Classifieds 1 AM advertising published in the classified section of the Emerald is governed by the Standards of Ethics established by the Emerald The intent subscribed to by the Emerald is to keep advertising clear and accurate with no intention to confuse or mislead. Classified Deadline: Place in 301 Allen, Emerald Office by 12:00 p.m. one working day preceding publication. Classified Rates : 8c per word the first day, 6c per word for each consecutive insertion. Ten word minimum charge. All ads must be paid for in advance. ' Emerald policy is not to give refunds upon cancellation.) Adjustment will be con sidered only if the Emerald is notified within 5 days of error. -> For Sale SUN SHOP Oregon's Largest selection of guitars. 860 E. 13th 4080 SLEEPING BAG SALE All top line overlapping tube semi mummy goose down bags on sale. Some factory rejects. Mountain systems. Inc., 1712 Willamette 686 8389 4563.22 SINGLE MATCHING MATTRESS box springs S89.95 value, used five months. $35 343 2942. 5495:22 NICE PORTABLE TV'S for sale, $15—$20— S25- $30 344 7882 4600:29 C Bicycles PRIMO QUALITY 10 SPEEDS Light weight lagged frame contour deraileuirs $89.95, this nths special suntour rear deraileuirs 100 10 speed specialists two blocks from Tampus across from McKays. 344-2727. Allied Bike 1995 Franklin 4529:23 TEN SPEED WOMEN'S Schwinn Super Sport Condition like new $100 or best offer 343 9186 4590:20 c For Rent BIG BEAUTIFUL, CARPET E% one bedroom furnished apartment Nea- 17th & Hilyard. Summer rate $95.00 . 343 4992 4610:22 WINCHESTER APARTMENTS New One bedroom nicely furnished less than 2 blocks from campus. Summer rates $99 00 Reserve tor fall 343 1470or 345 0442. 4594:26 [ Wanted Roommate GIRL TO SHARE apartment with two other Qirls 343 2273or 343 3697 . 4588:22 GUY 24 seeks same for roommate! Must have no hang ups about individual's sexuality Will share 2 bedroom. Call 686 01414609 22 TWO PERSONS TO live with five others in larqe house 2679 University St. Evenings 4602:22 MALE GRAD STUDENT to share 2 bedroom apartment or house for academic $ear Studious, nonsmoker preferred. 343 6573 4605:22 ROOMMATES? 2 ADJACENT single rooms, for immediate occupancey. Call 343 9965 4606:22 C Services CAMERAS REPAIRED! Free pick up and delivery GOLD'S Photographic Repair. 686 2044 4073 PLAY FLUTE THIS summer Private lessons, music theory. U of O student. Nancy 345 4744 4559:19 J Personal - BULLETS OR BALLOTS Edward G Robinson Joan Blondell, Humphrey Bogart Dir William Keighley. 177 Lawrence 8 & 9 30 August 3rd $1 00 Students for Gwyther for City Council Wart II 4582 22 Film Society Presents FELLINI'S MASTERPIECE! 8^ j4?' MARCELLO MASTROIANNI, CLAUDIA CARDINALE, ANOUK AIMEE Best Foreign Film of 1963 Thursday. August 3. 7 00 & 9 30 150 Science $1 00 4596 22 MACHINE GUN ALLEY TAVERN now open 24 hours everyday 11 pool tables, shuffle board, rinky dink piano, fine sand wiches 730 Willamette 4598:tfn ( Briefs MEETINGS Gay People's Alliance will meet at 8 p.m. tonight in the EMU. The room will be posted There will be a meeting of all women in terested in women's studies at 1 p.m. Wednesday in room 72 PLC We will hear a committee report on the plans for an in troductory women's studies course. MISC. Candidates who wish to take any of the CLEP Examinations, either the General Examinations (which can fulfill nine hours of group requirement in the areas of Social Science, Science, or Arts and Letters) or the Subject Examinations, should make ap plication now Application forms and or information can be obtained from Evelyn Rowe, CLEP examiner, in the University Counseling Center, 150 Susan Campbell Hall Want to stop smoking? The psychology clinic is offering an experimental program to help break the cigarette habit. The cost is five individual sessions for $2. For more information call 686 4954 from 8 a m. to 5 p.m weekdays. 