks arts vacation periods Dunng summer session me Emerald s pucashed Monday through Thirsday tor the eight-week term and weekly for the remainder of the 11-week term The Oregon Daily Emerald is published by the Oregon Daily Emerald PubGshmg Co Inc at me University of Oregon Second class postage paid at Eugene Oregon 97*03 Subscription rates (11 University of Oregon student and facuty stafl subscription -ales are based on annual cony acts between me Emerald and the ASUO and me Emerald and the University administration The subscription rate e S3 52 a person 12) Special sinscriptions tor persons not included m category (1) are available tor SI 5 a rear (12 monthsi or S6 a term The Oregon Daily Emerald offices are in Room 301 of the Erb Memorial Unon News* E<*tonaiphonenumtoeris686-5511 Display advertising nixnber is 686-3712 Classified advertising phone nuntoer is 686-4343 ODEODEODEODEODE Josh M»**s Pei«r Dwlz Dre« H**»s — Exacutive Comnutt** a university of Oregon theater Pres&iraEESn directed by edwin colsman liafiif, taaeiag ail acttif Mack eiltiri # Fak. 7,8. IS, M, IS I N iraaa Thaatar gan Mini *2 uo student* 11 tti. ben affk* hr* 12-5