SELL US YOUR UNWANTEO TEXTS i We need the following listed used paperback books as compiled from book orders received for fall term. Any listed paperback will be purchased at one half of the current list price. Supplimental updated listings containing additional titles from late book orders will be posted at the CO-OP at later dates. Paperbacks not listed are of no value to the bookstore at this time. AUTHOR Israel A.H.E.A. Aacker Abraham Agnew Allen Allen Anderson Andreano Bailey Barzun Beach Beaver Bentley Birch Blake Bonazza Brasseaux Brinton Bross Bullock Cesaire Chang Cherniavsky Chipps Clark Clark uougn Combs Danziger De Bary (Ed) De Grazia Defranees Defrances Defrances Degler Drago Drury Eastman Ebbighausen Engle Fraiberg Frank Funk Gass Gellhorn Goethe Goodman Gordon Goya Grebler Green Greentield Gunther Hattmann Hattmann Hanna Heilbronner Hemingway Hibbett Higgins Hinton Hirschtield Hollister Holmes Homer Homer Hopkins Hulteng Irvine Jones Jones Jones Jones Joyce Kagan Keene TITLE Crim Proc in Nutsh 71 Textile Handbook 4th Consumerism 71 Freedom & Courts 2D72 Science Game Elem Mth Price Greek Phil Thales Ar Intro Quantum Chem Econ Impact Am Civil Essay Rhetoric 65 Mod Researcher 70 Managing People Work St Gd Stat Mngmt & Ec Classic Theatre V2 Anth Chinese Lit Antitst Cases, Supp 69 Studies in Fiction Auditors Report Hst Civ to 1300 71 Design for Decis 53 Hitler Stdy in Tyran Seasons in Congo Settlement Arch 68 Soc Text W Civ VI 72 Theories in Mod Art About Language /u Stone age Hunters Hst Wstrn Wrld, Anc M Helpgn Rel: Basic Con Intro Lit Criticism Source Japan Tr 1 64 Of Time Work & Les 64 Beginning Chinese Begin Chinese Part 1 Character Begin Chi Out of Our Past Exper Gen Chem 3rd Ed Gymnastics for Women The Norton Rdr Shrev Astronomy 2nd Ed Des Soc Ed Open Cl 72 Magic Years Persuasion & & Healing Lang Arts Elem Sch 72 Understanding Earth Adm Law Prob Supp Faust (Kaufman Ed) Culture Childhood Teach W TV Gd Ins 2D Los Caprichos 69 Future Thrift Ins 71 Litigation Pro Tort Poem Anthology 2nd 72 Cases & Mat Con Supp 72 Painting 20th Cen VI Painting 20th Vol 11 Quantum Mech in Chem Worldly Philosophers Farewell to Arms Mod Japanese V 1 & 2 Mmoan 8. Mycenaen Ar Fanshen 66 Power Presidency Making of England VI Middle Ages 1272 The Iliad, Trs Latti The Iliad, Trs Lattim Hindu Relig Tradition Fourth Estate Writing About Mus 2N Dimensions 71 Dimensions Health 72 Dimensions Health 72 Medieval Mind V2 2D69 The Portable Prob Ancient Hst VI Anthology Japan Lit PUBLISHER West A H. Econ. A MacMillan Oxford Prentice Wadsworth MacMillan Benjamin Gen. Learn Oxford Harcourt MacMillan Wadsworth Doubleday Grove Foundation Harper Southwest. Prentice MacMillan Harper Grove Nat. Pres Xerox U. Calif. Scribners McGraw Heath Allyn 8. Bac Heath Columbia Doubleday Far East Far East Far East Harper Allyn & Bac Nat. Press Norton Merrill Harper Scribners Schocken Lippincott Mit Foundation Doubleday Teac. Coll. Hastings Dover Interstate Bbs Mer Lw Appleton Foundation Praeger Praeger Benjamin Himbers Scribners Harvard Praeger Random H Aldn Athtn Heath Norton U Chicago U Chicago Wadsworth Harper U Washing Harper Harper Harper Harcourt