8p m John Niehardt A conversation with Nebraska poet laureate John Nienardt who has spent a lifetime studying the culture of the Plains Indians 9 30 p m Portrait of Helen Hayes A commemoration of Helen Hayes 65 year career on the American stage The program includes reenactments of some of her most famous roles and conversations filmed with the actress and her contempories at her Nyack home KWAX 8 07 p m Maurice Ravel L'Heure Espagnole Soloists and Orchestre National, conducted by Lorin Maazel 8 52 p m Contemporary Swedish Music, No I V 22 p m Johan Sebastian Bach The Saint John Passion Choir of the St Hedwig's Cathedral, and the Berlin Symphony Or chestra, conducted by Karl Forster tl 26 pm Bed Time Story "The Ad ventures of Leo "No 11 BLOOD BANK LANE MEMORIAL BLOOD BANK Blood donors needed Tuesday, August 1. A Positive, 4 Units. A Negative. 1 Unit, O Positive, 8 Units. O Negative, 2 Units, B Positive. 1 Unit AB Positive, 0 Units Donor hours are 1 30 to 4 00 pm , Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday By appointment on Friday, 3 00 to 6 30 p m Please call Lane Memorial Blood Bank, 345 0336. for additional information TYPING 30c a page 343 7509 4355 :m ELEPHANT STREET MOVING & HAULING Labor? Truck? We're reasonable 12 5 343 7434 4593:22 HOUSE BOY TO begin fall term Meals tree Call 343 9718. 4587:22 PART TIME BAR MAI DS, BARTENDERS Machine Gun Alley 730 Willamette Open 24 hours 4599. tfn OR I NEED SUBJECTS for exper.ment Thursday night Pay is S2.00 for 1 hour. Must be available 7 00 & 8 30. Call 343 1674 4601 22 SUBJECTS NEEDED FOR psychology experiment, $1 50 tor one hour 686 4965, 747 6099 (evenings) 4546 21 Wanted $20 00 FOR FAMILY'S participation in home observation studies, 6 evenings Both parents in home. Study I families with behavior problem boys, 4 7, for whom psychological treatment considered Study II boys. 4 7, without behavior problems Confidentiality promised Call Laura, Child Study Center 686 4954days 4580 22 NEEDED HOUSE 3 5 bedrooms, we have preferences but call on anything 344 8278 4589 20 Rides-Riders RIDE WANTED OR hitchhiking partner to East coast after August 25 Will share gas and driving with driver Warren 344 8410 4607 21 (Used Furniture REASONABLE PRICES Beds, mattresses, springs, frames, dressers, couches, chairs, dinettes, appliances, desks, bookcases, chests, wardrobes, tables, etc. UNFINISHED FURNITURE Will buy good used furniture PETE'S USED FUR NITURE. 1936 Main, Springfield, 747 6321 4069 |car^ Cycles GAL AX IE '63, POWER steering and brakes, good condition, $295 Call 686 9668 4583:20 1966 VW BUS 10,000 miles on rebuilt engine, camping equipped good running condition 344 1166 4585:20 '63 PONTIAC CATALINA, excellent engine and body. 4 speed on floor $400 or trade for small car Leila 345 4704 anytime 4586 22 1968 VW FASTBACK Moving must sell .1050 2700 Capitol Drive. 343 2942. 4597 :22 PERRY'S FOREIGN CAR SERVICE COMPLETE VOLKSWAGEN Repair and Service Enqine overhaul, tune up, ad lustments, replacements 720 Taylor. 342 4642 3259 :tfn ENGEL’S AUTO REPAIR Domestic & Foreign All repairs, tune up & services Welding, painting Complete i quipment Student run 686 2931 after 3 00. 1035 W 19th 2689 CHUCK’S AUTO REPAIR vw specialist complete maintenance repair service 1936 W 8»h Ave 345 7785 4182 Pets l FREE KITTENS, CALL Chr.s 344 5651 between 10 00 a m and 6 00 p m 4576 22 Personal LIVE JAZZ S*an Fpe 344 7778 o» 344 *>225 4422 DOWNSTAIRS APARTMENT $75 all * cs-nciudeo Furnished Call Chris 344 1 * i w.trn 10 00a m and 6pm 3477 tfn casting: ' 2nd Adult Feature Film EXCELLENT PAY Acting Experience Is Helpful. Over 18 years. Fo. In terview. Please Call Bob Gilbert 686 8412. ) ) 3 3 ) 3 3 Double jeopardy raised as ‘Papers’1 case issue WASHINGTON (AP^—The government told the Supreme Court Monday it could lose its right to prosecute Daniel Ellsberg and An thony Russo for theft of the Pentagon Papers unless the trial is resumed right away. The government raised the double jeopardy issue in asking the court to reverse Justice William 0. Douglas, who has halted the trial possibly for months. Solicitor general Erwin N. Griswold and Daniel M. Friedman, his deputy, said the stay issued Friday by Douglas in a wiretap