Drug Info Center offers free facts The ASUO Drug Information Center attempts to answer questions about drugs, not make judgements. The center, located in room 333 EMU, contains one of the most comprehensive drug libraries on the west coast with more than 200 books (some of which may be checked out), pamphlets research data, articles and other information. The center also has access to area medical libraries and information systems The Drug Information Center runs research projects on drugs It sponsors University-accredited courses on psychoactive drugs where students hear from some of the foremost experts in the field. The center's most valuable service is its Drug Analysis Project The project serves as a vehicle by which an individual can get a drug analyzed - anonymously - with no hassle from the law And it's free. According to center statistics, 70 per cent of the drugs analyzed turn out to be impure. Samples alleged to be 86 per cent r cocaine have turned out to be nothing more than procaine, a common dental anesthetic. Samples alleged to be pure THC have turned out to be mostly PCP, a horse tranquilizer. Mescaline has turned out to be common street acid. Psilocybin the same. The center provides an anonymous vehicle for individuals to submit drugs for analysis by Pharm Chem Laboratories, a Palo Alto, Calif, firm that is federally licensed to carry out analysis of illegal street drugs. To get a sample analyzed, individuals can contact the center by phone (686 5411). They will be given a code number. Then they must mail a sample of the drug they want analyzed to Pharm Chem. The lab teiis the center the contents of the drug, and the center publishes the results with the code number so the in dividuals will know which analysis is theirs. The center urges that no persons come to the center personally when in possession of an illegal drug as they would be putting themselves and the staff in serious legal jeopardy. ..... . r. , . . .. Photo by Steve Twedt Hold that joint I Do you know whether you are smoking pure "gold" or not? Is your acid laced with Strychnine? Check it out anonymously by phone with the ASUO Drug Information Center. 7 Info for foreign travel, study, work The International Education Center, an ASUO-funded, volunteer-staffed office, provides students with information on work, study and travel in foreign countries. In addition, charter flight services, student and youth hostel identification, im munization, passport and visa information are available at the IEC. The IEC is located in room 202, EMU. The phone number is 686 3721. mraarmi need a little ? SAVE MONEY ^ USED TEXTS \ AT LOWER PRICES Smith Family Bookstore 1253 Alder 345 1651 10.000 USED BOOKS IN STOCK We Want YOU for low pay long hours hard w ork mental strain plus much, Hiucn more... Yes, you too can share in all the benefits the current OREGON DAILY EMERALD staff now enjoys. Just drop by 301 Allen Hall. y Experience a neW horizon Student ‘Traveler Information Services International Work and Study Pnyjimm INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION /A W ire CENTER 202 OieyoM, Mon - tri io - ^ 0S6-1121