Full text of new student records policy Do you know or even realize all the records kept about you by the University? And, do you know the regulations concerning the release of, and access to, such records? Well, you may be surprised to know that the University now has a lengthy written-out policy concerning student records. The policy was given approval by the University administration during the summer after more than 21 months in the making. That 21 months included many long committee meetings, several student hearings and input concerning the policy from many, many sources. The policy is designed both to protect students from unauthorized release of records, and to allow students fair access to records kept about them. Robert Bowlin, Dean of Student Personnel Services, who spent much time in drafting the policy, says it is “light years ahead” of policies at other schools in the nation. The full text of the policy is printed below. Student Records Policy After a careful review of the deliberations and proposals of advisory bodies, l hereby make the following fin dings: 1. The public interest in maintaining the individual's right to privacy and in main taining an educational environment will suffer by improper disclosure of certain categories of University records; 2. The records designated and defined as "personal records" in the attached records policy should be maintained as "con fidential" records in order to protect the public interest, and 3. Access to personal records shall be limited by the conditions specified in the attached records policy. Robert Clark, University President STATEMENT OF PHILOSOPHY Hiqher education is concerned with the full development of the student and his potentialities. It is realized that individuals differ in ability, background, interests, social maturity, emotional maturity and goals. To plan educational opportunities to meet the needs of individual students and to counsel effectively with them, the University must accumulate data and keep records The personal records enable the faculty and administrators of the University to un derstand the individual student better so that he may have more effective education and counseling assistance. Thus, it is recognized that from the time a student enters the University and submits the required personal data for academic and personal records, there is an implicit and lustif table assumption of good faith placed in the University as custodian of these data The University maintains a similar posture relative to subsequent data generated during the student's enrollment Preserving the confidential nature of student records protects the individual's rights to privacy and enhances the effectiveness of the University's educational and counseling processes Accordingly, the University in tends to exercise care and concern in ob taininq. recording, maintaining and disseminating information about students w.th duplication of records kept to a minimum I. REGULATIONS A Type and Content of Student Records I Definitions (from OSSHE Board rules) a "Personal records" are those records containing information kept by the University, division or department con cerninq a student and furnished by him or by others about him at his or at the Univer sity's. division's or department's request, 'hcludinq, but not limited to, record of grades attained, information concerning discipline, counseling, membership activity. « mployment performance or other ochaviorai records of individual persons b Records of academic achievement" arc those records of credits earned toward a ueoree and or deqreefs) received ? Only such records as are demon trabiy and substantially relevant to me QfV* afKj related purposes of thf University, division or department shall oe exonerated or maintained 3. No student shall be required to give— although he may voluntarily provide— information as to his race, religion, political affiliation or preferences, or personal values, except as required by state statute, federal law or valid federal rules, regulations or orders. 4 No photograph of a student may be retained unless the student so consents. Photographs duly submitted as evidence of a student's infraction of rules and regulations are available only to those persons authorized by the Student Conduct Com mittee. and may be retained only pursuant to the rules of the Conduct Code. B. Location and Custody of Student Records 1. Student records shall be kept in locations central to the division or depart ment by which they are maintained. 2. All records containing personal in formation about students shall be kept in secured files. 3. The head of each academic or ad ministrative unit shall be responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of all student records within that unit. C. Release of and Access to Student Records 1. Certain appropriate information about the student may be released without the student's consent. Such unrestricted disclosure is limited to the following in formation: a Directory information (that is. in formation generally needed in identifying or locating a named student): The student's full name, campus address and telephone number, home address, parent's name and address, place and date of birth, dates of attendance at the University, class and academic major. b. Objective evidence of the student's academic achievement: Number of credits earned and degree(s) earned. 