dispute was unprecedented, an impermissible interference with criminal proceedings and possibly disastrous. The Justice Department lawyers argued that if the jurors were discharged by U S. District Court Judge Matt W. Byrne Jr. while the wiretap question was debated, the government could lose its right to try Ellsberg and Russo on charges of espionage, theft and conspiracy. Chief Justice Warren Burger gave attorneys for Ellsberg and Russo until noon EDT Wednesday to respond to the government’s petition. In Los Angeles, defense attorneys said they had no comment on the double jeopardy issue. They said they had sent a telegram to the U.S. Supreme Court clerk urging Justice William H. Rehnquist to disqualify himself in the case. The defense asserted that Rehnquist "could well have been assistant attorney general at the time the attorney general authorized the wiretapping at issue” and also "may have been involved on the government side" in litigation between the New York Times and the Justice Department over the publication of the Pentagon Papers A new trial, the Defense Department lawyers said, could mean under recent Supreme Court decision, that the defendants were un constitutionally being put twice in jeopardy for one offense. Eagleton press conference text WASHINGTON (AP) — Here is the text of statements read Monday night by Sens. George McGovern and Thomas F. Eagleton: McGovern: Ladies and gentlemen, Sen. Eagleton and I will each open with a brief prepared statement and then we will be happy to respond to any questions that you may have. Sen. Eagleton and I have met this evening to discuss his vice presidential candidacy. I have consistently supported Sen. Eagleton. He is a talented, able, United States senator whose ability will make him a prominent figure in American politics for many, many years to come. I am fully satisfied that his health is excellent. I base that con clusion on my conversations with his doctors and my close and political association with him. In the joint decision that we have reached tonight, health was not a factor. But the public debate over Sen. Eagleton’s past medical history continues to divert attention from the great national issues that need to be discussed. I have referred to the growing pressures to ask for Sen. Eagleton’s withdrawal. We also have seen growing vocal support for his can didacy. Sen Eagleton and I agree that the paramount need of the Democratic party and the nation in 1972 are unity and a full discussion of the real issues before the country. Continued debate between those who oppose his candidacy and those who favor it will serve to further divide the party and the nation. Therefore, we have jointly agreed that the best course is for Sen. Eagleton to step aside. I wish nothing but the best for Sen. Eagleton and his family. He is and will remain my good friend. Furthermore he has generously agreed to campaign for the Democratic ticket this fall. 1 can assure you that I welcome his strong help in this important campaign Eagleton: As Sen. McGovern has stated, he and I are jointly in agreement that 1 should withdraw as the Democratic candidate for vice president Needless to say, this was not an easy decision for Sen McGovern or me. Literally thousands and thousands of people have phoned, telegrammed or written to me and Sen McGovern urging me to press on. I will not divide the Democratic party, which already has too many divisions. Therefore, I am writing to the chairman of the Democratic party withdrawing my candidacy. My personal feelings are secondary to the necessity to unify the Democratic party and elect George McGovern president of the United States. My conscience is clear. My spirits are high This is definitely not my last press conference and Tom Eagleton is going to be around for a long, long time. I’m for George McGovern and I’m going to continue working to see him elected president of the United States ea+" a¥ -the eqctsnakhun 5or4.wiAt4, 5oi»4< , Jvitfi, cream, 4k«fc«5 ta^te i$ the wHima*et«st' «T5 «. 15