ARE YOU COVERED? |(Jo€0 Student Insurance Available during registration or until October 11th at the Campus Claims office, 870 East 13th. (Across from the Bookstore.) DID YOU KNOW THAT THIS INSURANCE COSTS ONLY ABOUT HALF THE PRICE OF ONE DAY'S STAY IN THE HOSPITAL? SOME OF THE BENEFITS —Covers your loss due to sickness or accident. —Covers you 24 hours a day, anywhere in the world. —Covers the many costs not paid by the infirmary. —Provides a $5,000 major medical benefit in addition to the basic hospital and doctor bill coverage. USED TEXT BOOKS ART PRINTS USED RECORDS A HOUSE FULL OF BOOKS COME IN AND BROWSE AT YOUR LEISURE The Book Fair 14th & Oak closed Sun. & Mon/open Fri. evenings 4 E n h <0 r* I © © X *0 © © E IA s 0 E ©> 1 O M u o o CM s © a © •© e H design shoppe