2. All other information contained in student records is hereby designated as personal and confidential and may not be released to any person or agency without the student's written consent. Exceptions to this policy are limited to the following: a. Student records, except psychological and medical, are available to University personnel who have a demonstrably legitimate need to review them in order to fulfill their official, professional respon sibilities with regard to the student. b. Upon receipt of a subpoena or other court order or process seeking access to student records, the recipient unit head, if legally permissible, must take reasonable efforts to notify the student and must notify the President or his designated represen tative prior to any institutional responses. The latter will determine whether or not appropriate University personnel should appear in court to test the validity of the subpoena or court order or process c. me universny presiaem or ms designated representative may release personal information contained in student records only when he determines that there is a clear and present danger to the safety of the student or others and-or property and that disclosure of relevant personal in formation about the student is essential in order to avoid or substantially minimize the danger. No such disclosure shall violate any evidentiary or testimonial privilege ac corded by law. d Information about students may be released for research purposes, provided that the identity of the students is adequately concealed If the confidentiality of the records appears to be jeopardized in any way by the release of information for research purposes, the researcher must obtain and provide the written consent of the students prior to the University releasing such data Review of the legitimacy of research projects involving human subjects must be established by the appropriate of ficiais or bodies. D Permanence, Duplication and Disposal of Student Records 1 Permanent retention of student records is limited to those records which are of long range value to the individual and or to the University: Permanent academic folder; school or department graduate admissions folder; applications for assistantships and scholarships (if applicant receives and utilizes the award}; honors and awards received by the student; Registrar's permanent record and related documents; student teaching records, practicum records. Student Health Center records, Career Planning and Placement Service registration file; student employee payroll records, and Financial Aid legal documents. ?. All duplicate copies of permanent records, other than those maintained by the University Registrar, and all non permanent student records shall be maintained only for the minimum period of time required to serve the basic, official functions of the division or department which generates or maintains them Such records are to be destroyed as soon as they are no longer i'ceded and may not be retained for more than seven years after a student departs from the University. E Student Access to and correction ot His Records I The student has the right to review w,th appropriate University personnel any information contained in his students records described in Part It of these regulations and m any other tile containing information referring to him by name, with the following exceptions a Psychiatric and psychological reports b Letters ol recommendations or evaluations that have been submitted under specified conditions of confidentiality (i.e. Where the writer has been assured or has requested that his evaluation not De shown to me reteree) I) if the student wishes a letter of recommendation or an evaluation to be available for his review, he is advised to indicate such a request to the writer I) it the writer agrees to abide by the student's request, he should so note upon the letter or report. such letters and evaluations wii be shown to the student upon his request 3) No tile, from which information may bo made available to persons outside of the University community, shall contain un solicited evaluations of the student if. upon me request by the student, the evaluator • etusos to allow the University to release to the student tus evaluation or his identity 7 Where the student believes in formation in his file is inaccurate or im complete, he may submit a statement for •ncius»on in his file to the appropriate University official. The student's statement shall be entered in his file together with any evaluation of the merits of the student's statement the official may believe is necessary These actions must be com municated in writing to the student within thirty days. II. DESCRIPTION OF STUOENT RECORDS A. Records Created and-or Maintained by Service and Administrative Units 1. Registrar's Permanent Record a This record is compiled and per manently maintained in the Registrar's Office. It contains a complete history of academic enrollment evaluation, progress and related official action, it shall also contain the academic achievement record. b. Students may arrange to have official copies of this record sent to whomever they choose Requests may be made to the Registrar s Office with payment in advance under State Board of Higher Education policy c. Academic probation and disqualification, and disciplinary expulsion actions are recorded on the permanent record in the case of disciplinary suspen sion all transcripts issued during the period of suspension shall carry a temporary notation of the fact of suspension and the date of the action. When a suspension is lifted, subsequent transcripts will bear no record of the suspension. Permission to re enroll after the suspension has been lifted is recognition that the student has met the terms of the suspension 2. Permanent Academic Folder a This folder contains the formal ap plication form for admission and all sup porting documents required in evaluation of admission it also contains official sup porting action taken by faculty members and faculty committees which are related to entries recorded on the permanent academic record b The folder is maintained in the Office of Admissions until the student reg ^ters for classes. Thereafter, it is permanently maintained in the Office of the Registrar. 