Museum to offer art show Five new exhibits will open at the University Museum of Art on Sunday and remain on view through February 25. Admission is free to the Museum, which is open from 12 to 5 p.m. daily except Monday when the Museum is closed. Four of the new shows are the winning entries in the third an nual competition sponsored by the Museum's Statewide Services Division. This is the first time the exhibitions have been on public view, according to Antonio Diez. director of Statewide Services. The four shows are 21 sculp tures by Enk Gronberg. art in structor at the University of Nevada in Las Vegas: a large collection of photographs of hobos and accompanying com mentaries by Michael Mathers, who lived with a group of hobos for a year to record their way of life; 13 ceremonial textiles by Barbara Setsu Pickett, Portland, showing new weaving techniques: and a group of 20 black and white ink drawings by Michael Ware, native Oregonian, —" — —*—» — m—~—■—■ - d' I 1 i l ^ Complete Ice Cream Party Items for All Occasions BaIkinROBb'ins I Hand Packed ice cream j “ z::: 1925 River Rd. Phone 688-9868 1365 Villard Street Phone 345-9614 Central Lutheran Church IA.L.C.) 18th and Potter 345 0395 • Sunday worship 8:30 and 11:00 a m 11:00 a.m. Service KORE-93.1 FM • Philip L. Natwick. Edward F Markquart. pastors CAMPUS MINISTRY 342-4876 You are invited to the Celebration 9:45 a.m. Church School 11 am - Is when it happens on Sundays Emerald Baptist Church 19th & Patterson depicting coastal and other scenes. The artists won $1,000 prizes in the competition, in which there were 250 entries. Funds were provided by the National En dowment for the Arts through the Oregon Arts Commission, the University and private agencies The competition was held last May at Meier & Frank’s in downtown Portland. Also showing in the Museum’s Focus Gallery through February 25 will be woven sculptures by Michael Walsh of Eugene. Foreign students • . . (Continued from Page 4) However, according to some participants of the conference, persons who are believed to be ••subversive” by immigration officials find themselves subject to the closest scrutiny and in terpretation when it comes to their right to remain in the United States. According to some, ad ministrative harassment all too often follows legitimate political expression on the part of the student. Ghent declared that foreign students certainly have the right [ Briefs Th« Campus Radical Union will meet Monday at 7 30 p m m the EMU Room will be posted One Step Beyond." The Eugene Gay People clinic and resource center is open Fridays from 7 lo 10 p m at 323 E 12th St., or call 342 8256 Members of the Ananda Marga Yoga Society will conduct a yoga session including asanas yoga pastures) and meditation Sunday in room 101 of the EMU Participants are advised to bring a blanket or mat and not to eat tor about two hours before the session begins No previous experience is necessary The Study Skills Program urgently needs tutors m lower division biology courses Deferred credit is available Come to 265 Condon or call ext 3233 NUC presents "High School." a documentary by Frederick Wiesman Plus a short 'High School Rising," at 7 and 9 p.m tonight in 180 PLC Seven openings are now available in the Student Administrative Board Applications may be obtained from either the chair person, room 312 EMU, or from the ASUO Secretary, room 306 EMU There will be a poetry reading sponsored by the English department at 3 30 p.m today «n 201 Chapman The reading will be g>ven by Douglas Muselia. a Master of Fine Arts candidate The International Education Center ts looking tor people who have lived and UNIVERSITY STREET CHURCH OF CHRIST Ministers Herald Haskell R ick Woodruff 9 30 Bible School 6PM Gospel Hour 10 45 Worship 7 P .M Youth L Study Groups ?9»h & University FOR MORE EFFICIENT COMBUSTION, OUR 73 VOLVOS HAVE NO CARBURETORS. Volvos ran fine with carburetors. But they run better without them. The drawback to carbureted cars is that your foot decides what fuel/air mixture the engine gets. The heavier-handed your foot is, the more gas your engine sucks in. Our 1973 Volvos, however, have fuel injection. It’s controlled by a device slightly more precise than your foot. A brain. An electronic computer automatically determines the correct fuel/air mixture for every driving condition. Then orders it in jected directly into each cylinder. Resulting in more efficient use of your gas. And cleaner exhaust. So when you notice something missing under the hoods of our 1973 Volvos, don’t worry. You’ll never miss it. SHEPPARD MOTORS £, J97? VOLWO 09 AmtmtTA COI»*O»AT.0A SHERISH CARS 1601 W 7th 343-8884 worked m K ibbutzs or work camps m Europe who would like to share their experiences with people planning on going to Europe Please contact Bill Fidler in rm. 202 of the EMU or call ext 3721 or 606 9577 Skull and Dagger, sophomore men's honorary, is seeking new members Requirements are sophomore standing with a 2.5 GPA and an interest in serving the University community Applications are available in the secretaries box on the third floor of the EMU Applications must be returned by 5 p m Monday For more in formation call Tom Worsted. 