Text of proposed new ASUO constitution PETITION TO PLACE A CONSTITUTIONAL AMEND MENT ON THE GENERAL ELECTION BALLOT SUMMARY OF CHANGES MADE: 1. The ASUO Senate is abolished. 2. An Incidental Fees com mittee is established (tem porarily) to allocate, with the Executive, the Incidental Fee for the 1973-74 Fiscal Year. 3. A special committee is ap pointed by the ASUO President to begin immediate negotiations with the faculty and ad ministration of the University, and with the State Board of Higher Education, with the purpose of designing, and im plementing, a system of University governance involving both students and faculty in a single legislative body. 4. The new Constitution self destructs on June 15, 1974. (Please be sure to read the full text of the revised Constitution, available in the ASUO Vice President’s office.) WE, THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, having seen and understood the proposed amendments to the present ASUO Constitution, do petition that the following be placed on the general election ballot: CONSTITUTIONAL AMEND MENT That Articles III through XH, inclusive, of the present ASUO Constitution, be deleted and replaced by Revised Articles III through XIII, the intent of which is summarized below: 1. The ASUO Senate is abolished. 2. An Incidental Fees com mittee is established (tem porarily) to allocate, with the Executive, the Incidental Fee for the 1973-74 Fiscal Year. 3. A special committee is ap pointed by the ASUO President to begin immediate negotiations with the faculty and ad ministration of the University, and with the State Board of Higher Education, with the purpose of designing, and im “They do not love that do not show their love.’ William Shakespeare Choose Keepsake with complete confidence, because the famous Keepsake Guarantee assures a perfect engagement diamond of precise cut and superb color. There is no finer diamond ring. JUDD ’ELDORADO Rings from S100-$ 10,000 T-M Reg. A. H. Pond Co. HOW TO PLAN YOUR ENGAGEMENT AND WEDDING Send new 20 pg. booklet, "Planning Your Engagement and Wedding" plus full color folder and 44 pg. Bride’s Book gift offer all for only 23<. S-73 Name_ IPIcut Priall Address___ City-Co_ State —-... 7ip ______ KEEPSAKE DIAMOND RINGS. BOX 90, SYRACUSE, N. Y. 13201 I plementing, a system of University governance involving both students and faculty in a single legislative body. 4. The new Constitution self destructs on June 15, 1974. The full text of the Revised Ar ticles is available in the Office of the Vice-President. PLEASE CHECK ONE POSITION — I approve this amendment. — I do not approve this amendment. PROPOSED REVISED ASUO CONSTITUTION (As amended, February, 1973) ARTICLE I — Name This organization shall be known as the Associated Students of the University of Oregon. ARTICLE II — Membership Section I. The Membership of this Association shall consist of all students registered in the University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon who have paid the Student Incidental Fee. Section II. Student mem bership of any of the particular classes shall be determined by the academic rules of the University of Oregon. ARTICLE III — Officers Section I. The Elective Executive Officers. The elective executive officers of this association shall be a president and a vice president. Section II. The Incidental Fee Committee. There shall be 5 elected incidental fee officers of this Association. Section III. The Constitutional Committee. The Constitutional Committee shall be composed of a Law School student advisor chosen by the ASUO President and four other members to be chosen by the ASUO President. ARTICLE IV — Qualifications of Officers. Section I. Any member of this Association shall be eligible for election to the office of President, Vice-President, and members of the Incidental Fee Committee. Section II. Any member of this Association may hold elective or appointed office under this constitution. Section III. No member of this Association may hold more than one elective office under this Constitution or any other elective or appointed position in organizations included under the ASUO budget. ARTICLE V — Duties of the President Section I. She or he shall nominate to the president of the University members to student faculty committees, appoint members to executive, ad ministrative, and ASUO student committees, and all other ap pointments to positions she or he deems necessary. Section II. She or he shall submit to the Incidental Fee Committee an estimate of the ASUO budget for the coming year. She or he shall also submit with the proposed ASUO budget, an accounting of ASUO ex penditures for the current year. The date of submission of the ASUO budget shall be set by the President and subject to the approval of the Incidental Fee Committee. Approval of the ASUO budget shall require a majority of Incidental Fee Committee members. Section III. The president shall hold veto power over any or all of the allocations of the Incidental Fee Committee. ARTICLE VI — Duties of the Vice-President Section I. She or he shall assume all duties pertaining to the office of president in the president’s absence and all other duties as delegated to her or him by the president of the Association. ARTICLE VII — The Incidental Fee Committee Section I. Duties and Powers Clause 1. It shall act on Hiking Equipment Sale Trailwise packs were $53.00 now only $39*95 Select group of mens and ladies hiking boots by Vasque and Danner 20 to 40% off Ski Sale Lange Boots 40% off K2 & Head Skis 20% off Borg’s Nordic Ski Shop 11th and Mill Store only matters relating only to the allocation, appropriation, and disbursement of incidental fees. Clause 2. It shall determine incidental fee allocations, upon receiving budgetary recom mendations from the ASUO President. Clause 3. By a vote of four out of five of its members, the committee may override any veto of the ASUO President relating to incidental fees. Section II. The committee shall organize from its membership and elect a presiding officer who shall be responsible for calling and presiding over meetings. The committee shall determine its own rules for procedure. ARTICLE VIII — The Con stitutional Committee Section I. Any member or administrative body of this Association may refer any question on which it desires an opinion as to the correct judicial construction or interpretation of any part of this Constitution. Section II. The committee shall have supreme and final authority on all question of interpretation of this Constitution. Section III. Ex post facto rulings mi any passage contained in this Constitution are prohibited. ARTICLE IX — Elections Section I. Election Dates. Clause 1. Hie Vice-President of the ASUO, or in her or his absence, the President of the ASUO, shall be responsible for the ASUO General Elections. Clause 2. General elections shall be preceded by primary elections. Section II. Election Procedures. There shall be at least one general election each year, that to be held in Spring term. Those to be elected Spring term will be ASUO President and Vice-President; delegates to IUS; OSPIRG; and Members of the Incidental Fees Committee. Section III. Class Elections. Each undergraduate academic class shall elect a president and vice-president. Clause 1. The freshman clasB president and vice-president shall serve officially from the times of elections Fall term until the end of Spring term of the same academic year. Clause 2. The sophomore, junior, and senior presidents and vice-presidents shall serve of ficially from the end of Spring term until the end of Spring term the same academic year. Section IV.Qualifications for Voting. Any member of the Association is eligible to vote for candidates seeking election for ASUO President and Vice President (on one ticket); and for members of the Incidental Fee Committee (running separately for five at-large positions). Section V. Replacement. Clause 1. The vacancy of any office elected under thin Con stitution shall be filled during the next ASUO election provided said vacancy occurs two weeks prior to the general election date. The sole exception to this shall be the (Continued on Page 9) iu. ( \S\(.K\M)\4 VSSOCIATKS TII/WKl OFO S l l DIM S FOR 'I'llI-;11{ PA I RON \(,| Richard(i Casagranda Carl.I Kudell Steven W Van Nuys Kenneth F Kriet/ NFU ( oi l | <.|. F\F( FTIVF WITH < I RRFM 7 1 |*| R C’KNT S \\ IM.S FI \U