SELL US YOUR UNWANTED TEXTS We need the following listed used paperback books as compiled from book orders received for winter term. Any listed paperback will be purchased at one half of the current list price. Supplemental updated listings containing additional titles from late book orders will be posted at the CO-OP at later dates. Paperbacks not listed are of no value to the bookstore at this time. AUTHOR Ahea Albaum Alex Altenbernd Andrew Ansbacher Artz Aukerman Banfield Barnet Bateson Bay Beach Berg Borrego Buchsbaum Burns Carroll CCH Chomsky CNCA *_oieman Cornell Cranford Cronkite Crowley Dahrendorf Davies Davis Degler Diccken Donnelly Dreikurs Dreikurs Dreikurs Drury Dunnette Ebbighausen Eberhard Eccles Edel Edel Ellul Emery English Ernst Esthus Fargo Faulkner Feuerwerker Forrester Fraiberg Frank' Frazier Freire Galbraith Garskof Gass TITLE Textiles Handbook 4T Sci Marketing Res 71 Japanese Arch Intro Lit Plays 2D Requiem Democracy Individual Psy Alder From Renaissance-Rom App Beg Reading Unheavenly City 70 Types of Drama 72 Naven Structure of Freedom Mng Peopl at Wrk 71 Ed & Jobs: Great Traing Space Grid Structure Basic Ecology 57 Latin Amer Int Hst Devel of Civ V. 2 APB AC Principles 72 Aspects Theory Synta New Sci Skin Scub Dv Cinco Maestros 69 Soviet Pol System Copy Edit Wkbk 2nd 67 Persuasion: Speech 70 Mod East Asia: Essays Class & Class Conflc When Men Revolt-Why Inscape 71 Out of Our Past Geog of Oregon Fund Mngt: Sel Redgs 71 Adlerian Family Coun Children Challenge Psych in Classroom Gymnastics Women Personnel Sel Place Astronomy 2nd Hst of China Intro Transform Geom Readings Urban Econ Rdgs Urban Econ 72 Technological Soc Reading Mass Comm Man Space Environmnt Music in Gen Educ Roosevelt & Int Rev Behavior Mod Clssrm Go Down Moses China's Early Indust Prin of Systems 2nd Magic Year Quant' Mthds Mktng Afro-Am Hst: Primary Pedagogy Oppressed New Industrial State Roles Women Play 71 Understanding Earth AUTHOR Gates Gemignani George Gillmore Ginsburg Gold Goya Greenfield Greenwood Guerin Haiman Haney Hart Hemingway Hochberg Holt Hulteng Hunt Hughes Johnson Johnson Jones Jones Jones Jones Joyce Katchadourin Katz Keedy Kernan Klonoski Landes Langley Langness Lersten Levenson Levey Levin Lewis Lewis Liles Lindholm Lowi Lyons MacDonald Mack Macrorie Mager Mann Manning Marcuse Marlowe Maslow Masterton Mathias Matute Me Fee McNeil Merewitz TITLE Gde to Use Bks & Lib Finite Probability Hst Mgmt Thought 2D72 1971 Suppl Mass CM71 Piaget Theory Devel Ed Intellect GFTD Los Caprichos 69 Poem: Anthology 2D72 Mapping 1964 Hndbk Crit. App Lit Freedom Sppech: Issue Ed Media Teacher Southeastern USA Farewell to Arms Perception 64 Classicist to Impres Att Measure Mkt 71 Fourth Estate 71 Gde Tchng Brass Txt Reaching Out 72 Urban Geography 1st Classical Mind Vol. 1 Dimension 72 Finding Community Prob Issues Ed Child Ulysses Fund Human Sexual 72 Nerve Muscle Synapse Intro Alg: Mod App 71 Character & Conflict Politic Local Justic Unbound Prometheus Cuban Policy of U.S. Melanesia: Rdngs Physiology Phy Cond. Confucian China Rococo to Revolution Prose Models 2nd ED Roman Civ. V. 1 Repub. TV Director-Interp 72 Intro Trans Grammar Prop Taxation USA 67 End of Liberalism Photographers & Phot 66 Early Christa in Arch Mod Poetry V. 7 2nd 61 Telling Writing 70 Devel. Att. Twrd. Lrng Buddenbrooks Intro Animal Behavior One Dimensional Man Complete Plays of Toward Psy Being Mathematical Prep Ch First Indust Nation Doce Historias Artam Modern Blackfeet 72 Concept Human Devel Budget's New Clothes author Meyen Morgan Morgen Morisawa Moss Moulton Moursund Murray Nair Neugarter North Osborne Palmer Pappas Parker Perrin Pfieffer PH Phillips Polanyi Polsby Postan Pritchard Read Read Red ford Richardson Robinson Robinson Rogers Rose Rose Rudner Saalman Salmonson Salter Schein Schmuck Scott Sjoberg Snow Stevens Stevick Streng Stuart Tan Thomas Thompson Tsun-Tsu Chu Washburn Wasson Weinberger Wilson Wiman Winchester Winslow Wolfflin Ziegler TITLE Strat. Tchng. Excep Ch Church and State 67 Am Road to Empire Streams: Dynamics Black Man In America Sound Eng & Ger 62 US People 71 Motivation Emotion Blossoms in Dust Middle Age and Aging Econ Public Issues E Cen Eur Intro Geog Hst MD Wld to 1815 Concept Art Ed Future Work Leisure Index to English Emergence Man 2nd Int Rev Code 6-1-72 Origin of Intellect Personal Knowledge Congress & Presidency Econ Hst W. Europe 67 Ancient Near East Concise Hst Mod Pant High Valley Dem Admin State 69 Clarissa Buddhist Religion Monsoon Asia 66 Freedom to Learn 69 Gods & Heros Greeks Seeing Ourselves 72 Philosophy Soc Sci Medieval Arch. Bas Fin Acc Theory Cultural Landscape 71 Organizational Psy Group Process Class Confrontations Death Preindustrial City Red Star Over China Selected Poems Anti-Story: Anthology Understandg Rel Man WatFor Watfiv Fortrn Boxer Catastrophe Mans Role Chng E. Pt 1 Chinese Religion 69 Local Govt in China Govern and Rebel 57 Subject & Structure Perspect Soc Welt 69 Struct Essence Arch Instruct Materials Sound of Your Voice Crime in Free Societ Principles Art Hst Bus. Pol & Dec. Makng Hardcover texts will also be purchased on the basis of future need at one half of current list price, or as listed in the “Used” book dealers catalogs at a lesser price. January 2, 1973 is the last day we will make purchases for winter term use. Bring your unwanted texts to the buy-back counter in the second floor lobby area of the CO-OP before the deadline date.