Because malt is so important in brewing, we use the finest Western barley available in addition variety. The extra of this premium barley is worth it. since makes for a milder, more pleasant beer. Here, our barley is first cleaned, graded, washed and steeped, then allowed to germinate for a minimum of five days under a gentle stream of humid air in slowly revolving drums. Penetrating heat halts the sprouting process ami dries the grain. Rootlets are screened off. 1 The cleaned barley malt is stored until needed for grinding in the Brew House. Meanwhile, specially selected rice is crushed in separate nulls and weighed. Budweiscr is brewed with rice (including actual ia6/e-grade rice) even though many brewers use corn syrup instead because it is much cheaper. But cheaper is not for Budweiser. I The ground rice sad barley malt are vetted with clear, filtered water (absolutely ideal lor / quality brewing) and cooked. This mash is then - strained in huge tanks, producing a clear amber liquid called icort. The hopped wort is strained, pumped to cooling towers, and then to fermenting cellars. Yeast, made from our own special pure culture. is added and fermentation begins. 1b these patented Anheaaer Batch fermenters, the brewer! yeast changes sugars from malt and rice into alcohol and carbon dioude Many been would be ready (or artificial car bona tiem. filtering and bottling at tkts point, bat not Badwcstcr. Instead, it goes to kuge tanks in tke lager ccllan. Here, beeckwood strips are spread acrom tkc bottom of cack , l*ger tank, beer is pimped in. freskly yeasted wort is added, and tkc beer u allowed to carbonate itself nat orally as it ferments and ages, slowly and qoictly a second tunc. (Tku is tke exclmve Badweiser Beeckwood Apia* process, it takes more lime (actaally as mack as thru timts as long as tke process some beers aaef) and coats more money, bat tke strip* of beeckwood provide estra sarface for tke krewers' yeast to cling to— and kelp clarify tke keer aataiaily.) PThe final step: the beer u carefully filtered — creating the sparkling brilliance and clarity that have made Budwciacr famous throughout the industry. And the world. Hops are ike “seasoning" of fine beer. Only the choicest imported hops from the honored fields of Central Europe and the very best of domestic blossoms from the western United States are used in brewing Budweiser. (Absolutely no extract is used ?) The result is Bi»d**s rich, mild aroma and snappy, refreshing taste. Here, these choice hops are added to the wort, which is boiled in giant brew kettles until the wort has assumed just the right delicate hop flavor. All tkat a left to do now. . Legging, bottling end * canning operations and adding tbe familiar label that identifies tbe most popular brand of beer tbe world has ever known: Budwetser, King of Beers. I A*fccMer-B*Mfci*c • St, Lera Brewing beer right does make a difference! mmmmm imm