Viking MacMillan Grove Kemeney Kleinbauer Koenig Lafore Langacker Lange Lawrence Lewis Liles Litterer Livy Lloyd Lowry Matute McHarg McWilliams Meinig Mikesell Millon Miskimin Morgan N.Y.P.L. Nash Neustadt Oberteuffer Odum Oxford Regio Pappas Parker Paul Pevsner Ph Pierce Pound Pritchard Putney Quaal Rapaccini Rapaccini Rapoport Rapoport Rasmussen Richardson Riesenfeld Roberts Robertson Robinson Rose Rowan Rowan Russell Russell Hunt Russell Hunt Sachs Schaafsma Schatt Schmuck Sci. Am. Rep. Scott Scott Sierra Steinhaner Sutermeister Taafe Teng Tuck Tucker Turnbull Uniform Code Venetoulis Wang Watson Wells Wheelock White Wilkie Williams Zenovsky Zimmer Basic Programng 2nd 71 Mod Prspt Wst Hst 71 Chief Executive Long Fuse Language & Struct 68 Gt German St Novels Women in Love Marx & Engles Bs Wrt In Trans Grammer 71 Organiz VI 2nd 69 Book I Art Ancien Near East Renaissance Arch Doce Hist De Artamil Design With Nature North From Mexico 68 Three Peop in Geo Ch Financing World Td 69 Baroque & Rococo Arc Econ Early Ren Eur 67 Layman's Intro N T 68 Bks Teenage Reader Recreation Pertinent Presidential Power Physical Educ 4th 70 Ecology Nal Economic Atlas 67 Concepts Art Ed 70 Futur Wrk & Leisur 71 Insight V Desensit 66 Outline Europ Arch Int Rev Code Jan 1, 72 Abacus to Zeus Confucian Odes Anth Ancient Near East Conquest of Socity 72 Broadcast Managemant Parlo Italiano 71 Parlo Italiano 71 House Form & Culture 2 Person Game Theory Towns and Buildings Clarissa B 69 Cases & Stat Sup 72 Leisure 70 Greek and Roman Arch Budist Religion 70 Gods Heroes of Greek Rdngs Labor Econ Lab Rdngs Labor Econ Lab Between Testaments 65 Bio Higher Invert Bio Lower Vertebrate Wrld Hst of Dance Volleyball Coaches T Marx & Human Individ Group Process Class Cities Persp Agng, l:Res Foe Persp Agng, l:Res Foe Pol it Evol Mex Peopl 10 German Novellas People & Produc 2nd 69 Geography 70 An Annoted Biblo 3 Health 69 Marxian Revol Idea The Forest People 68 1962 Official Text Up Against Urban Wal Chinese Dialogues Molecular Bio Gen 2nd Mass Media & Soc. 72 Latin Intro. Course Zone System Manual Revolution in Mexico Borned Childhood Med Russ Epics 63 Myth & Symb Ind Art Wiley Holt Harcourt Lippincott Harcourt Random H. Himbers Doubleday Prentice Wiley St. Martins Praeger Braziller Harcourt Doubleday Grnwood Pr Oxford Crowell Braziller Prentice Judson Ny. Pub. Lb. Brown Wiley Harper Holt Oxford MacMillan Praeger Stanford Penguin Prentice Prentice Lippincott Princeton Wadsworth Hastings Prentice U. Michigan Mit Houghton West Humanities Columbia Wadsworth World Irwin Irwin Fortress MacMillan MacMillan Norton Brown McGraw Brown Random H. Dee Dee U. Texas Doubleday McGraw Prentice Harvard Harper Norton Himbers West Prentice Far East Benjamin Nat. Press Harper Morgan Random H. Holt Dutton Harper Hardcover texts will also be purchased on the basis of future needs at one half of current list price, or as listed in the "Used" book dealers catalogs at a lesser price. September 20, 1972 is the last day we will make purchases for fall term use. Bring your unwanted texts to the buy-back counter in the second floor lobby area of the CO-OP before the deadline date.