SELL US YOUR USED TEXTS We need the following listed used paperback books as compiled from bookorders received for summer and fall term classes. Any listed paperback will be purchased at one-half of the current discounted price of a new copy, until we have bought all we need. Supplemental updated listings containing additional titles from late book orders will be posted each Friday at the University of Oregon Bookstore. Saturday, June 15th, 1974 is the last day we will make purchases for summer term. AUTHOR Abrahams Ackerman Albaum Aldrich Allport Am. Red Cross Armstrong Ashby Aukerman Bailey Bailyn Baker Baldwin Barber Bateman Bauer Bauer Baughman Bay Beach Berg Bohannon Bonazza Bons ignore Bosmajian Bree Buchsbaum Callihan Chall Chan Chauncey Chester Churchill Clark Cusick Dec90" Dec Dec Denevi Dewey Diehr Donnelly Doob Dorsen Deeben Dreikurs Dreikurs Dreikurs Dreikurs Duckett Currenmatt Earhart Eastman Ebtoighausen Eckstein Ehrmann Eschholz Faderman Fairbank Feldman Franklin Fromkin Frost Fulton Funk Gay Gets Ginsburg Geotsch Goftman Golding Goodman Gordon Gordon Gorz Greenfield Ha i man Ha mptonT urn Harsh man Haslam Heiser Henry Hinton Hirschfield Hoffman Hoffman Hope Houn Hussey Hyman Jacobson Jensen Johnson Jones Kariel Katz Katz Kearney Keele Kennedy Kidd Kinder TITLE Lang A Cult Div Am Ed Operant Cond Tech Scl Mfctng Rsrch '71 Using Books A Llbrar Creative Politics '72 Nature of Prejudice Adv 1st Aid A Emerg.C tdeotogy. Pol A Govt Intro 10 Cncpt A Jcl Appr to Begin Rdgn Essays on Rhetoric Ideot Origins Am Rev Exp Dimen Instr Obj Geology of Oegon Presidential Char Essentials of Tchng Children's Lit Storytelling Black Americans '71 Structure of Freedom Manag People Wrk-rd Naked Poetry Africa A Afrcns '71 Studies in Fiction Before the Lew Intro Prin A Pract Freed Sp Contes A Nouvelies '50 Basic Ecology '64 Grammar for Journal Child Language A Educ Learning to Read Grt Asian Religions Soviet PreSchool Ed. Role Playing Mthds Film Editing Hndbk Educ Decision Makers About Language '70 Role Playing Psychth Transtormat of Schl Inside High School School Pass at Risk Sys 10 Mth Lng Hndbk Sys 10 Users Hndbk Sys 10 Ass Lng Hndbk Rosaura A Las Diez Democracy A Education Bus Program W Basic Fund of Mgt Sel Rdng Rdngs Exper Soc Psy Discrim A Civil Rights On What is Learned Adlerian Family Coun Fund Adlerian Psych Happy Children Maintain Sanity Clss Psych in Classroom Alfred the Great Drei Horspiele '65 Japanese Religion Norton Rdr 3rd Comp Intro Astronomy '74 r-uDiic r inance jro Politics in France Human Learn & Cognit Rdngs Mass Common 2d Language Awareness Speaking for Ourselv U S and China Mod Transport Sel Rd Gesprache, Diskuss Varieties Vis Exper Magic Years From Slavery-Freedom Intro to Language '74 Marx's Concept Man Revisit Early Chidhd Health Ed Elem Sch Lang Arts Elem Sch Hew Math in Old Cult Lite in Medieval Cty Piagets Thry Int. Dev Ants Interaction Ritual Free Fall Rdng Process & Program Parent Effect Train. Psych of Music Tchng Strategy for Labor Poem An Anthology 2d Freedom of Speech '45 Radical Mar. Educ Emotionally Dis Forgot Pages Am. Lit. Seed to Civilization Culture Against Man Chinas Turbulent Qu Power of Presidency L'Essent. Gramm Franc Pratique du Franca is Rdng Fmch Com prehen Shrt Hst Chinese Com Chaucer's World Tchng: Vantage Points Writing about Music Life in Classrooms You Must Relax 4th issues Gut door Rec Reaching Gut '72 Dimensions 2nd Frontiers Demo. Thry Educ. in Am. Hst. Rdngs Irony Early Sch Ref Winds of Ixtepeji '72 