Photo by Linda Howe Linda Peterson works with an IBM 360-50 computer at the computer center on campus. At the center students can learn to develop techniques and programs for the use of computers and also can conduct research in statistics, numerical analysis and computer science. trake up—>with the ode Computer Science CS 221 Concepts of Computing Can computers think? What can’t they do? Are they taking over the jobs you are training for? These and other interesting questions will be the focus of Concepts of Computing (CS 221). taught by David Moursund from 1:30 to 3:20 p.m., Tuesdays and Thursdays. The class will offer either two or three credits. The three-credit option permits the student to come into direct contact with these technological behemoths and to do some basic programming. “Students can do about half a dozen basic programs,’’ said Moursund, “but they certainly won’t be competent programmers after the coourse.” Moursund, head of the computer science department, hopes the course will explain the rise of computer science and stimulate students to continue the interest in this im portant area. Students who opt for the two-credit version will get some experience with the center’s computers. In three or four lessons a student will interact with a computer and leam BASIC, a computer-program language The “gospel” of computer knowledge, “The Com puterized Society” by James Maritin, and another book, “My Computer Likes Me,” will be the course’s texts Tom Sowa Physics Phy 131 Physics of Sound and Music Curious about the mechanics of music but lack the necessarir’ background in science? Here is a course that will broaden your perspective and the only prerequisite needed is interest and some elementary background in music. The course involves a study of the underlying principles of sound generation. It provides for an in depth examination examination of vibratine systems. resonance and harmonic content. It will probe into the mechanics of the human ear. Also planned is a study of consonance and dissonance, musical scales and the principles behind the mechanics of various musical instruments. Even though there will be an extensive use of audio visual aids, students enrolled for this course will be expected to pick up two textbooks, A H. Benade’s “Horns. Strings and Harmony” and “Intro Physics and Psychophysics of Music” by J.C. Roederer. Assignments will include four sets of homework problems and a term project dealing with any aspect of sound that is of interest to the student. Hie only examination to be given will be the final. The class will meet 8:30 a.m. MWF. Geol 407 Geology of the Moon and Planets I know you’re interested in owning a piece of the rock. But how about studying one? These are more than just ordinary earthbound rocks; these are the nine planetary wonders of the universe, with a few stellar delights and meteorite marvels thrown in. Next term Gordon Goles, professor of geology and chemistry at the University will begin teaching the new geology course Geology of the Moon and Planets. The course is for non-science majors, and will teach, in non technical terms, the history and origin of the solar system and moon in relation to the earth’s development. A high school background in chemistry and physics should be ample preparation The class, Goles explains, is tai^ht “under the assumption that people either know a little chemistry or physics, or they are willing to ask questions and patch up their ignorance.” Instructional techniques for the class are traditional, lecture discussion and a fairly heavy reliance on slides. According to Goles, the matter is not dressed up, but the subject by itself “is very exciting.” His plan for teaching the course is sort of a step-by step focussing in on theories. The first stage will be a discussion of the physical characteristics of the planets and solar system He points out that this is really a well-ordered universe All Jack Kinnunen < Continued on Page 5) Footnotes will cover the following classes Spring Term. Anth 101 Anth 102 Anth 103 Bio 102 Bio 106 Bio 107 Bio 303 Bio 306 Chem 103 Chem 106 Chem 333 Econ 201 GS 106 Geol 103 Hoff Carter Me Fee Morris Bradshaw Wismer Munz Munz Wolfe Shaw Reithel Campbell Moravcsik Baldwin (both sections) Geol 101 Geo I 102 Geol 303 Hiat 203 Hi at 203 Hiat 303 Psy 213 Psy 213 Psy 216 Soc 201 Soc 371 ArH 204 ArH 205 J 485 Weill Kays Savage Maddex Barlow Berdahl Kimble Gordon-Li ckey Birrell Johnson Johnson Stern McKenzie Rea Footnotes office hours 8:00-4:30 Mon thru Thurs 8:00-3:30 Friday Room 15 EMU Phone 686-3729 •• This is only a partial list of classes we will be offering Spring term. More classes will be added before registration, and an up to date list will be available at that time.