Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 05, 1973, Page 3, Image 3

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    ‘Study of Women’ center
established at the University
A Center for the Sociological
Study of Women has been
established at the University.
“The need for such a center is
one consequence of the very
rapid growth of interest in
questions relating to sex roles
and socialization patterns in
contemporary society,” said
Richard Hill, head of the
sociology department, which will
host the new Center.
Joan Acker, associate
professor of sociology, has been
named director. “Professor
Acker has been concerned and
active for a number of years in
developing a center for research
on women,” Hill said.
The University center is unique
in the Slate System of Higher
Education in its research focus.
Both Portland State and Oregon
State universities have women’s
studies programs, but they are
basically curriculum-oriented.
Acker sees the center as a
resource for the entire Univer
sity. Although the focus of in
terest is within sociology, the
center will welcome the par
ticipation of scholars from other
areas, she noted.
Working with Acker will be
Miriam Johnson and Marion
Goldman, new members of the
sociology faculty at the
“We will be continuing some
research projects already begun
in this area, as well as beginning
new research,” explained the
The Center is a continuation
and expansion of activities in
stituted under a $3,000 grant to
‘ME i
Acker in 1970 which allowed her
lo embark upon a study of
reactions of university faculty to
affirmative action. The survey
questionnaire for that study now
is being tested and different kinds
of approaches are being
Other research already un
derway includes a study on the
differential participation of
mother and father in sex role
socialization. In addition, a
proposal has been made to a
private foundation to fund a
research project on the effects of
the women’s movement on
women political party activists.
Six graduate students are pur
suing dissertation research in
this area.
As a result of research carried
out by Acker and others during
the past three years, a small
research library has been
established primarily from
private'collections, and now will
be expanded.
The Center has been
allocated $5,244 a year for three
years. The funds will be used to
hire a graduate teaching fellow
and a student secretary, and pay
for library and data acquisitions,
supplies and a telephone.
Funds to establish the center
come from University President
Robert Clark’s reserve fund,
which is used to encourage in
struction-related research and
for other instructional needs.
“The sociology department is
anxious to have these research
activities continue. This award
should provide a base from which
work already begun can ex
pand,” pointed out Hill.
Resignation of Red Fox asked
Barry Hood, first vice
president of the Associated
Students of Lane Community
College demanded the
resignation or impeachment oI
David Red Fox, LCC president
IFC proposes adding
two more members
The Incidental Fee Committee has proposed an amend
ment to increase the size of the IFC from five to seven
The proposal, according to Randy Shilts, chairer, “will
also include an amendment to alter overriding vetos from
four out of five persons to five out of seven, and will ask that
(he election of the IFC be held in Winter term instead of
Spring term.”
By electing members in winter term, Shilts commented,
they will be given a term to learn about programs before they
have to write the budget.
In order that the amendments may be presented to the
ASUO Constitutional Committee for consideration, a petition
is being circulated that will need approval by 10 per cent of
the student body.
“This is in the best interest of everybody,” Shilts stated,
“and has nothing to do with the current squabble between us
and the executive.” Also at Wednesday’s meeting, IFC ap
proved allocation of $200 out of research and development
monies to the Drug and Information Cento-.
“The money will be given to the cento for the purpose of
a new $600 typewriter, if the ASUO executive puts up the
money for the other two thirds,” Shilts said.
At the same meeting $60 was allocated to the SEARCH
program for the payment of temporary employes, who will
distribute brochures during registration periods.
“I have to have some muscles and people are needed to
distribute 8,000 brochures,” said Jody Ruff, director of
Thursday, Oct. 4 at a press
conference at LCC.
According to Hood, “a good
1000 people” heard his speech in
which he called for Red Fox’s
resignation on allegations
presented to Hood indicating Red
Fox “has prevented the public
record relating to certain ASLCC
transactions from being public.
(This is contrary to Oregon State
He also charged Red Fox’s
choice of Kahneeta Vacation
Resort for a senate workshop
“points out not only a conflict of
interest (since it was later found
that David and his wife are part
owners of this resort) but there is
some question of the legality of
obtaining this money.”
Hood said, “I am also deeply
concerned about David’s feelings
for students and their needs. Are
campaign promises here today
gone on election day? Is David
Red Fox actually representing
According to the ASLCC
constitution, “upon just cause
and the request of two-thirds of
the senate for an officer’s
resignation, the accused shall be
given a two week period to
submit a resignation to the
senate—after which the senate
could force the resignation by
two-thirds vote.”
Red Fox could not be reached
for comment as of press time.
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Monsieur Verdoux
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