Attent. L Human Perfor instructional Design Eight Statement Pl-C Lab Approach to Math Using instruct. Media SBN Paper 7564 Pap Paper Stti '67 Paper '58 Pap 1st '73 ‘74 Pap '71 Pap '65 Pap Paper '73 Pap '72 Pap Paper Paper Paper '70 Pap Paper Paper Rsvd Pa 2nd Pap Pap '74 '71 Pap '70 Paper Paper '72 H-C Paper Paper V.1 '69 Paoer '63 Paper Paper Paper '61 Pap '73 Pap Paper •Paper Paper Paper Paper Paper Latest Paper Paper '68 Pap Paper Paper Fontana Paper Paper Paper Paper Paper '73 Pap Paper 73 Kap '72 Pap '72 Pap Paper '74 Pap Paper Paper 2nd Pap Paper Paper Paper Paper Paper '46 Pap '73 Pap '72 Pap '72 Pap '47 Pap Paper Paper Paper ‘47 Pap Paper '70 Pap Paper '71 Pap Paper Paper Paper Paper '49 Pap Paper Paper Paper Paper 2nd '73 2nd Pap *73 Pap Paper '67 Pap Paper '46 Pap 2nd Pap '46 '62 Pap '72 Pap Paper Paper '70 Pap '73 Pap '70 Pap Paper '73 Pap '71 Pap '70 Pap Paper PUBLISHED Prentice Scott MacMillan Pr antic* C Doubleday Doubiedav Pr eager Wadsworth Wiley Oxford Harvard Prentice Consign Prentice Dimen Pub Campus-Air Campus Air Academic Stanford MacMillan Bobbs Mer Doubieday Harper Houghton Houghton Holt Chilton Holt MacMillan Holt SR A Wadsworth lA*r DODDS mf' Scribners AJdn-Athtn Random H Holt Digital Digital Digital Scribners MacMillan Wiley Little Alt Ad Ins Brit Bk Cn Harper Harper U Chicago Holt Wadsworth Norton Merrill Little Brown Brown St Martins Scott Houghton Holt Scribners Random H. Holt HolT Lippincott Holt Crowell S Prentice U. Michigan Doubleday Harcourt Note McKay Prentice Random H. Doubleday Crowell 5 Houghton Freeman 1 Random H. Indiana U. Aldn-Athtn Scribners Scribners MacMillan Prentice Camb Univ. Lippincott U Washing Holt McGraw Burgess Prentice Harper Random H. Praeger Harper Holt Goodyear Fearon Prentice SRA Litton AUTHOR Koosis Kreitzberg Lafeber Langacker Mack Malm Marx May bury McDonald McDonald McIntyre McKee Mendenhall Mendenhall MLA Montes sor i Morreau Moursund Murphy Muscatine Mussen N.S.S.E N.S.S.E Nadei Nettle Neuberger Nicholls Nickelsburg Nietzsche Nisbett Ostheimer Payne Payne Peters Peterson Phillips Phillips Postman Quaai Rapaccim Rasmussen Read Reutter Richmond Riesenteld Robtoe Grlltt Rogers Rosen Roszak Ruddeli Rugg Sack Salter Samuel son Sanders Schane Schmuck Schoenbaum Schurmann Sc i Amer Bk Sedgwick Sheehan Sheehy Sheehy Sheehy Simenon Slater Soltz Soothe i mer Spiro Spodek StePPms Stedman Stevick Stewart Stock well Stuart Thompson Thy person Tyler Ulrich Uspensky Van Matre Vogt Vohra Volpe Von Frisch Von Haden Wallen Warner Watson Weber Weigand Weisberg Wenrich Whaley Wheeler Wheelock Woodall Wrightsman Young TITLE Statistics Pres pact Pub Bureeuc Elem Fortran Style Amer, Russia k Cold War Learning k Nature Math Languae k Its Struct Guide to Enrollees World Mstrpieces V.2 Mus Cult. Pac Near E Hst ot G^rmmn S ITU Select Works One Vol Akwe Shavante Soc Last Best Mope Pt l Last Best Hope Pt 3 Creative Drama Sch Cascadia Stdv Gd Prob & Stat Stdy Gd Stat Mgt k Ec Writ Mod Spain Wrkbk Montessor i Method Mere and Nov* 11 Prepar Inexp Tch Mat Behav Mgt In Clessrm Evaluation Intr Rtrc Leisure Ser Deiiv.S Borzoi College Rdr Psych Devei ot Child Mgt of Mkt Rsrch $9 Elem Sch Eval Crlt Eval Crlt 2nd Sch Pol Consume^ Protect Folk k Trad Mus West Prin of Climatology Weimar k Rise Hitler Field Trips 6* Will to Power Kaufmn Social Bond Nigerian Politics Found imper Pol Anal Lively Art of Wrllln Blowing the Whistle Counseling k Values Communication in Ed Origins of Intellect Evaluat Instruction Tchng as Subver Act New