3. Disciplinary Record a. Disciplinary records are records of charges made and the evidence and proceedings related to the charges with respect to a named student and involving infractions, for which sanctions may be imposed, of University or OSSHE Board rules. Disciplinary records are maintained exclusively by the Coordinator of the Student Conduct Program b. By provision of the Student Conduct Code, the disciplinary records are destroyed upon graduation of the student or five years after a non graduate leaves the University. Exceptions to this retention policy are limited to the following: 1) The Coordinator of Student Conduct will retain, for a period of three years, the student court record upon which a decision was made to expel or suspend. 2) Disciplinary records relevant to alleged criminal activities on the campus will be retained beyond the normal retention period only if formal charges have been brought by civil authorities. If it is necessary to retain such records beyond the normal retention period, they shall not be retained beyond completion of the legal proceedings in question 4. Office of Student Services Records a A data card is maintained in the Office of Student Services for each student enrolled in the University. Information printed on the data card is provided by the student through admissions application and registration Data are primarily, though not exclusively, of a public or directory nature and serve to assist in the provision of services to students. Data cards are provided during each term of enrollment and are retained for ap proximately one year b A consultation folder is initiated with or for a student at the time of his first contact with the Office of Student Services. The folder contains notations pertinent to the professional staff's working relationship with the student. The folders are destroyed five years after the student departs from the University, 5 Foreign Student office Records a. An advising folder is opened tor each foreign student upon initial registration at the University Usually this folder contains copies of all pertinent immigration and Naturalization Service forms, correspon dence relating to admission, correspondence relating to those governmental and in tornationai agencies concerned with the student and all correspondence and documents relating to the financial plans which the student had made in order to at tend the University Records of con sulfations are also kept in these folders. u if inactive tor five years after the departure of the student from the Univer sity. the folder is destroyed 4. Organisation Membership Records a For purposes of communication with the University, student organizations are required to provide the Director of the Erb Memorial Union with the name of the officer to whom communications are to be directed When a new officer is elected, the name of the former officer will be discarded t> No records of membership in student organizations, except membership lists of honorar.es, and fists of officers required for official purposes of the ASUO and the Student Administrative Board, shall be maintained 7. Career Planning and Placement Service Registration Fila a The Career Planning and Placement Service registration file contains forms submitted by the student and letters of recommendation written by persons the student lists as references b information contained in this file is released subiect to conditions stipulated by the applicant at the time of registration c The Career Planning and Placement Service registration file «s retained per manentfy • University Counseling Center Records a The University Counseling Center operates m a manner which is consistent with statutory requirements on the privileged nature of communication between counseior ano c i«en» as prescribed by the act cstabhsh nq the procedure for certificafion o# psychologists by the State of Oregon b A client of the University Counseling Center «s assured that his transactions with the staff are privileged and confidential All data 'oo recordings, written reports, and tests ‘ reqardmg me client will be retained in ♦he Counsei-nq Center Release of any m formation from these files is subject to approval of both the counselor and the client, including information regarding whether or not the student is or has been a client. A copy of any report to a third party will be provided the client upon the client's request. c The contents of counseling folders are destroyed five years after the last con sultation 9. Office of Financial Aid Records a The student's financial aid record hCQins with his filing of an application for financial aid Supplemental information includes a financial analysis report from the student and his family, a record of assistance awarded, and any subsequent application filed by the student b The use of information contained in the financial aid record is limited to the Office of Financial Aid and the Business Office Upon written request of the student, information may be referred or released to another agency or institution c The record is maintained by the Office of Financial Aid during the student's enrollment in the University of Oregon and for one year after. Records are retained by the