606 3244 There will be a lecture on the traditional Japanese form of drama, at 8 p m tonight It will be presented by George Murphy, one *ime apprentice to Onoe Kuroemon, in 166 Lawrence Murphy is one of the few foreigners ever to study and work directly with leading actors of the Kabuki theatre and to have appeared on the Kabuki stage The lecture will include slides and a possible demonstration of some of the techniques Admission is tree of charge and all are welcome 4 30 Prim: A report on attempts to initiate ur.son reform in a Pennsylvania penitentiary 7 X Vocabulary Building (Repeat of lesson 8) B 00 Mass Communications (Repeat of lesson 9) 8 X The Black Composer: (Repeat from Jan X) 10 <30 Banking and the Poor (Repeat from Jan X) i _ I _ Blood donors needed Friday. February 2. 1973 A Positive. )0 Units. A Negative. 3 Units, O Positive, 8 Units. O Negative. 3 Units. B Positive. 2 Units. AB Positive. 2 Units Donor hours 3:X to 4 p m., Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday By appointment on Friday. 3 to 6 X p.m Please call Lane Memorial Blood Bank. 34S 0336. for additional information ATTENTION SENIORS! Time to Order WHITER TERM COMMENCEMENT Caps - Gowns Orders Taken Now at the Pen Counter ANNOUNCEMENTS Also Available Phone Ext. 1104 Main Floor of free speech. He asserted tnat both the University and the Foreign Student Office would uphold the foreign student’s right to free expression. Obot believes that foreign students should be aware of their rights but they should stay within their limitations. The constitutional guarantees of individual freedom and security are applicable to aliens as well as citizens. Aliens are entitled to confrontation and cross examination of witnesses. They are allowed to have counsel but the INS does not provide counsel to those financially unable to pay for it. Aliens have protection against unreasonable search and seizure and they have the right not to incriminate themselves. In cases involving failure to maintain non-immigrant status, the government lawyer must prove with substantial evidence that the student is working or not attending school Any student having difficulties should immediately contact the Foreign Student Office. [ Classifieds j Classified Deadline Place in 301 Allen, Emerald Office by 1:00 p.m one working day preceding publication Classified Rates 8c per word ft* first day, *c per word tor each consecutive insertion Ten word minimum charge All ads must be paid tor in advance (Emerald policy is not to give refunds upon cancellation. Adiustment wilt be considered only if the Emerald is notified within S days of error ) | For Sale G E PORTABLE STEREO FM-AM radio turntable, 1125 00 343 267? like new 10452:0? FIBERGLASS SKI BOOTS caber brand women's size 6’i medium Skied on twice, asking only S4C Contact Lee 343 6927 1045* 06 KNEISSL WHITE STAR—W 215 cm. marker toe. Tyrolia heel, bindings. SI00 or otter 343 10461 06 PLASTICS. Large selection ot plastic sheets, rods, tubes Plexiglass, acrylite. styrene, acetates mylar Many colors & patterns Accessories, cements, applicators, etc. MIDGLEYS MILLWORK B GLASS 4th B High.343 1131 5940:10 SKIS—HEAD 369s. 210 cm. excellent con dition, S100. see at 17(0 W 12thor call 344 4662 and leave message 12S91 ttn CRIB AND MATTRESS 110 00 Infant to 4 years Mattress needs some taping repair 747 1556 12712 ffn WE HAVE THE largest selection of African fabric in Oregon! African fabric 12 25 S3 00 yd. Java print 13.00 yd Malaysian batik 14 00 yd Small panels 12 50 13 75 each Java panels 16 00 H 00 each ANDREAS 1036 Willamette 663( 02 REMINGTON PORTABLE TYPEWRITER—good condition—phone evenings 6(7 8243 10129:0! GARRARD TURNTABLE 55B. very new condition, ask 154 50 Call 6(6 67(5 10200:02 BEGINNER'S FOLK GUITAR 110 or best offer 343 9921 after 3 p m 102(2:02 PIONEER STEREO TURNTABLES: brand new, PL 50. listed 1229.95 PL A35 listed SI 39 95 Make otter 666 6785. 6(6 67(4 10419:02 PIONEER SPEAKERS, brand new. CS 99A. 5 way 6 speaker system. 100 watts, IS" woofer, listed $229 95 each CS 77A. 3 way 3 speaker system. 65 watts. 12" woofer, listed Sl*9 95 each Make offer 606 6705, 606 6704 10410:02 FOR SALE Alto Sax, good condition. Half price, must sell, call 606 4435 Ask for Janie 10299 02 WILSON OOLF CLUBS. Excellent condition with bag $40 call Clark in room 310. 345 9651 10300 :ttn 205 HART SKIS plus bindings. $30 Water ski wetsuit jacket, $12. underwater camera & casing. $20 evenings, 3005 14th Ave E 10305 02 LESSON, TRANSPORTATION TICKETS. Jaycee ski school, begins February 11, tor five weeks Discount 995 6001, 343 2350 _ 10205 02 SKIS heads STDs 205 cm Tyrolia Bin dings Unmounted Good condition, $40, 747 6154 after 5p m 10201:02 SONY stereo tape decks, TC 440, new condition, listed $399 95. Make offer TC 350 good condition. $04 50 606 6705 12657:02 3600 FOOT TENSILIZED 0 5 Mil polyester recording tape Each reel used only 5 times m doctoral research project 609 0673 6 to 9 p m 10309:02 MCINTOSH C 20 PRE-AMP, 2100 power amp. as new. performance certified at last McIntosh clinic 606 4036. 344 5555 10311:05