summer, No matter whether you are working this summer, traveling, or just sitting around the house—you can get 5 psychology credits from the University of California Extension at the same time, to put you that much closer to your degree. You study when you want to study. There are no classes to attend. It’s actually a good deal less expensive than many courses you take on campus. And you get everything you need to complete the course (including programmed learning materials and the best text available today) for one low fee. The University of California extension and the pub lishers of Psychology Today magazine invite you to add 5 college credits to your accomplishments this summer. Thanks to an entirely new system of pro grammed learning developed specifically for this new course, you'll be able to use part of your spare time this summer to accelerate your progress to1 wards a degree . . without interfering with your va cation plans. You should, in fact be able to earn a full year's credit in introductory psychology in just sixteen weeks. A class of one. Part of the reason why you can learn so much faster with this course is the extremely small size of your class — just you alone. All the materials in the course are intended for your use. All the lectures are directed squarely at you. The class moves along at a pace that you select, so you are not likely to get bored . . . or feel that you have been forced to move ahead before you have thoroughly mastered every important piece of information. An endlessly fascinating subject. Part of the reason you will enjoy learning with this course is the nature of the subject matter. What is more intriguing than the hidden nature and surprising motivations of people (including your self)? What is "love.” and what is "hate”? How does intelligence develop? Is anyone really "nor mal”? How are deep personality disorders first re vealed? What are some of the subtle techniques some people use to manipulate others? These are very basic, very important questions you can really dig into . . they are going to make a difference in your own life Beyond the fact that psychology is re quired by most colleges for most degrees, it's also a subject you want to know more about—and wanting makes learning easier. Speed-learning techniques. All the materials in your INDEPENDENT STUDY PROGRAM have been programmed and arranged according to the very latest discoveries in acceler ated learning The subject matter is divided into relatively brief segments that can be mastered without prolonged periods of study You check yourself as you proceed, and when vou haven't quite grasped something, you are given specific instructions on ways to get on top of it. Phono graph records and a richly illustrated text are inte grated fully into the program, giving it an important extra dimension of reality that is so often lacking in course work. You not only learn fast, you learn deeply. Alt you need to ■ pencil and a brain. This course is completely self-contained. All the materials you need are provided. It goes where you go . . . you can call your class into session any place and at any time of the day or night. The text you get is the very latest edition of Psychology To day: An Introduction, whose combination of scien tific thoroughness and exciting graphics has made it the top selling psychology textbook of the1970's Four LP phonograph recordings bring the sound and realities of man's new psychological knowledge directly to you. And you receive eight programmed learning booklets, each one taking you through c separate major part of the subject. These individual units include: Human development Memory and problem solving Learning Perception Emotion and motivation Personality Social psychology Behavior disorders and therapy The profeeeorial computer. Throughout your involvement with this program, you'll receive far more personalized attention than you would probably receive in most campus class rooms. The key to this personalized attention is a specially designed computer program that guides you as you proceed from one unit of the course to the next. At the close of each unit, you send in a unit test, which the computer proceeds to correct in a most unusual manner. Instead of merely tell ing you when you have answered certain questions right or wrong, the computer will send you a de tailed printout telling you how you can improve your knowledge specifically in areas where you might be somewhat uncertain. It is just like having a profes sor at your disposal, for you and you alone. You pay hall. At many universities and colleges today, a course like the one we have just described could cost you as much as $200, just for the credits And your text and other course materials would run the cost up even more. But you pay only half of that sum — just $100 — to get 5 credits from a top uni versity . . and the text and other materials (includ ing 4 LP's) are included in that fee Sand for more Information. We've prepared a booklet that will tell and show you a great deal more about this revolution ary new course than we have space to do here. Send for it today, by filling in and mailing the cou pon below today There's no obligation to enroll. Don't delay—summer is going to be here very soon indeed. Psychology Today Independent Study Program Del Mar, California 92014 □ Please send me your booklet describing the University ot Calitornia — Psychology Today In dependent Study Program in introductory psy chology. I understand that there is no obligation, but that if I should decide to enroll, the complete course including 5 college credits upon suc cessful completion — will be mine for only $100 COLLEGE ADDRESS: (Your address now) Name_ Col lege_----— Street ----- City_________— State_Zip’Code SUMMER ADDRESS: (where you will be during your summer recess). Date you plan to «rri»e - Street. City_ State. Zip Code. ip-*-®.