University Archivist tor a period of five years after the student leaves the Univer Sity d The Financial Aid legal documents are maintained by the Business Office until all financial payments are completed, to. Student Health Center Records a Medical records are privileged and confidential Information based on these records may be released only at the request of the patient Those diseases, conditions or injuries which a physician i- required by law to report would constitute exception to this policy b A copy of the entrance physical examination and a summary of pertinent information contained in an individual's medical record may be released upon request of the student patient 11. Payroll Records a A record is maintained by the Business Office of all payments made to students employed by the University. b The student employee's payroll record is retained by the Business Office until four years after the student departs from the University and is then transferred to the University Archives for permanent retention 12. Student Employee Evaluation Records a These records contain evaluations of the iob performanceof the student employed by a school or department b Employee evaluation records are retained in the central files of the employing school or department for no more than seven years after the student departs from the University and are then destroyed 13. University Housing Office Records a Housing Applications: Applications submitted by students who wish to reside in dormitories or married student housing are retained by the Housing Office for five years after the student departs from the Univer sity and are then destroyed b Resident Assistant Applications Applications and supporting documents submitted by students who wish to be em ployed as Resident Assistants in the dor mitories are retained by the Housing Office for one year after the student applies (If he is not selected) or for one year after the resident assistant's employment is ter minated. B Records Created and or Maintained by Instructional Units 1. School or Department Graduate Admissions Polder a The school or department graduate admiss ons folder contains the formal ap plication and all supporting documents submitted by the qraduate student for ad mission to his major department b This folder is maintained in the central office of the graduate student's school or major department for no more than seven years after the student departs irom the university and is then transferred to the university Archives tor permanent retention 1. Applications for School-Departmental Assistantships. Scholarships or Other Awards a This record contains the student's application tor a school departmental assistantship. scholarship or other award and all supporting documents submitted by b It the applicant receives the assistantship. scholarship or other award, the record is retained in the central office of the school or department tor no more than seven years alter the student departs Irom the University and is then transferred to the University Archives tor permanent reten lion 3. Academic Advising Felder a The academic advising folder usually contains a copy of the student's course program, a copy of his permanent academic record, grade slips, admissions statement, and consultation notes pertinent to the academic advisor's working relationship with the student l> Academic advising folders are maintained in the central office of the student's school or major department until the student graduates or for seven years after the departure of a non graduate Irom ihe University and are then destroyed 4. Student Employee Evaluation Records a These records contain evaluations of the iob performance of the student employed by a school or department. b Employee evaluation records are retained in the central files of the employing sc hool or department for no more than seven years alter the student departs from the University and arc then destroyed i. Student Teaching Records a The student teacher's lolder contains Ins application, a copy of his permanent academic record and written evaluations of ins student leaching performance submitted by his supervisors. b. The student teaching record is retained permanently by Ihe College of Education a The class list contains the names of all students enrolled in each class. b Class lists are retained by the in dividual faculty member or by the school or department 7. Final Grade Report (class grade lists) a The final grade report is a record of the grades received by all students enrolled m a course b Final grade reports are retained by the school or department The University Registrar retains one copy of each final grade report permanently 8. Grade Books and Attendance Records a The grade book contains the faculty member s notations of students' progress in his class and may contain records of the students’ attendance b. Grade books and attendance records are retained by the individual faculty member or the department or school tor at least seven years after the class was taught 9 Students' Examinations and Class Papers a Examinations, reports and other class papers may be retained by the faculty member only if he either I) Communicates to the student his intention to retain such papers at the time of assigning them, or 7) Obtains the consent of the student to retain such apapers l) All other examinations, reports and c lass papers must be returned to the student m suc h a way as to protect the student's right to contidentiality THE BOOK FAIR USED BOOKS TEXTS HUS RECORDS 45 W. 7th Closed Sunday & Monday HOUSE OF RECORDS 14th&oak NEW $5.98 LIST FOR $3.25ORlESS BIA^ELITTRADE