Directions Ht Ed Parlo Italian© Experiencing Arch New Directions Me Ed Phn of Music Educ Law Public Ed Suppi Intro to Piaget '70 Case k Statutory Suppi La Jalousie (Ed Breei Freedom to Learn *9 Classical Style Where Wasteland Ends Resources Rdng Lang Spatial Found Urban • El Llano en Llamas Entering Basic Readings m Economic Classroom Questions Generative Phonology Proto Sol Impr Class Hitler's Social Rev Peoples China, Rdr V4 Plant Agriculture Conversat in Spanish Primitiv Soc Org '71 Pentagon Papers '71 1st Suppl 0035 6 2nd Suppl 0073 9 3d Suppl 001 S-« Le Chien Jaune (Katz) Values Clarification Pursuit of Loneliness Way of West V i 1300 Stdy Grp Leaders Mni Govt 4 Pol W Germany Children of Kibbutz Early Childhood Educ Process of Org Evoi Urban Politics Anti Story Telling Authentic V Sounds of Eng 4 Span Watfor. Watfiv Fortrn Human Reproduction Improv Rd Every Clss Chinese Rel An Intro Safety Prm, Instr 4 Rd Reconstruction Bas Prm Curr 4 Instr Social Matrix of PE Theory of Equations Acclimatization Zinecontecos Mexico Chinese Rev 1900 '50 Understanding Evoi Dancing Bees Innovations in Educ Competency Tch Rdng Streetcar Suburbs Self Directed Behav English Infant Schl Dev Tchr Com pet an c Beyond Repair Ecol Primer Behavior Mod Elem Prin of Behav Interpersonal Influ Latin Intro Course Intr Mod Archaeology Soc Psy in 70's (Brf) Ngawbe Trad 4 Change SBN Paper '73 Pap Pa par '72 Pap 2nd H C Paper 3rd Pap Paper Paper Paper Paper Paper '72 Pap '74 Pap Paper Paper '71 Pap Paper 'TV Pap Paper '73 Pap '72 Pap '73 Pap '73 Pap 2nd Pap 2nd 73 Paper Paper Latett '71 Pap 2nd Pap Pape' Paper Paper 66 Pap lit Pap '73 Pap '73 Pap Paper •72 Pp ’70 Pap '73 Pap a* Pap '73 Pap *9 Paper '73 Pap •7i Pap Paper *73 Pap Paper Paper ^awe' paper Paper 74 Paper •72 Pap '73 Pap '71 Pap vm Pap aa Pap 63 Pap Paper Pape' Paper Paper 4# Pap 2nd Pap 6« Pap '72 Pap '70 Pap 4/ Pap '72 Pap '70 Pap Paper Paper '73 Pap 4* Pap '73 Pap 2nd -71 Paper • '71 Pap Paper Paper Paper '74 Pap Aprg '72 Paper '72 Pap Paper Paper 66 Pap Paper Paper '70 Pap '74 Pap '70 Pap Paper Paper *72 Pap '72 Pap '71 Pap '71 Pap '71 Pap '70 Pap '71 Pap '72 Pap Paper '72 Pap '73 Pap '71 Pap PUBLISHER Witty Prentice Mtrcourt Witty SR A Mtrcoort Lowe Norton Prentice Prttgtf Inttr Pub O* ford Addlton Add i tor Pttcocfc Me Or tv. W«h worth Wad* worth Mtr court Intent Prentice Wade worth Mtd A Tech Random Houee Prentice lnte*t N S S S E N.SSSE Bobta Mr Prentice Holt St Martini Random H Random H Harper Rand Mr Ni Pot It* Prngr Intext Holt Frttman t Prtntict Dell Matting RifJOli Mit MacMillan Prtntict foundation MacMillan Merrill Norton Doubitday Prentice SR A Wadsworth McG raw Hsr pa* SR A LlOuDladay Random H I Litton Random H Ala All Ai« Harpe' Haw Yorit Ha r par Aaron All Ad Ins Praagar Schocfcan MacMillan Brown U Chicago Wllay Oxford Allyn & Bac Wadsworth Harpar U Chicago Prantica McGraw Aca Hoff Houghton Har court Wads wroth SRA Athanaum Wadsworth Pr ant tea Prantica Haepar Wadsworth Prantica Allyn & Bac Harpar Schanfcman Wadsworth U Illinois Hardcover texts are not listed here, but are also now being purchased at as much as one-half price, according to future needs. Other hardcover and paperback textbooks not ordered for future terms will be purchased at prices listed in the Used Book Dealers” catalogs. See us at the Buyback Counter in the second floor lobby area of the University of Oregon Bookstore before the June 15th deadline to get the most for your unwanted texts. University of Oregon BOOKSTORE 13th & Kincaid INC.