Bob Wood bares all: 7 have nothing to hide' I believe the people have a right to know about a can didate's potential conflicts of interest before election day when they can still do something about," announced County Commissioner hopeful Bob Wood Monday as he disclosed his personal finances. Wood feels he is exceeding the requirements of the Common Cause endorsed Ballot Measure 14. His assets include cash, personal belongings, a land-dwelling, and half interest in Homefinder magazine which serves realtors by advertising homes for sales. His assets equal $50,000 and liabilities total half that amount. Wood said that he will use $1,500 of his own money in his campaign and expects $3,000 $4,000 to complement that amount. "I have nothing to hide and any of my records are available on request," said Wood. His financial statements can be perused at the Democratic 's. Headquarters, 873 Willamette St. One of Wood's opponents, Archie Weinstein, has not disclosed his financial sources, but plans to do so in a Friday press conference. Wood said, "He (Weinstein) says his finances are nobody's business but his own. The people have a right to know, before election day, where the interests of private fortune conflict with public interest." Bob Wood According to Wood, Weinstein is head of Weinstein Enterprises, and holds interest in urban renewal projects and property. Weinstein said Monday evening that he did handle the economics of some downtown urban renewal land. Wood receives $900 a month from the Presbyterian Action for Development. "The past two years have given us enough politicians who have illegally profited at the public expense while hiding beneath the guise of financial secrecy," stated Wood. Candidates are required to disclose financial funds after the election, but Wood feels a responsibility to report his financial funds prior to the election. Besides Wood and Wein stein, Ken Omlid is also run ning for the position of Lane County Commissioner. Omlid is having his press conference this morning at 9 a.m. at Harris Hall. J Publishers clean out sexism By NANCY HEINE (CPS) — "Examples of stereotyping to be avoided: scatterbrained female, fragile flower, goddess on a pedestal, catty gossip, hen-pecking shrew, apron-wearing mother, frustrated spinster..." Editors at the McGraw-Hill Book Co. have sharpened their pencils and begun attacking sexist educational texts they publish. And they're not alone. Other publishers have joined the battle. According to studies on sex-role stereotyping in textbooks, plenty of editing is in order. Though 51 per cent of the U.S. population is female, the studies discovered men far outnumbering women in texts at all grade levels. Women who were represented were shown as servile, fearful, passive and dependent. In a study of 554 elementary readers, researcher Diane Graebner found a ration of three boys to every two girls. She determined that 75 per cent of all stories were about boys and that boys made up 67.5 of all There is someone in the( community that needs your help! Join ESCAPE! Become involved in -Community agencies -Secondaries -Elementaries 1-5 Credits Register at ESCAPE Table (EMU Terrace) ESCAPE Office 327 EMU 4 2802 OAK Everything for tewing with knltt. Free ute of our tewing room. J NOtMA IIMINI ' KNrr-wrr s P&EB0SS / 342-6359 illustrations. She found that girls were depicted as shallow and "mothers" invariably wore skirts — even while camping or hiking down the Grand Canyon. (Continued on Page 7) EXPERIENCE THE ULTIMATE FREEDOM — FLYING Join The Webfoot Flying Club First Fall Meeting Wednesday Oet. 9 7:00 PM in the E.M.U. (Room to be posted) PILOTS. STUDENT PILOTS. OR POTENTIAL PILOTS WELCOME ALL Eugene's Headquarters For HIKING, BACK PACKING and CLIMBING EQUIPMENT Day Packs Book Bags by Universal KeJty, Sierra Design, Jan Sport & Trail Tested SERENDIPITY by Sierra Designs Was $17.00 NOW >15.00 BERG'S NORDIC SPORT SHOP 11th and Mill—Eugene — 343-0013 Open 'til 9:00 p.m. Blast off with Stony Stevenson in Kurt Vonnegut's "BETWEENTIMEand TIMBUKTU" Tonight, Wednesday, 9 October 1974 7,9,11 pm 150 sci. $1 or Season Ticket with "THE PISTOL" ciseriesof features,shorts,documentaries a animation as inquiries into landscapes and response. t Ickets available at the door human TOM AND THERESA Contemporary Folk Musicians exclusive engagement at the Feed Mill Tuesday & Wednesday nights 9pm-2am 259 E. 5th Eugene 342-3277